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How to destroy red markers on mothership aftershock


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Do you mean the Wargot's asteroid? There should be three columns of two red markers (six red markers on the hex grid in total). All you have to do is battle your way to the nearest marked hex and clear the map by destroying the light column. You only need to destroy 1 of each pair of marked hexes.


The light columns are kind of hard to target. I would suggest climbing to the upper level and force attack the very top of the column. I did destroy the columns with heavy machine gun and later even dual laser pistols (I was just testing them!). But if what you're using doesn't seem to be working, try switching to another weapon.


If you've only just started and can't go to any of the hexes, don't worry. Your scientists will pipe in shortly.



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Not quite. I've hit another waiting game for the second interstellar horse, and have decided to take a break from it for a while. The load times vs. the actual play time of the missions were really starting to get me down.



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  • 1 year later...
I let the game run for 30 minutes real-time and still cannot get past the hex grid. I don't recall how I did it last time. I only recall that I pretty much had to start at the bottom of the grid and work my way through each grid to the red markers. I clicked all over the asteroid and still cnnot get into any of the hexes.
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  • 3 years later...

Time to raise this thread from the dead:

I'm at the asteroid hex grid now also... And stuck.


Only thing showing on the asteroid map, besides the grid, is the 6 red dots and nothing else. Time controls don't show up either.


What to do? Any way to fix this or get past it?


Patched to v1.3.

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I can help here as unlikely as that would seem (given my misgivings for Aftershock!)


I reached the mothership this morning and it's really easy. As soon as you arrie you'll have to play through one mission against the Wargots. When you successfully complete this, you'll have a short video feed to the science officer onboard the Laputa and then you'll be left to view the 3D map of the 'vessel' with 17 hexes on it and 6 red spots. The red spots are where you have to go but you actually start off right at the bottom where you should see a yellow dot. Click here to initiate the next mission and you'll see more dots appear on the main grid everytime you succeed in the previous mission.


You can only carry out missions in hexes adjacent to previously cleared locations so don't expect to be able to attend the red sites right away. I'm finding it a breeze so far but I had to stop to go out for a meal so I'm just going to blow the first strand now. Good luck, see you on the other side :(


Oh and no there are no time controls on this part of the game (it all happens as one big mission hence no healing either so be careful!) You can't leave the mission to do research or anything else either.


If you don't see any yellow dot then you have a bug that I didn't get (also patched to v1.3) so try reloading the autosave which should be just before the first mission and hence before the map is generated. Alternatively, it may even be before you launch on the mission which would be even better :(

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I was about to post that I fixed it but you were faster.

UFO:Aftershock support <-- On that site, see: "Myrmecol repair kit". It works as advertised.


Of course I had to install ActivePerl and then look through the perl script on how to use though (I am a programmer so at least I know what to look for. Might be a tad bit more difficult for people who know nothing about how the machine with pretty lights and sounds in front of them works. :( )


But the point is, it works. I got the mission marker to load now. :(


P.S. If you bring an 8th "person" along (I brought my favorite drone Snotball with me) it kinda superimposes it over all the other team members preview window(?) and you can't select it anymore.

Doing the first actual mission now so dunno if it will fix itself after that is done.


[Edit: Nope, that loveable Snotball is gone now :(

So remember to keep all the drones you want to bring with you, that don't fit in the squad, in the equipment]

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I'm at the asteroid hex grid now also... And stuck.

Only thing showing on the asteroid map, besides the grid, is the 6 red dots and nothing else. Patched to v1.3.

Weird. Did you patched before starting your running game? IIRC, this bug is supposed removed with 1.2

EDIT: I may be wrong, I don't see it in any patch list.

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Weird. Did you patched before starting your running game? IIRC, this bug is supposed removed with 1.2

EDIT: I may be wrong, I don't see it in any patch list.


Installed all the patches in the instructed order up to v1.3 right after fresh install and still had to use the Myrmecol repair kit.


Hope there won't be any more game breaking bugs ahead of me...

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Well if it helps, I just finished my game :( Word of advice. Unless you enjoy the endless monotony of pointless resource defence missions, just fast forward the time when you hit a 7day 14 hour research topic. You should know which one when you see it :(
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