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A Right Frosting


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In celebration of the agreement reached between Mode 7 Games and Matrix Games, with the latter publishing the former's cool simultaneous turn-based tactical game, Frozen Synapse, this new trailer and a fresh batch of screenshots have been defrosted for our viewing pleasure.


Each match immediately places you in an intense tactical situation: there's no waiting around for the fun part. Blast a hole in a wall with a rocket and then send in your close-range units, or take a stealthy approach and set up cover with a sniper: your approach is entirely down to your own creativity. If you can predict your opponent's moves, you can win the match: this game has been crafted so that superior tactics will triumph!

Though an exact release date has yet to be disclosed, this game is expected to reach room temperature shortly.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Now this is a fun game! After loosing first few skirmishes before winning the first I've played a few missions into the campaign and it definitely is a game WELL worth playing.


I'm only having one problem; I can't seem to be able to add a @ mark into the mail address to log into the multiplayer! Does anyone else have this problem?

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Exactly as Ulzgoroth said. It is common to UFO series a bit except it has real turns. You have to plan for the whole turn at least, than go for next turn. What differentiates it is that units do have basic AI so when they see an enemy they at least shoot.


The best part is that you can play one turn, submit it, than play the next turn a week later, sort of play by email. The game I uploaded way played in like 5 minutes as the opponent was also willing to go through it in one go.

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Sorry for the above normal number of my posts here, but I am FORCED to tell you how awesome this game is... Forced I tell ya. :D


The individual battle is short enough to never lose interest. And the MP turn system is just PERFECT. Being able to play several games, continue playing them whenever you find the time etc... FS has become one of my two games that I play MP.


So, if anyone feels like playing, my nick is (shocking, I know) spacevoyager and so far I'm on server UK1. Post your nicks'n'servers here or simply challenge me in game. And please do tell you're from SC, it is always nice to meet a fiendly friendly face. :P


We can also agree on another server, no problem.

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To break your combo posting: Yes, this game is amazing! Definitely a Breeze of fresh air in gaming industry.

I'm currently on vacation and posting via mobile network but when I get back next week we can play.

P.S. I think you can guess my nick in FS, and I'm also on UK1 :P

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To break your combo posting

Thanks, the thread looks much nicer now! :blush: ANYway, to give you more incentive to post, I'll continue the spam. :laugh:


Some hide'n'seek:


My results are very balanced in terms of winning/loosing so far.


BTW, you have a challenge waiting. :killcrazed:

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You can check out my YouTube channel: 7h30n

Yeah, very imaginative name :P

I have Frozen Synapse and Street Fighter 4 matches uploaded.


P. S. 2 more days to hold out without FS. I'll be home Sunday evening.

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Well, I was beaten. Damn. I'll try to find a newcomer to the game and take it out on him/her. :P


@7h30n; I did add you and two others to friends but I can't see any nick in the friends list.


It seems there is a bug. I also added you 2 times and I still don't get you on friends list.


Well we both started a week ago. I guess some insight from a cousin in the army pays of in tactical games :D


And especially UFO games!


Good game! Hit me up whenever you are up for a game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Incredibly, but I seem to be getting WORSE at this game...


Silencer, could you please check the last ext. game that we played (and I lost miserably) if you have seen my grenade at the end of turn 2. I was certain you didn't and that your two solders will definitely be plastered all over the walls. It became obvious you were aware of it a moment later, DAMMIT. :P


I am wondering because I thought if you didn't see a grenade the play button for next turn wouldn't show it to you either.


So if you didn't see it at the end of turn 2 and it just hopped into your sight while replaying next turn... I'm definitely at least posting it as a suggestion at the FS forums to NOT show it.


If you did see it than soldiers see more than I thought.

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All rockets and grenades are seen from the point they were shot from. Besides testing the round showed that I would be blown sky high so I made corrections :D

ARGH. Well, this info is crucial...


What a dumbass for not checking this on my own previously.


So all explosives, especially grenades, must always be tossed so that they explode in the same turn. Fire first, move later.


WELL. I have some presents for you, do check your games! :P

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...


Prime features new 3D cameras, providing a better perspective for planning, along with dynamic cinematic replays so players can re-watch their matches, analyse their planning post-battle and enhance their strategy for future matches. They’ve also added some brand new playable tutorials, tailored to the needs of both the seasoned strategy pro and the tactics novice.


Exclusively for Steam gamers is an entirely new Arena Mode. Arena matches are designed to challenge both fans and newcomers alike; encouraging players to change the way they strategize, changing how they combine the strengths of their units and utilize the surrounding terrain like never before.




Frozen Synapse Prime, a remake of Frozen Synapse, is coming to Steam on the 14th of November.

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Post it... Camping is very bad for you as having a constant place exposes your vat to cheap tricks like moving one vat into the open and aiming with the other, hiding the firts one in the last instant. Naturally, there are exceptions when one holds a perfect vantage point with a sniper and the likes. Even then, the "camper" better use focus.


But if you feel you don't like extermination, we can try other modes. Some modes demand you to move'n'fast! Or lose. Disputed, hostage and charge force both players into movement.


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