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About Munkeylord

  • Birthday 06/22/1983

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    I literally do not play xcom like I should anymore. But I'm trying to fix that.

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  1. Yes, I use the on screen keyboard. There is a virtual keyboard with the emulator. As for right click I set mine up to use two fingers. The double tap on the screen was creating more problems than right clicks. You may also be inclined to use Bluetooth devices such as a mouse or keyboard
  2. This thread will not be as short as I expected. This is nothing revolutionary, It's my experience using doxbox emulators on 2 separate android devices with the sole purpose of running xcom eu/ud. As I didn't see a thread on this, I figured at least Pete would care and try it out. Over the coarse of the last few days i dabbled in the, I want xcom on my phone and tablet phase. Unable to get openxcom to work properly in any sort of reasonable fasion besides fancy xcom text stating errors and how i fucked up decoding the moving of files to another device somehow, i just switched my thought process to a more traditional and user friendly program. So before you do anything you should know some dos commands, this is actually simplified with the programs down the list here as you don't need to mount a drive. ever. It automatically mounts C: so you can literally start tapping away at your screen or whatever device connected as if you were running an actual dos machine. What you will need: Android tablet or phone (sorry iOS users I'm sure someone likes apple somewhere) Dos version of xcom. It seems to work with them all so far. even highly modded xcom games and old dos xcom modding tools. Programs: aDosBox (ADB) - This is the beloved emulator for the pc, I would recommend using this to test your device to see if its capable of supporting the later application. I found this to be very frustrating and completely not up to par with the pc version. It had extreme lag with Xcom 1.4 and when changing parameters on both devices it ensued in a violent crash that replicated a murder scene from Discovery ID. So please use this to test your device first, if it works well for your device then continue to use it!! https://play.google.....android.dosbox DoxBox Turbo (DBT) - This is the gamble I made. I thought well $3.50 is only 2 beers so I decided to buy it since I can drink $3.50 of beer faster than it took me to type in my password at the play store. It turns out that this was the best I've been at gambling my whole life. DBT without parameter editing was leaps and bounds of ADB. So i have been playing Xcom everywhere, shooting aliens at the red lights. Speeding down the highway in an STI while shooting aliens. In class, just massacring aliens. 3 am alien shoot outs. you get the point. https://play.google....fishstix.dosbox So with that stated, I have been happily playing Xcom anywhere I want to and I haven't been pulled over about it. There is a few things to setup to get it going correctly or you will have trouble in the purchase menu. But basically read the instructions and the faq on how to use DBT and you can adjust it according to you later from there. Just remember to turn the skip frame rate off (0) otherwise you will get some weird visuals and possibly what seems like lag. If you have questions on how to use dos or trouble shoot please contact me via PM, If you have questions on where to get a dos version of Xcom do not PM me.
  3. well, it's a surprise. you can show everyone when i make it. and which xcom do you use?
  4. You may experience some crashing, or whatnot. If you experience this please post what you were doing (mission type, alien type there are only 2 aliens right now). Hopefully this is fixed with the patch update. But never forget that you are playing openxcom, not the original bugged xcom.
  5. Im going to make you a weapons pack next time you pull this off, you'll enjoy it I'm sure!
  6. Ok, I thought i'd start a new post for this. As i've updated quite a bit of this mod since openxcom came out, updates are as follows: (12 year old bugs, finally fixed) Added MG 34 in place of blaster bomb, all graphics are correct Changed sounds for the following weapons.....all of them Literally changed sounds for the weapons, 12 unique weapon sounds are now in the battlescape. Fixed Sectoid height issue Fixed Sectoid death sound, they now sound human. Fixed Xcom death sounds. ****This mod REQUIRES Openxcom, I no longer support 1.4 or anywhere around it.***** Also please back up your whole directory. This is still very much a work in progress. The next thing im going to be doing is reworking the weapon images, they are half done as of right now, just smoothing them out and making them look better. Downloads - yes this is temporary. Patches only work on installed versions of the mod. XCww2_OX_v1-1: http://www.sendspace.com/file/z8h0fz Patches for v1-1: http://www.sendspace.com/file/wyfysd <- Fixes alien deployment to openxcom vanilla, hopefully prevents crashes. Vanilla sound patch: http://www.sendspace.com/file/sy3ax7 <- Does as stated...vanilla sounds, also contains vanilla openxcom deployment. could contain bugs, I didn't scrub it
  7. i did it straight into the .cat file, no dat file needed to be altered. it works as if nothing changed at all. and yes, that's how i figured out it worked.
  8. oh fuck, i just replace a sound successfully. fucking awesome!
  9. Well, i had no luck really. I used goldwave to open the cat files using this setup: Raw PCM unsigned 8 bit, mono. rate 11025. Nothing impressive comes of it, other than i did manage to clip out the plasma rifle sound and put in a different sound and the cat file did not crash the game, but nothing in that sample was playing any sounds.
  10. Anyone have any resources for sound editing? I've not had much luck, and the program i did find only gets to the 14th sound before it craps out. I know Zombie knows a this.
  11. ok here's a test of stuff. basically i ported over xcww2 to open xcom. fixed some bugs i couldn't fix before and did some optimization of how it actually works. it's still far from complete but please play it and tell me what you find, my brain is fried. http://www.sendspace.com/file/228wy5
  12. Just double tapping. I noticed that pck2gif conversion is 32x40 while xcom's image frames are 32x48.
  13. After about 10 years of sitting on my thumbs, I was curious as to what new things were happening in xcom world. Well i'll be damned, someone finally did it. I have since then been tearing apart openxcom trying to figure out how it works, bugging the hell out of people i probably shouldn't be bothering and such. Listening to my kids scream as im trying to concentrate on writing a post and so forth. So i bugged this guy, warboy1982 and was pretty much in awe, though full of bugs and glitches, he has since (yesterday) released like 5 versions and it's running pretty damn awesome now. With that said. I'm pretty much ready to start modding again, with a bazillion ideas but mainly i want to help warboy finish up his project. His project is in line with what i wanted to do. Im still going to lurk these forums though P.S. i couldn't find an appropriate place to post this, so this works. So, no luck trying to even port graphics over to openxcom, just get graphical glitches all over the place. everything runs fine on vanilla xcom though. i found some luck.
  14. nice, they look good man. keep it up.
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