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Easiest way to increase lethality?


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I'm a person who can't stand it when people get shot multiple times and don't die in an otherwise realistic game, so I figured that I should make a mod for Sentinels in order to enjoy it more. The mod has three objectives:


1. Roughly triple the damage of all weapons


2. Roughly triple the range of all weapons, but decrease the overall accuracy (if that's possible)


3. Set PK armor so that it will resist small arms fire, take light damage from .50 BMG and similar, and be destroyed by anti-tank weapons. This objective is less important than the first two.


I can see two ways to do #1 (increase the min and max damage for each caliber or increase the damage mod for each weapon), but I'm wondering if there is an easier way than having to change each cell individually. For instance, is there a way to select multiple cells at once and replace them all with one value? Or perhaps just make it so that all hits are critical?


I can see how to do #2, but I don't know whether increasing the range will also increase the accuracy. I don't want a weapon to be any more accurate at 10 meters (for instance) than it is in the base game, but I do want it to shoot much farther.


#3 should be accomplishable simply by simply editing the armor value of PKs, so I don't anticipate any problems there, but I would appreciate being alerted to any potential problems I might not be aware of.


Thanks in advance for the help.

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I'm a person who can't stand it when people get shot multiple times and don't die in an otherwise realistic game,

Hi arthurtuxedo, welcome onboard.

I am okay with you but thisnproblem seem to be corrrected in Hammer & sickle.


whatever, when you read some war time or police/FBI reports, you read that it is not so easy to kill a


man: 3 to 4 hand guns/SMG or common and some wrote that during WW2 man need 6 to 9 rounds of 9mm


luger(parabelum) to kill a rushing assailant, and some people are still alive with 2 bullets in the head!


that is the reason of making high capacity magazines, as for the suomi, PPSH aso...


For rifle/LMg, okay, you are almost dead or disable with 1 to 2 shots.


And with a .50 caliber in a man, you got 4 members a head and a missing body with an explosive head, or a


hole as big as a soccer's ball.



About your request try to read the moding posts and you should find an answer.


Whatever you can edit the weapons dammage values with SQL-viewer, You need MS-acess to edit the

variables: recoil factor, weight, targetting bonus, AP needed for aiming.


To change weapons, go to the RPG melee/weapons table, then to RPg weapons to find the caracteristics.


Did you read the editor manual? It is almost clear in it.

Good work pal!

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I can see how to do #2, but I don't know whether increasing the range will also increase the accuracy.

Try to dance around MinRange field. Really this is a "weapon difficulty handling". Set it to something small and see results.

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I actually see a problem with this: If you overshoot and make the new weapons TOO lethal, it will be too easy for a lone gunman to take down an entire patrol using single shot fire in one turn. Play the HS demo - Moshe is able to do that using his Uzi with headshots. This isn't realistic.
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I am aware that one shot does not always equal one kill in real life, especially with the non-expanding ammo they had back then, but most of the time it only took 1-3 shots. The 9+ shot stories are the exception, and even then, the target usually died later.


In any case, I realized that tripling the damage values would have been more lethal than in reality, so I just doubled them instead. Now people go down in 2-4 pistol shots to the chest instead of 4-8, and a short burst at point blank from an SMG usually brings them down. Headshots are usually fatal (chopping off peoples' heads with the fire ax is fun).


I got the damages more or less where I wanted them pretty easily by modifying the ammo, then I just put a range mod of 3 on all the ammo, and luckily it didn't automatically increase accuracy.


I did notice the problem Gungadin mentioned, so maybe I'll increase some of the APs required to shoot. Still need to set the resistance value of the PKs to be what I described, as well. RPGMaterials, row 22, Threshold, is the amount of damage that is subtracted by the PK armor, right? 50 seems low to me. I remember PKs being nigh-invulnerable. Did they lower it in Sentinels? Are there any other values relating to PK armor I should know about?

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I am aware that one shot does not always equal one kill in real life, especially with the non-expanding ammo they had back then, but most of the time it only took 1-3 shots. The 9+ shot stories are the exception, and even then, the target usually died later.


I got the damages more or less where I wanted them pretty easily by modifying the ammo, then I just put a range mod of 3 on all the ammo, and luckily it didn't automatically increase accuracy.

Yes of course, the basic problem of the SS serie is that it is more or less a" kill them all", and the ennemies are seldom incapacited, they can still firing with 5 bullets in the body and are not shocked! At war you do not shot at them to death, you let them injured and keep going, No time and bullets for that.

I realized that I had to try to change not only the dammage values but the incapaciting values (blindness, accurancy, Ap loose, stunning, motionless...) With that My team won't have to kill each of them but would let them bleeding and dying.

what would be good in S3 is to avoid ennemies to stand up again after a critical hit, and let them into the ground stunned, but I do not find a way as I am not a specialist as NOVIK.(go into the progammation)


Good for you you perform your task, Let us know about your work as we all finding different way to Mod in our convenience! :)

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Increased damage affects to gamers characters too. Is it enjoyable gaming if hero goes down (Game Over) by a single enemy shot?


Way to shock/stun/panic or low enemies morale could be a good game-element for me ("FREEZE! Or we keep shooting" :) ).

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yes it would not be funny to die on spot,... but in H&S demo believe me, my hero died so many times that my mousse is worn-out by multi reloading, and I found it really cool, trying to find a way not be killed: shooting, then hidding, keep Ap... May be I am an insane player. :cool:


IN S2 & S3 I was so many times stunned or bleeding compare to ennemies (never watch them stunned or blinded) that I do not understand how the incapacity calculation system works.

Does someone get an idea? :)

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  • 1 year later...

Well there is a Damage multiplyer for You and the enemy in the DifficultyConstants.

I think that would be the easiest way to increase lethality for either you or the enemy.


You can edit it for each difficulty. So insane would be insane. :)


Then you could put always critical on and change the critical constants.

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