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UFO: Afterlight concept art aired


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So much for building suspense - ther appear to be at least three groups of aliens and three different styles of building. At this stage I should imagine all three races would end up in the game... :P
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We don't know what their role is going to be yet.


I suspect that the player is going to have to form a coalition with the new races in order to defeat a common enemy, rather like what we have to do with the human, psionic and cyborg factions in Aftershock. The differing technology of the three alien civilizations could be implemented in the same manner as the three resource types in Aftershock.


I also think that the Reticulan Empire is playing a very deep game, and that it will end up being the ultimate enemy in Afterlight. I think that it deliberatly sacrificed one of its weaker colonies and Earth to figure out how the myrmecols can travel between the stars without using Qports as this would give them a big advantage in interstellar politics.

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But as Aftershock shows us, those evil Reti's were just under Mrymecol influence.


I think there's definitely more to the Reticulan's though, and there's a deeper storyline for them being written over several games...

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The question is: why didn't the Reticulans detect the female myrmecol when she entered the solar system of the subverted colony? And why didn't they pick up on the danger signs when the colony began to fall apart?


Also, there seem to be a lot of key events happening in the space of a few weeks in Aftershock after a four decade interlude. Coincidence? :P

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I read one book that claimed that Mars was a lush green world until almost historical times. The author thinks that an asteroid destroyed the Martian civilization, but of course it could have been a myrmecol. And he thinks that aliens are responsible for Stonehenge, the pyramids, the Nazca lines and crop circles, so he must be right :P
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I read one book that claimed that Mars was a lush green world until almost historical times. The author thinks that an asteroid destroyed the Martian civilization, but of course it could have been a myrmecol.



Allow me to invervene: It is quite aberrant to suppose that any form of civilisation could have formed on Mars. While life had almost certainly appeared there as well, it is quite improbable that a civilisation could have formed, for 2 reasons:


-The planet is not far older than dear-sweet Earth, and seen as though life does take some time to become intelligent, they just didn't have enough time befoure the planet's magnetic field collapsed (because THAT is the real problem with Mars)

-Even if there was a society on Mars, we would certainly have seen something left behind by them (Forerunner style), even if it were fossil skeletons and not superweapons; no such ting was ever found (except that puzzling martian face)

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