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New Online UFOpaedia


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I'm half-way through my new online UFOpaedia... I thought I'd post the link now however incase I get caught up in something else and forget to later...


Online UFOpaedia


The sections that work are:

  • HWPs
  • Alien Life Forms
  • Alien Research
  • UFO Components

I still need to create a top banner image and an index page, which is why my link goes straight to the Sectoid page...


I hope all you X-COM fans like it! :D

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Awww! It even has the original "up/down" buttons!




The supply ship reminds me of something to post in another thread. I'll go do that.


A note - you've quoted the official text about "Chrysalids vulnerable to explosive ammunition", but NKF-sensei has reckoned otherwise. Are you up for doing some research that could improve your version over the official text?

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A note - you've quoted the official text about "Chrysalids vulnerable to explosive ammunition", but NKF-sensei has reckoned otherwise. Are you up for doing some research that could improve your version over the official text?

Yes, it is true... Chryssalids aren't vulnerable to anything in particluar, but instead take 80% fire damage and 90% stun...


I'd feel a little sacrilegious changing the original text though ;)

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That, my friend, is what footnotes are for! When you get to TFTD, you'll probably start tearing your hair out. ;) (such as the one misplaced 'underwater' comment for the M.C disrupter, etc, when you can in fact use the silly thing anywhere)


The Chryssalid's resistance to HE was so obvious once I was taking them out on superhuman with heavy cannons. They'd eat up 5 - 6 HE shells per chryssalid, but with the AP shells, they only needed half as many shots. Heck, even the laser pistols were chewing them up faster than the autocannon HE shells. Let's not forget mentioning how they can sometimes withstand direct attacks from high explosive packs.



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When you get to TFTD, you'll probably start tearing your hair out. :(

I can assure you that I won't "get to TFTD"... I've never liked any of the sequels to UFO... I've said it many times before, but UFO, in my mind, is the original and the best :(


... Unless of course a worthy X-COM-based FPS comes out that is ;) (but as we all know, this is a very slim chance of that :) )

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It's taking a while to complete, but it will get there one day...


I'm having dillemmas about the weapons pages because the pics for the weapons are so small that it makes the page look strange with this tiny little pic and then lots of text around it... I don't know... I'll figure something out ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...
PS have you tried the hq3x program?

No, I haven't... I don't like downloading programs from the net... Too much viral risks involved if you know what I mean...


I just decided to double the image size directly in HTML... It looks good enough to me ;)

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