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question for all you UFO vets


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hey there


i used to play xcom years ago. well, i just tried the new demo for afterlight and was quite impresed. I like the managment system etc. What other good ufo games should i try b4 the afterlight comes out? how is silent storm? i know xcom is really dated now

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What other good ufo games should i try b4 the afterlight comes out?


Well you could try ufo aftershock, the 2nd game before they made afterlight,

its aviable via download for 32 $ if i remember correctly. Although it might not

be worth it since, we are only 8 days away from afterlight, you never finish

aftershock before that, besides i do think afterlight will be way better than its

older precursors

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Well if you really really want to play the two previous games, UFO: Aftermath and UFO: Aftershock, be prepared to follow the mantra: Save often, save a lot! That is because of how buggy the two games are. Despite their buggyness they are worth playing if you have tons of patience and do enjoy tactical squadbased turnbased shooters.

As for Silent Storm, Silent Storm: Sentinels and Hammer & Sickle.

They are the games with the best physics engine that I ever have seen to date. The tactical missions might be hard at first but if you use your brains you will find these games very fun to play.

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