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Turn based or Real time

The Demi-Godly One

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i used to prefer turn-based, but i think once you get the hang of real-time it's much more fun. there are so many crazy situations and frantic firefights you find yourself in that don't really happen in turn-based. plus there's the opportunity to pull lots of suave sf-action-movie-like moves, like desperately running from the crest of an explosion or running through a hail of gunfire and surviving.


and because you can pause or slow it down, you can still have the maniacal level of control over every little thing that x-com seems to instill a desire for in its players.


it's great!

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For me it depends. If i have been playing a lot of fallout tactics (which i only play on real time) ill probably play apoc in turn based mode. If i just came off an UFO: ENEMY UNKNOWN marathon ill play apoc in real time. It mostly depends on mood.


-PSY GUY- :)

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I thought it worked. At least, it did once. Must have another go and check again then.


As for waypoints, I thought there were waypoints. At least, I recall you can plot waypoints for your ships in the cityscape.



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Cool indeed, but the waypoints are pretty useless for group movement in real-time. It's best for individual units.


See, as a group, each soldier MUST visit each waypoint tile once before moving on to the next, so they tend to get a bit muddled up when a lot of them meet at the same waypoint. In 'group formation', it's ridiculous. In 'single file', it's okay, but not all that great.


However, ever notice how in single file that your soldiers, when selected as a group, always seem to form up so that they are in a line no matter how muddled up they were before they started moving? Rather a clever maneouver really. But it's even more interesting to note that the person leading the file is a little special. If you deselect the entire team but select the pointman (whomever it is, depends on your last movement order) then move that person about, the entire group will follow that unit without being told to and they won't reform like when you move them as a group. This is rather useful as now you can set waypoints for the pointman and everyone will follow in proper sequence. Were your soldiers to stand any closer, it might end up as a conga line. :power:


An even more interesting note: Using this method, you can assign groups of soldiers to a single soldier. Say from group one, you have two soldiers, and you have two more groups with two soldier each. Select one soldier from the first group, then select the soldiers from one of the other groups. Then enter single-file mode. Move about until the soldier from the first group becomes the pointman. Deselect the group then repeat the same process with the other soldier and the other group. Now, you can select your first group, go back into group-formation mode and move about. The other two groups, as long as you don't give them any new walking orders, will automatically follow your first group about (you can change their stance, firing and disposition modifiers if you want, just don't give them any movement orders). And if your two soldiers split up and go separate ways, their 'assigned' groups will follow them in single file.


The only downside is that each soldier with a group following them will slow down for their group to catch up with them just like it works in single-file mode.


Actually, you can even assign several groups or individual soldiers to the same soldier. So if you don't fancy having long lines of soldiers trailing after one, make small groups of one or two soldiers follow the front soldier and there you go.


But what does this have to do with waypoints? Well, not much. :laugh:


Really though, since you're only moving one soldier, the other soldier trailing behind will mimic that soldier's previous steps rather than try to force their way onto the same waypoint. This reduces congestion and makes moving soldiers along a single waypoint a lot more fluid.


As for whether this is useful... well, I can't really say.




edit: On second thought, it doesn't have to be the front person. You can select anyone in the middle of a line of soldiers, and everyone following that unit will break off and follow that person instead. Basically, every unit follows the one in front of it until it is given other movement orders.

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I like RT better, and in all honesty, if I ever wanted to beat a game at Medium or higher, I just couldn't do it without huge losses on TB; too many poppers and brainsuckers, not to mention Entropy launchers you could do pop all against (get it? huh? huh?... groan...).


I haven't used TB in... years :power:

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