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Skive to Survive


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How do you survive a full work day?


Currently, I'm relying on World of Goo, Jagged Alliance 2, and a few other favourites. However, as I'm not supposed to be gaming during working hours (shame) this has involved changing the name and graphic of the shortcuts to something innocuous, and hiding those shortcuts too.


'Organising the archives' is generally good for about half an hour's snooze.


Any IT problem I get called in to solve I can stretch out indefinitely. I once made fixing a desktop (some wit had replaced the default with a picture of a morbidly fat chap in a thong) last about three hours, and the only lengths I had to go to were tutting and sighing whenever anyone came near. Likewise, sorting out a printer, photocopier, scanner, etc I can take as long as I like.


Any DTP task I can milk for a while, but they tend to call me in at the last minute, so I can't get maximum leisure out of it.


It's a hard life, so I need more stratagems. Share!

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Oh of course. I try to keep them to fifteen minutes, with my DS, PSP, or a good book. Refreshing.


Only thing is, when someone comes in and releases a chocolate hostage, it's natually a bit whiffy and forces me to duck out earlier than planned.

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Last resort, extreme boredom one-offs:

- [smoker] Fire alarm activation (use gloves)

- [stink] Bomb threat (use spy-movie voice-muffling handkerchief)


Either should do for an actiony morning off outdoors, as the first involves speeding firemen riding their fiery steeds, the second possibly armoured sappers with RC robots, all in fancy apparel.


A bonus side-effect is that you'll be giving the response teams themselves a literate, danger-free morning too.




p.s.: if you're even remotely considering these - congratulations - upon consulting a shrink, extended medical leave on mental grounds is almost guaranteed!

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I've found a piece of paper endows one with purpose for as long as no-one asks you what it is or what you are doing. If you stride, and look in the direction of your fictional goal, most co-workers simply leave you to it. Even better, you can do 'laps' of the workplace, waiting at strategic points by printers and photocopiers, looking thoughtful, swapping the piece of paper for a file, folder, or other prop.
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Being a government official I thought I was an expert but I see you guys are better. I do have Risk on my phone and I do play it at work during the toilet minutes but I couldn't sit there for more than 15 minutes. I don't have any games installed at work, usually I loose some time by browsing the forums and checking the news. And I will really have to stop as I actually have a lot to do at work lately so work has accumulated. And nobody else will do it for me, the bastards.


EDIT: the only games I played at work were internet flash games, like that Alien tactical game.

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  • 9 months later...

Manager: "So, what are you doing at the weekend?"


Me: "Nothing, really, probably go to aikido. Watch a film, read a book."


Manager: "I'm off to see Iron Maiden."


I felt like sweeping every book off the desk and screaming "IF YOU'VE GOT THE ENERGY TO GO TO METAL CONCERTS YOU CAN PICK THOSE UP."


Instead I just sulked for the rest of the day.

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Got to, these days, SV. Thanks to government cuts I can't afford to rock the boat, jobs and hours in scarce supply.


Couldn't believe it, though. Manager a good twenty years older than me and he's having the better weekend, sickening.

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Well, all you really need to do to rain down on his parade, FA, is walk out of there on Friday innocently saying: "Gonna work on my braille this weekend... Bye!".




This with an XXL grin, as onlookers see you joining up with a killer blonde awaiting you near the exit. :P


p.s.: I'll arrange it, but your eternal soul is mine of course. :D

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  • 1 month later...

My current Criminal Records Bureau check runs out in November, so of course work were on my back to renew mine. "If you don't get it renewed you won't be able to work."


As I've got exactly four hours of work this week, I felt like screaming "HOW WILL I KNOW!" but instead I just slammed the phone down and went and got it renewed. Now I'm going to spend weeks pretending I'm waiting for it to turn up and making puzzled noises down the phone to HR, when it actually turned up this morning to state that no, I have not become a drunk driver, paedophile, mass murderer or arsonist between now and November 2009.

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  • 6 months later...

Bastard work again. Human Resources called me today and said "Oh, we've lost your application form."


I just shrugged "That's okay, I forgive you." went to put the phone down.


"No, you don't understand. We need one."


"But why. I have been doing this job for three years. I am doing it right now. You've called me at work."


"We need it."


Cue hours spent falsifying references again.

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Bastard work again. Human Resources called me today and said "Oh, we've lost your application form."


I just shrugged "That's okay, I forgive you." went to put the phone down.


"No, you don't understand. We need one."


"But why. I have been doing this job for three years. I am doing it right now. You've called me at work."


"We need it."


Cue hours spent falsifying references again.


I had the same thing when I used to work in local government. It's an effing joke.


I did love your initial response though :blush:

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