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Chef talks creature stew


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Working up an appetite for Might and Magic Heroes VI, bits and pieces continue to be thrown into the pan as the voracious fans look onward to the serving of this long-anticipated sequel.


In this clip Lead Level Designer Julien Pirou is happy to offer something more to chew on by disclosing information about creatures in the game with the community.


Main course expected to land a spot on the menu come this May.

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Hmm that all seems rather vague. (I can't understand that guy so didn't hear most of the above but checked out the site instead!) What do we actually know about this game? The trailer doesn't say much and I can't tell how much has been drastically overhauled. Does it remain similar to V? Or are they starting over again like they did with that one?


I hate this whole Might and Magic Heroes crap. How many games have there already been that are called Heroes of Might and Magic?! It implies that this is linked to the Might and Magic kingdom and it just isn't at all... I'm playing Heroes Kingdoms (MMH:K) which is a Travian,Evony style browser game and it's actually quite good. It takes the graphics, units, heroes and cities etc from V and lets you create alliances to kick arse in :laugh:


I've been placed top 10 for most of the game in the 3rd ranked alliance but it's terrible for people dropping out so I'm letting it slide a bit now until the reset. Anyone who wants to give it a shot let me know and I'll take on an apprentice lol


EDIT : Just found the creature and in-game screenshots on their website and it looks like good stuff. Only 4 factions but that means expansions are absolutely guaranteed and the creatures have changed again this time round. As well as a whole load of new graphics it seems we have some entirely new monstrosities to fight with in VI.


The game world looks very pretty but mostly unchanged, buildings and castles receiving a facelift as always. And of course the fact that this is an official follow-up from the stories in 5 (the Orc part is anyway) means that not much should have changed in history terms. The original games were very choppy and seemed to change between planets every time! There are a few shots of the battle screen and both the scenery and troops look very nice.



Could be a good bit of distance left in this franchise yet if they keep up the seemingly good work!

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They just opted for this really obscure naming convention for some reason. This is Heroes of Might and Magic 6, though! :P






I can't understand that guy(...)

Really?! :oh:





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They just opted for this really obscure naming convention for some reason. This is Heroes of Might and Magic 6, though! :P

:Realizes that this IS Heroes of Might and Magic: https://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b348/SpaceVoyager/Smiley/eek-blue.gif




Thanks, I had no idea about the name change. :oh:

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You really didn't get from the first 6 seconds of the video that this is HoMM :laugh: I agree though the rename is complete BS. I honestly have no idea why they changed it and neither does anyone else! Even the online game I play was designed to be HoMM:Kingdoms but they changed partway through for that and apparently no.6 too. There's a HoMM card-game thing on Facebook too I think which is also MMH. Very sad... But the content is what matters and everyone but the devs will keep calling it HoMM6 anyway (even google actually lol)
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Nice, though not particularly informative if you've played the games before :laugh: Seems I've already been proved wrong though as this is a prequel not a sequel. Either way though my point remains that it is in the same world and storyline as V which will mean not too major variations on the last game we enjoyed.


I've never heard Heroes compared to Total War before either but thinking about it this guy has a good point. It IS a large world map for strategic planning and army movements with the actual conflicts fought in a separate tactical battlefield. The battle chess comment is rather fitting too...


Seems now that there are five factions as well and not the four we already know about. We already know of Haven, Inferno, Necropolis and Stronghold but the fifth is a new mystery faction with units we know? I'm going with some sort of dragon kingdom thing... That'd be sweeeet :oh: But of course if I was making the game you'd have to complete campaigns as the other 4 factions before you get to play it...


Just a thought :P

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There's now Wood, Ore, Crystal(Probably renamed anyway), and Gold. Check out the screenshot on the second page of the offical site, middle of the group.




Can't link directly to the picture, sadly.


But instead of Wood/Ore/Crystal/Suflur/Gems/Mercury/Gold, you're down to Wood/Ore/Crystal/Gold.

Dumbed down. Managing more than three resources+gold is too hard for your average player apparently, so rather than telling them to go play C&C or something equally simple, they just cut out the belly of their beast.


Guess sales has something to do with it, but still. Angers me to no end. Might as well just say "Here it's a tactical combat simulatior with a fake stragety element." At least then they'd be HONEST.



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I see what you mean, does look like that's what they've done... But then none of those images show the actual resource bar do they? Unless I'm looking in the wrong place all I see is pickups of the 4 types you mentioned. I'm certainly inclined to think you're right at this point but I'm just saying it's possible the others simply aren't in those shots...


Just found this on another unofficial forum but seems about right. Though the first thing is a positive at least :laugh:

Seems like there will be 2 major "revolutions" with HoMM6:


1) Possibility to convert captured cities to your own faction

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Converting sounds wierd. The whole point of putting effort into a captured city is to get different unit types to fill in gaps in your own race. (Elven Ranges being defended by Squires while Berskers charge, anyone?)


Like I said, then second page has the screenshot I'm looking at, but can't link it directly. Brosing through the whole list might work. :laugh:


Anyhow yeah, I'm tired of my game series being dumbed down like this. If you wanted to add an 'ez mode' or something, or maybe a 'hard-as-hell' mode, fine. Simplifying explantions and commands, great. Treating the entire community like they're worthless piles of uncomprending trash? No.


Anyhow enough raging, back to MoOII

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