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Squaddie (1/5)



  1. The workaround for this problem, if you're willing to cheat a little, is to use the "enemies" cheat. It shows you the location of all the enemies on the map. Here's how you enable cheats. Make sure the game is closed and not running before doing this: You'll need to open the config.cfg file in the main game directory and the following line between STRUCT "root" and END_OF_STRUCT "root" KEY "cheats" BOOL TRUE then resave the file. In the tactical screen hold down Shift ~ . That brings up a popup. in the text area just type "enemies" (without the quotations. make sure it's lowercase. Then hit Shift ~ again to close the dialog box. You'll see the enemies on the screen just as if they were in your line of sight. I know most people don't like to use cheats, but since the mission is already essentially over it seems to me to be the easiest way to finish it off without having to spend inordinate amounts of time finding that last alien. Hope this helps. Rick
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