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Pocket UFO - Beatible?


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I have Pockt UFO (X-COM: EU for a smartphone) and ave finally arrive to the "brain" and have about 14 guys shooting 3 rounds of auto shots for about 10+ rounds now all with laser rifles, and nothing seems to have happened to the brain? Anyone know what's up?
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My guess is you probably need a more powerful weapon to destroy the brain segments. Try the Heavy Laser or the Heavy Plasma. If not, the Blaster Bomb should always work. What may have worked in the original game may not work in this game as the developers did some major changes to basically everything. :D


Moved to correct forum.


- Zombie

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dang lol that is what I was thinking myself and hoping it wasn't true, since I didn't bring anything heavier with me. I did have 2 heavy cannons on board and sent two of them back to pick them up and use them now as well but still nothing so I guess I'kll have to just reload and put on 2 blaster bombs and maybe 10-15 heavy plasma. I just hate being limited ammo. Hopefully this works and I have really enjoyed playing this game while at work since my little brother broke my psx copy years ago. Can anyone else confirm, if not I guess I will once I try it over again!
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Well, I should have thought of that but ohh well, I was able to reload right before lift off and equip 2 blaster launchers and 20+ guys with HP. Sure enough, the game is beatible, I did so with 1 blaster to kill the elites and than the second to destroy the brain. I might reload again and see if he can be beat with HP's as well, but I will tel you this much, laser rifles don't seem to even affect him. After around close to 500+ shots of laser rifles and than bringing in 2 auto cannons, not even one section had been removed lol.
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If the brain is anything like the original, it'll be the case that any given shot will either kill it or leave it unharmed. That means that if a weapon's highest damage level isn't enough to destroy the target outright then no amount of consecutive shots will even leave a mark.
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