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Everything posted by Ant_222

  1. I see nothing of the sort on my watched pages. Where is it exactly?
  2. By way of a belated update, it is online again.
  3. It works now. Does Ufopaedia support e-mail notifications?
  4. UFOPaedia has been off-line at least for an hour now. Is somebody attacking it, or is it so popular that it can't handle the many visitors?
  5. Hello all, and thanks for keeping UFOPaedia in good health. Would someone help me with confirming the e-mail address in my UFOPaedia account? When I try to do it I get: UFOpaedia could not send your confirmation mail. Please check your email address for invalid characters. Mailer returned: Failed to connect to smtp.gmail.com:587 [sMTP: Failed to connect socket: Permission denied (code: -1, response: )]
  6. Here is my contribution. Unformatted to simplify transfer to UFOpaedia.
  7. Hello, all I should like to contribute to the Accuracy vs TU Efficiency discussion on UFOpaedia but new users are not currently admitted for fear of SPAM. If the situation is not going to clear out soon, may I ask an administrator to give me access at least to that specific page alone? I am an occasional contributor to Wikipedia under the same login as I use on this forum and no rascal.
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