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Rate UFO: Afterlight

Azrael Strife

How would you rate UFO: Afterlight?  

7 members have voted

  1. 1. How would you rate UFO: Afterlight?

    • 10 - Stand aside, X-Com, here's your daddy!
    • 9 - As good as the King, an equal to X-Com
    • 8 - Almost as good
    • 7 - Falling short on some areas
    • 6 - Entertaining
    • 5 - Decent, but I've seen a lot better
    • 4 - Not that good
    • 3 - Boring
    • 2 - You call THIS a game?
    • 1 - Already uninstalled it and set the box on fire, now the healing can begin...

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I went for 8 - almost as good. I would definitely go for 9 or 10 if there were more soldiers, meaning cannon fodder, also meaning less RPG. I don't know why but this REALLY bugs me. Otherwise I'd say X-COM met its match that surpases da King in more than one area.
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For now, to me it's an 8, but I'm waiting to finish it before casting actual vote.


Personally I'd like disposable soldiers as well, but there is a certain charm to getting to know each one of your soldiers too which I kinda enjoy, the RPG elements are certainly well done, but I get the feeling that for such elements, a system like that of UFO: ET would have been better (soldiers don't die unless all of them die), because let's face it, with VERY little soldiers at times you won't have other option but to reload if a bunch of them get killed.


The missions are still slightly repetitive, but nowhere as much as Aftershock, the terrains still could have used much more variety, dunno what's so hard about making a bloody map...


The artwork, I'm personally in love with it, it's not eerie or spooky as X-Com or as UFO: Aftermath, but that's ok to me, the game itself isn't about being eerie anyway, the unknown alien invasion is not on this game, nothing really scary about this one. UFO: AM on the other hand, had this and took good advantage of it.


Oh, and I LOVE that the two part missions are over, I HATED those, completely sucked, and the resource system of UFO: AS didn't really appeal to me and made little sense, on this game it's much much better thought.

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  • 11 months later...
  • 7 months later...

A 4 from me. I didn't like it. Boring, same missions over and over. An unrealistic resource gathering system.

An irritating diplomacy system. A useless trade system. Weapons are not handled well. In order to build a Katana you have to be a manufacturing and resource gathering Giant(!). It is much easier to manufacture a lazer sniper's rifle, instead, or a lot of other advanced equipment.


I think it is a much worse game than Aftershock, while it was supposed to be a better one, considering it came after it.

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