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This Space ain't big enough...

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I should start with some poetry introduction. Well I ain't poetry guy so you will not get it. If you want poetry you can ask him.


This here gents AAR is inspired by latest master piece (still in creation) made by great chief himself SV. I will be playing as Humans in contrary to his Liir swimmers. Why Humans? Because I like them a lot. During recent games and AARs my hatred for Tarka and Liir grew very large. The map will be the same, the general setting also will be the same I will only adjust battle timer to my preferences. This ain't any competition to prove who is better but a mere test of skills (my skills). So without any further blabbering....



This is the setup screen.




And that is how the map presents for us.




Our initial start isn't that great. Other colonies are very small size 2 and 4. Because we will be fighting loosing battle we will need to breed faster. Humans aren't masters at anything but their more of jack of all trades meaning I have equal chance to get every tech (except race specific). Our scientific branch isn't that great as Liir but they manage to surprise us on occasions.


Our initial starting research will be Waldo Units. We need that cheaper ships to begin with, then we focus on our biological weakness.




If you compare my result with SV's I could never achieve Waldo Units in 1 turn. Maybe if I had size 10 other colonies ? But we are fortunate to be on time with it.


Having gotten that Waldo Units we design our first exploration units. Szpieg (Spy) is based on Extended Range mission with Hammerhead mission. It's armament are red lasers and we build just enough to cover every possible path we can take.


While our scouts take time our research team goes crazy.




Our initial scouting's aren't very optimistic for us. Both planet sizes and their environments are over our current limits. For now we aren't touching this Monitor because the planet he is guarding is rubbish.




One of our exploration units went into contact with some kind of derelict. Cleverly navigating he stripped the carcass with it's guns. And I don't know how to distinguish this derelict with AM torpedo tube and this without one but clearly I was lucky as it had plenty of guns. Unfortunately the planet he was at was barren rock not very suitable for us.




I am afraid that now our scientists will drink harder and work less.




Enough with the biology next tech is too much for our eggheads. We need that manufacturing power pronto.



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Yeah - playing with humans is extra difficult because my science team are bunch of baboons. Not to mention as human I have hard time finding perfect worlds. We will see how far I can go.


HE HE HE!!! It may be Murphy's Law or it could also be very biased perception when you play a game, but I thought my scientists were a bunch of baboons every damn time, every damn race. Even bugs. BABOONS! :D


This is the first time to have two SotS AARs running at the same time, really great to see that the old lady still has this much life left in her. Oh, and good luck with the hard AI!

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I wish there was such an option Thor - I reallly do.




During our continues scouting efforts for perfect world to live in we find another Asteroid Monitor and at least suitable planet. Too bad that this AM had very long range missiles and our scout doesn't make it.




It's a good time to spend some time on weaponry. You will never know who will be knocking to your doors soon enough and I am betting it will be the fish.... fish. "le sigh".




Because game just simply wants you kick in the balls constantly - why not now? Good thing this was our starting colony as sending another bunch of colonizers would be bad for business.




Our scouting's close to end soon we will have to prepare our fleets defensively... ah who I am kidding now - 3 fish in this soup and I am definitely stinking in fission era while they are swimming in fussion. There is particular colony that our normal colonizer will not reach and because we can't refuel in mid jump we will need to upgrade at least our basic engine.




It's turn 53 and we have visitors. And of course while we are at it we are visited by the ones that are the weakest (for now).




Judging by Mk 6 I bet my scout will not have chance. The good news is they didn't want to fight so I turn tail from this barren world.


Don't know what to expect I get those Command Ship and now is the good chance for some economy management. I'll need that for sure. Our main problem is we are at the edge. The only way to expand is through the "Fish line" and of course we will need fusion just to make the jump. Lucky us... well cruisers might help. Can they ?




Just a quick glance how we are holding up in the universe. Now we can start to make some money through trade. Our first ship for this role will be Sprzedawca(Salesmen).



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Been working in the field, so I didn't have the time. Will try to squeeze it in today in the afternoon.


Yes, trade needs a lot of input, but when it is up and running... Man!


Remember to see my input I must see yours first :P (yes I am blackmailing you)


So we have cruisers now, but we also have many worlds that need special care and too boot I sure would like to have a better command options if by chance we need to fight.




Having the Biomes ready we create new colonizers. Still with Fission tech but we can't be picky. I am surely lacking the power of naming but this cruiser is named Natura (Nature). And we build it in the right moment.




It's hard to have balls of steel in this game (Duke Nukem reference for those who lack knowledge).


And as if I foresaw it. We need eyes that's for sure but our scientists lost their brains somewhere. At least we didn't have to wait for Christmas (another Duke Nukem reference).




The fish are sending their scouts. They first want piece but later they want some. Killing their scouts might bring trouble but I wish to be good to them I really do Mr. Fish. I am just a nobody in dead end space.




I am falling behind in tech race I just know it.




Our situation isn't that bright.



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If there is something missing here it is exploration and expansion. Usually it is necessary to gain new worlds whenever possible, especially now with biological transfer. What I always forgot with Humans was to break over enemy worlds with multiple ships to be able to explore (and colonize) further, even when I was not able to destroy enemy colonies.


Any thoughts into a small Xenoresearch venture? Perhaps you could talk to those fish.


Than again, you need (as Thor said) a whip for those money grabbing eggheads most! https://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b348/SpaceVoyager/Smiley/whip.gif

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Like I said I need fusion to even make the jump. Then I will have to make through fish line but I must be allied with them to make refuels even with AM Extended range I wouldn't been able to move through their turf. But I will not spoil anything and like I said first I need to see your input then I will show mine :P
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Now that IS blackmail. :D


Ah, you need fusion... I might have gone for fusion sooner if that is the case, but what is best is hard to tell in a given situation. Anyway, playing by feeling is much more fun than calculating every number.


Can't wait to see how this works out!


Btw, I'm quite some turns ahead, so it would be only fitting for you to catch up before further blackmail. ;)

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Fair enough. I've just hadn't time to upload it.


Turn 80. We have fusion. But we are still so deep where sun never shines. Having no other perspective we employ trickery and deceit tactics. Let's get to know those fish better.




If we ask nicely maybe....




Step 1 accomplished. Now proceeding to step 2.


We are safe from the fish. We can focus more on our economy and abuse the fish while we can.




Heavy freighters will be represented by Domokrążca (hawker/peddler/packman/pedlar/chapman - bloody english.... take your pick)


There are many planets that we will never be able to colonize. So the only option is A) to wait and see who will colonize it for us and take it or B) grab the resources and move it to our planets. I take option B.




Also we need to further improve our colonies. We are still abusing fish for scientists if the tech needs more than 2 days. Arcology construction will increase our populace. Torpedoes will be handy and we need some money so we are doing easy techs.




Come to think of it. Since we can abuse the fish.... why not go for it.




But there always must be a nutcracker somewhere ready to strike.




Yeah.... like how is it possible. Fish and humans should have almost same CH... yet planet that has 750 CH for us is perfect for them ?




Hell yeah... thank you fish sir... now at least our ships will have some power. Going for energy absorbers just in case and also to check if by chance (40%) I can have meson shields... boy that would be like having almost impenetrable ships... but no... oh well more empire upgrades.




Another fish empire close near.... Let's deal with them.




Because I am sure I will be fighting my way and fish like shields - why not have these? Also I thought maybe Kelvinic torpedoes would be available but no :(




And third fish on our sensors.




Good now I think we will be safe to improve our economy and strike when they least expect - you know keeping low profile.

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This turned out really good! You may not even need to strike if you improve your relations a bit further. Liir would most likely not betray you and you might find others, more hostile empires.


As far as I remember this CH "weirdness", each race has a range of possible "ideal" CH. Each time you start a new game, ideal CH for each race is randomly set at the beginning. Ideal CH ranges somewhat overlap (depends on race), so you may get two races with the same CH.

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While SV's AAR is full of action and adventure, we continue to live in piece and harmony scheming our little plan to take over the universe.


Just in case there will be some fighting our first crude cruiser prototype.




Unfortunately fish decide not to help us any more in our research endeavours. They all keep saying - "You must learn to be our friends"... beats me what that means. We don't want to eat you - that should count. Our economy grows steadily so I think we might have a chance to build even bigger ships.




Of course our scientists lost their heads and If I had an option I would shoot the head scientist guy because he annoys me so much with that overbudget thing. We advance in our command capabilities and I thought that with meaning friend I should learn more about their culture. Guess not but this tech leads to other tech that we will use in future wars if there will be any.




We must gather money faster and have better weapons just in case so we are going for those little ones that don't require that many money and give us some fighting power.



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While SV's AAR is full of action and adventure


Ehm, I'd love some time off...


We don't want to eat you - that should count.


He he he, I agree! We are Humans, that should count A LOT considering we eat anything worth digesting here on Earth.

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I forgot about pirate raid... Yeah sure kill my freighters and go for the planet.... bloody bastards. Just a side note. Pirates in SotS1 is less nuisance than in SotS2. While here not building Police Cutters to lower the chance is not worth it because if pirates show up the chance is so low that they mostly don't exist. Ironically in SotS2 standard chance of pirates is 7% yet if you don't prepare yourself you could like be invaded every 2-3 turns :/




We further up our weaponry. Yes you are reading it right - we are slowly preparing for full scale war. Anyone that will not surrender will die.




I am doing projectors because I can... a feat that with humans is rarely seen. Too bad I can't have meson projector :(

Our budget is looking all right I guess though we are still pumping money into trade.




In order to increase our income and research output we go for orbital stations. With that we can made trade centres, laboratories, command stations and repair stations but I think that you already guessed we need only 2 of them.




First one Laboratorium Dextera (Dexter's Laboratory) will improve our science output. Second one Centrum Handlowe (Trade Centre - I thought about World Trade Centre but I don't know if this name may offend here someone and for the respect of few respected here members from US of A.) will give us more trade routes per system.


We then go for other weapons upgrade. Missile upgrade because few designs have missile only slots though missiles are so obsolete in end game because of that point defence. Particle beam because it leads to Phaser and we might have a chance for meson beam (not that I am counting for it).




Speaking of point defence we need that ourselves.




Unfortunately phaser PD is not an option in our tech tree - must salvage it.




Also you see the pattern of overbudget projects? I tell you baboons and morons they give diplomas to anyone today.

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Our research still focus on weapons technology. I tried like SV to go for Meson beam but unfortunately neutron beam is my highest achievement so I go usual heavy cannon.




Just checking some diplomatic relations and I see that one of the fish is allied with Morigi empire. Also the drowned and defenders of life (which are our neighbours are at war). It could be my opportunity to sneak attack but we are not quite ready for this.




We can't just attack with puny little toys of previous era, we need big guns. Guns capable of mass destruction.




Also we need further insurance of not being sneak attacked our selves.




In case if you were wondering how are we doing. We are number 4th in ships numbers and this are only Heavy Freighters which means we aren't that behind.




Our next step is to improve our node drive. With this thing we will simply jump from one system to other without anyone even noticing.




Although I will not use drones this techs are used only to have cruiser sized assault shuttle carriers for planetary invasion.




Eh... another nut cracker.




Góral (Highlander) is construction class cruiser.


Here we see that Liir decided to colonize this world that was inhabitable for us while we were mining it's resources.... well they will fall under our fleet soon enough.




Just few more techs and we will be ready to strike.




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A you sure you want to do this? All of the Liir may rise against us. I see you ran over my turn count and I wanted to suggest just that, as my game time will be reduced in the following weeks. I'm in the field for most of the next week, then I'm off for vacations, so you can probably finish this one, start another and catch up again! :nudge nudge:


EDIT: Can you please post a pic of the political view? I'd like to know what we're up against.

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If Liir are fighting against each other well this is good opportunity for sneak attack. Besides we soon begin to rise in power so they can bugger off.


I don't believe I will be returning to SotS1. I am currently hooked up with SotS2. As soon as there will be most of things working I might make some SotS2 AAR's.


About the political map - well nothing has changed form the last time I post it. The only thing that changed is few fish colonies that could inhabit worlds that we couldn't.


P.S. Take your time I for sure know that conquering whole galaxy will be tiresome with all that planets ;) Maybe if I will feel generous I will make an alliance.

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