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Suggestions for SotS 2 interview?

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I haven't received an answer on SotS2 interview possibility from Martin Cirulis, but I think gathering questions is good nevertheless.


Now that you have read our announcement topic and all its contained info you definitely have more question you want answered. Do tell what those questions are!


So far;


Now that there are multiple-planet systems planned, will you be able to arrive with a fleet, set up camp and go for raiding missions?


Will tactical battles encompass whole systems or will they be focused on the part of the system? (if part) Will systems (parts) be in any way random or will they be completely pre-defined?


How will the solar system mechanics be represented? Will the rotations happen during strategic turns, changing (astrologically predictably) the whole strategic situation from turn to turn? Would it also have an effect during the battle?


Will the enemy know where your forces are or will he have to find you first?


What effect will such an endeavour have on enemy's economy?


Can you have multiple colonies in a system or is this being generalized to a base of some sorts?


Can you colonize a planet in a system where an ally or an enemy already has colony?


Will there be specific planetary structures (space shipyards...), asteroid bases, other in-system bases you can attack individually or is it colonies and their defensive infrastructure only?


Oh, OH, will I be able to grow the Swarm in my systems?


And the trick question for the end; Is NorthStar still on course? What would the expected release year be?


Will there be ships with more than three sections?


Will SotS2 feature ships-on-field limitation, like SotS has command points?


Will ships in SotS2 be more durable? We tend to get attached to our ships but being ready to loose whole fleets is a necessity in SotS.


SotS has no limits on sections combining. Will SotS2 have any limits, perhaps to simulate that some (command section, as a SotS example) sections need sturdier chassis (mission section) to endure the turn momentum?


What can we expect in terms of campaigns? Will they go much deeper than current scenarios?


We do wonder about this whole Zuul thing. We know some have gained a conscience and are with Liir. Will we be able to play as either race/side of the common empire?


Does the rise of Suul'ka and their orthodox Zuul companions mean a completely new way of FTL travel or did Zuul actually use their masters' invention all the time?


How do the Morrigi interact with independent colonies? Do they control them directly, as part of their empire, or is there another connection?


Per poly targetting, will you be able to enjoy the battle as a general would?


Randoms, old and new? Evolving?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, I'll stop spamming, from now on I'll just edit this post. I am only spamming so that you guys don't forget I want your questions... BTW, do throw in some! You don't need to limit yourselves to SotS as it is, ask anything you'd want from a space strategy game. I'll do the filtering should you ask something already known.


Will SorS2 feature ships-on-field limitation, like SotS has command points?


Will ships in SotS2 be more durable? We tend to get attached to our ships but being ready to loose whole fleets is a necessity in SotS.


SotS has no limits on sections combining. Will SotS2 have any limits, perhaps to simulate that some (command section, as a SotS example) sections need sturdier chassis (mission section) to endure the turn momentum?


What can we expect in terms of campaigns? Will they stay like current scenarios or will this be deepened?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just posting to tell you that I will try to do the interview after E3. Not just that during E3 nobody at Kerberos would be free but also because some of the questions (gathered in 1. post now) will probably be answered at E3 and new questions are sure to surface.


So you know... keep'em coming until E3 is over. The quantity is very limited so ask TODAY...


DAMN crickets, I'm sure they are keeping the posters away. Them and... tumbleweed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok guys, this is it. If you actually thought about this for a second and came up with a question, DO TELL NOW. I'll finish the Q-set tomorrow and send it to Martin Cirulis. He said he would have a look at them but also warned me that there may not be as many details they want to uncover right now as we'd wish.


Couldn't care less, I'd kill for any info. ;)


As for you lazy bunch :P, start asking questions! ;)

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:grumlegrumble:NEVER again:grumblegrumble:


OK, dammit. If someone complains about the questions afterwards, I'll... be pretty pissed. ;)


I'll try to send them today, after some editing, I don't think all Qs are as clear as I'd want them to be.

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What sort of questions did u ask? Sorry 4 being late ;)

You can read them in the first post, mostly. I divided some into more, shorter Qs and got some new ideas while writing things up, but that is mostly it. We'll see what Kerberos will answer though.

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  • 5 months later...

:dusts off the forum:


Damn crickets, at first they act soothingly, after a while it is annoying.


Just wondering, do we have any more questions for SotS2?


I'm not sure Kerberos has time to answer them but hey, we can still ask. I admit there wasn't much real news on the game since previous interview so I didn't find much inspiration for new questions, but if there is any interest from SC members, I am not afraid to ask. :P

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