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Everything posted by tomovka

  1. I know... so spray mode, you say....
  2. Well it works not so great cuz with gatlings i need to rush them almost in melee to have more than 5% hit :/.... my top suit is heavy batte... dat shotguns wrecks me...
  3. okay, thanks i dont have them researched yet and do you have some good tactics vs matriarchs? now i got missinons where are about 6 of them, and even i got full bags of rockets and 4-rocketdrone i still get my squad wiped by them... ( they always jump on me all at once, also tried splitting them with armored drone)
  4. well i put on samantha battle suit and trying to run with her but all my drones died in beastman defend.... sometimes im succesfull sometimes not... need one crystal mine for cloaks but there is no mission which would give it available
  5. i do send instead of turtle one armored with rockets, to soak dat mines and also be more useful you mean that cloak? i need only to get some more mats for it :/ and when i send the grey with advanced armor they kill him even faster than humans in heavy suits...
  6. So guys i hava speciall anti reticulan team with 6 4x weps drones, all with gatlings, and it makes a soft reticulan-guts raining over the map. BUT my worst problem is that i must go with atleast one non-AI guy, and he is always getting almost instakill. i have very fast drones but before they get to dat reticulans my humanoid is already dead. Do you know any way to protect from dat annoying psionic damage? your answers will help me a lot
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