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Everything posted by mu.

  1. Well, I didn't have much trouble with the Russian base. The only Alien that actually managed to damage me is the guy who's standing right behind your squad at the beginning with a microslug accelerator. I've had a psionics guy in my squad since I started playing. TBH, I've been disappointed with psionics; he has heroic willpower/intelligence, yet the only special ability he has is the ability to use an 80 damage psi blaster :hmmm: a bit disappointing.. Until, the mission I did right BEFORE the Russian base, I got one of those Psi projectors. I didn't know what it did but I gave it to my psionics guy anyway, and headed out to the Russian base. Well, as you know, psi projector = mind control gun, much to my delight. And my heroic psi guy was able to take control of any reticulan he saw in one attempt, and from maximum range - impressive, for sure, and great fun - doubly great because none of the aliens on the Russian base map have any psi projectors of their own. As soon as I had a grey under my power, I'd run him back behind the wall. He'd fire at the other aliens, they'd fire and him, and the whole lot of them ended up wiping each other out with incindiary rockets. Any surviving greys were picked off by accuracy internationals. ;-) And, well, that's how I did it. To anybody having trouble with this mission, I would highly recommend raiding alien bases until you get your hands on a psi projector. Works best with a high psi soldier though.. I gave a projector to my medic once, and he took about 5 attempts to control an alien (half the ammo in the damn thing).
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