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Squaddie (1/5)



  1. i think the warp resonator is a nice weapon- but the fact that u cant reload it makes i completely useless. in the glossary it says that it uses hybrid energy cells for ammo, but obviously this doesnt work ??? Bug or feature? (If feature its a pretty bad one ) would be nice if there were a patch or mod to correct this...
  2. good start but still a lot left to do :hmmm:
  3. i hope they fix that ASAP- it quite unbalances the game ???
  4. I have the following problem: once i have equipped my troopers with the new enhanced heavy amor they move like snails- even though their speed says good. bug or feature? if its a feature then its extremely unbalanced item- ok if ur wearing a heavy amor u cant move like a sprinter, but that speed is ridiculous and the result is that u cant use that piece of amor. same with those deployable weapons- to have to deploy them for every shot is stupid too- most of the time ur dead by the time u have deployed them coz u can only deploy them when targetting an enemy- no way u can add some tactic thoughts where and when to deploy...
  5. railgun is far to slow- by the time i had it deployed my trooper was shot dead there should be an button such as "deploy" and from there on you should be able to shoot without redeploying...would be an issue for another patch furthermore troopers with this weapons move like snails *zzZZZzz*
  6. one of the most striking points for me was the lack of base building strategy. i really miss that hope there would be an addon/ patch to addess that
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