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I'm confused, I read airship but not a thing about this video or further images/description on their site seems to reflect that. Is it just a minor part of the game where the airship provides travel and the commander's top-down view of the battelfield or is there more to it I'm missing?


I was really excited by this before I watched the video which I have to say is very unimaginative and completely unrevealing. Certainly nothing to do with airships either :laugh:


So I clicked onto their site and read a little and clicked some thumbnails and all I see is a slightly more graphic rich 'Advanced Wars' (FA your thoughts?!) It doesn't seem to be a particular new and exciting style of gameplay and if anything is just a step backwards from the new style of RTS games which place heightened value on units and remove base-building from the equation.


Is it made better by being turn-based or was it simply a way for the developers to use a simpler engine to create their game while still retaining an acceptable standard of graphics?


The reason the mention of airships gets me is that I thought someone had finally got it right and made that leap from sea to sky. A small facebook app dev came up with 'Battlestations' some time ago and much as I loved it there is undeniably a lot of room to expand into. I think this could be a door to a whole new genre just waiting for someone to open it. And would it be dificult? Would it hell! Just take any Age of Sail or Pirate title and remove the sea, make the islands float and change the vessel images. Job done :oh:


But anyway back to this game... It doesn't look very special to me so I think it'll be given a wide berth. As always I hope I'm proven wrong though, there aren't enough good games out there these days!

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The fact that it's a free browser-based game doesn't exactly set the bar high in terms of expectations, as such games are often connoted with poor content and cheap production values.


At the same time I think it would be unfair to judge it solely on such preconceptions. The steam-punkish setting is interesting and so are the component gameplay elements.


To quote from my previous mention of this game in the news:


As you begin to expand your influence on the territory you'll recruit soldiers, scientists and engineers, allowing the discovery of new technologies, the creation of a uniquely crafted army, securing bountiful trade, and finding other areas such as sky-cities or underwater-cities through quests and campaigning.

Ring any bells? Probably several.


I'm just saying this leaves room for thought: had you seen this on the back of a boxed copy would your instinctive reaction regarding the eventual potential be the same?




We are much more easily influenced by this than we care to admit. And it often has no relation to actual worth.

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You're quite right Thor, just those few lines of text go much further to convincing me this might be a fun game than the trailer did. Scientists and engineers indeed, sounds like a winning formula! Cities under the sea though? Sounds a bit outlandish haha :laugh:
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