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Films that make you cry.


Weepy weep weep weepings  

6 members have voted

  1. 1. Which one makes you cry?

    • Watership Down
    • Schindler's List
    • City of Life and Death
    • Katyn
    • Up
    • Terminator 2
    • Grave of the Fireflies
    • Ghost
    • Gran Torino
    • Never Let Me Go

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Self-explanatory. We're all grown men (and women), and probably we've got some transgender individuals amongst the forumites. That's fine, we're not judging. You can tell because of the range of choices I have included.


Please vote for the film what makes water leak from your face. If more than one makes you cry, vote for the one that makes you actually sob. If none of them do, and you feel totally okay and comfortable, please tell of us of a film which does.


Watership Down ("Briiiiiight eyes...burning like fyah!") didn't make me cry, it just traumatised me as a child. Schindler's List was much the same, traumatised me as a teenager but I didn't actually cry during the film. City of Life and Death left me numb and distraught, but not actually crying (I saw it this year, i'm tough now you see).


Katyn basically made me ill. I had to pause the film and go away and retch.


Up broke me in two like a little twig, I was tearing up when the sad stuff stopped (10-15 minutes in) and although I got dust in my eye at other points, I never actually cried.


Terminator 2, with the thumb and the molten...awww. Just awww.


Never Let Me Go just left me feeling totally desolate and absolutely alone. Somewhat beyond crying, in fact.

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The only couple of those I'm sure I've watched would be Ghost and T2, but neither really got me (don't watch many movies).


But then, I'm not the sort of guy to cry. Whenever I hit a scene like that, I'm far more inclined to start cracking jokes about it ("cue music!") - that and my habit of laughing at the intended jokes before they hit the punchlines, must make me a royal pain to watch movies with. :P


However, I'll admit that the ending of Pan's Labyrinth had me pretty close.

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Read the Watership Down novel. Good story, though felt it leaned more towards the creepier side than sad. Should probably see the animation some day.


Grave of the Fireflies - now I adore Studio Ghibli's works, but this film is perhaps their only film I never want to see again. Not so much for the realism of the setting and the period, but more because the main character makes me incredibly angry. Sad film, but not something I want to watch again.


Lately though, lots of things I used to watch are starting to cause me to shed a tear, even though it didn't bother me at all the first time I saw it when I was just out of my teens. Think you get a bit more mellow with age. :P Good thing in a way.


Ooh - anyone recall or seen the original Bambi? I think I used to blank out or fast forward through the bits where Bambi's mother was killed.



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How can you not have the Notebook on this list? Blasphemy!


The one based on the Sparks novel?


Whenever I hit a scene like that, I'm far more inclined to start cracking jokes about it ("cue music!") - that and my habit of laughing at the intended jokes before they hit the punchlines, must make me a royal pain to watch movies with.


I used to have a friend like you, he died mysteriously of multiple stab wounds. When I explained the situation to the police they thought it would be best left unsolved, no jury would convict, etc. If it's a bad film, or one I'm familiar with, however, I do this too.


However, I'll admit that the ending of Pan's Labyrinth had me pretty close.


Good one! I nearly blubbed several times throughout that.


Read the Watership Down novel. Good story, though felt it leaned more towards the creepier side than sad. Should probably see the animation some day.


Ah, now, this reminds me. I watched Watership Down before reading the book, by Richard Adams. When I got the option to see The Plague Dogs, I read the book first (also by Adams), to prepare myself. Except the ending to the film of The Plague Dogs is even sadder than the book, and it made me sob uncontrollably.


Braveheart made me and my little brother cry, I'm ashamed to say.

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I used to have a friend like you, he died mysteriously of multiple stab wounds. When I explained the situation to the police they thought it would be best left unsolved, no jury would convict, etc. If it's a bad film, or one I'm familiar with, however, I do this too.

Eeesh, sounds like you're even more painful to watch movies with then I am! :P

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What beats that hands down is someone annoying you by saying "I don't get it" or "why are they doing that?" or "what's going on now?" every five minutes.


Had to endure that at the cinema once and it was so bad I've forgotten what the film even was, but I can remember the annoyance vividly.

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The only two movies I remember making me shed some tears are The Green Mile (I cannot take the ending...) and Marley and Me (I thought it was a stupid comedy, but it was actually a pretty decent drama)


Edit: FA just reminded me of the ending to Braveheart.

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Katyn basically made me ill. I had to pause the film and go away and retch.


Well then you should watch General Nil.




and "Popiełuszko, freedom is within us".



They are both polish films so you will have to find either dubed films or find english subtitles

After watching them, you will want to yell M*F Bastards.

Thinking about those movies make me cry.



Also in the list should be Saving Private Rayan. Ending also will make you shed a tear

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