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UFO AL Ironmen Mod


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Some people complained that this game is almost impossible to play ironmen style (no reloads) and it is indeed.


This mod is a sort of "Resurrection mod", every time one of your soldiers dies, you get him/her back after a while (but they lose all their experience).


Download: https://www.strategycore.co.uk/files/?dlid=752



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I've approved your mod in our files database which can be found here. Thanks Bola, nice to see someone modding this game! :)


If you could grab a couple more screenshots of your mod, that would be very much appreciated. Our files section messes up the columns if there are anything less than 3 screenies for some reason. Your mod may not be involved enough to find 3 different screenshots, but try. It would be appreciated. ;)


- Zombie

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Great news!


Is it possible to make them experienced? Because an inexperienced soldier in the middle of the game is more or less unable to do anything.


Whatever experience would be welcome; randomized, same as it was, same for all, whatever, as long as they wouldn't be complete cannon fodder.

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The UFO:Extraterrestrial solution was bad for a X-COM, but could be very good for a UFO:After.

In UFO:ET, as long as you have a surviving soldier coming back to the base, the dead soldiers, even explosed, could be revived trough a cloning system.

They keep some experience (maybe their brain memory is regulary "saved"?).

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Thanks Zombie, there are a couple more screenshots, but all of them are really similar.


This mod is really simple, it is just a script called from the game timer that checks regularly if the soldiers are present (alive) and if they are not, it adds the character from the characters.txt file. That is the reason they loose all their experience, you get them in the state they are at the start of the game.


To get experienced soldiers later in the game would require to modify the characters.txt file to add copies of the characters with more exp. and to find a way to check the game time from the script so the better soldiers do not show up too soon (or you could just let everyone die in the first missions to get more powerful soldiers). There also is no way that i know to modify a soldier's exp. or trainings from a script.


It also can be seen as a strategic incentive so you don't let your soldiers die knowing you will get them back as they were (it is an ironmen mod after all, it's not meant to make the game easier, just to be playable this way).


But it is easy to level up a rookie later in the game. Just being in a mission gives experience, and you can just use your trained soldiers to down the nearby enemies to a red health bar and then send the rookie to "finish" them. He/She will be up to level 10-12 in a couple of missions if done right.




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The UFO:Extraterrestrial solution was bad for a X-COM, but could be very good for a UFO:After.

In UFO:ET, as long as you have a surviving soldier coming back to the base, the dead soldiers, even explosed, could be revived trough a cloning system.

They keep some experience (maybe their brain memory is regulary "saved"?).


This thread is not really about UFO:ET but hey... I never played it without BMan's mod, so I wouldn't know about vanilla. In his mod, people stay dead. :oh:


@BolaDePel: You are most definitely right.

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Thanks again Bola. ;)


Well, I figured out what is going on with the files section. Apparently, trying to add screenshots while viewing the page clears the download. However, if I administratively edit the file page, the download field isn't cleared. Odd stuff, but now that I know what the issue is I can avoid it. Sorry for any inconveniences this caused. :oh:


- Zombie

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No problem, don't worry about it.


But i think you should remove the last screenshot from the download page, it may mislead people into thinking they may get a bunch of "clones" when they are not, it was just a shot from an early experiment gone wrong.


There is a shot from another early experiment, you could end up with an army of twins :oh:




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But i think you should remove the last screenshot from the download page, it may mislead people into thinking they may get a bunch of "clones" when they are not, it was just a shot from an early experiment gone wrong.

I put that screenie in there temporarily just to test something out. It's gone now. :oh:


- Zombie

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