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X-COM Origin


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X-COM: Origin

Work in progress. New game in development!




Based on X-COM: UFO Defense (UFO: Enemy Unknown)

Reconstruction on a 3D-engine with new elements.

It is not just full-remake of old game, it is more like game in x-com universe with main game-play elements.


First and Main:

Game is developing as free project by small team of fans on UDK (Unreal Engine 3).


Now, project needs in:

1. Game - designer

2. 2D-artist (Photoshop: art, textures, concepts, etc.)

3. Story - writer


Our forum:



Already done:



Not many done, because main point is tactics mode


- Rotating camera around Earth

- Simple solar system with sun, earth, space, lensflare

- Time changing


Tactics mode:

Tactics mode now has pre-alpha state.


- isometric camera

- camera controlled with WASD and mouse.

- virtual grid, stick objects to grid

- random creatures location

- creatures movement with mouse

- basic random map generation with random location of ships, houses, ufos etc.. etc..

- simple AI

- characteristics system of creatures

- many effects

- Time Units system: all creatures uses TU in all actions

- simplest turn-based mode

- other stuffs


In progress:

- weapon models

- creatures models

- ships

- web-site


Soon will be done:

- user interface and menus

- smart AI

- extended map generator





Old tactics videos:



New videos:


Interceptors flight


Time managment


Base construction



















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  • 2 months later...

I'd say people are just cautious, we've seen dozens of X-Com projects spawning and dying, hope yours gets off the ground :(


Battlescape and Geoscape look very nice, even if it's without an actual UI yet, the Unreal engine works really good :cool:

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why no one from here do not want to participate in this project?

are all of you not believe in success ?



Speaking personally, I don't really have anything to contrubite. The best I could do is story-writing, but I'm sure there's several more here with a deeper understanding(read: Ability to out-nitpick) of the lore than me. :cool:

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  • 2 months later...
I'm not any good at programming. Sorry. However, I can beta test the game, if need be. I'm willing to help in that regard. From the screens and the rifle video, it looks good so far. The planet looks more like it was taken from UFO than X-Com, but it does look good.
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  • 2 months later...

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