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Get running Xcom the best way !


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First hi to @ll :P


I spent a lot of time to get UFO or TFTD run propperly under WinXP and a surely too fast computer for those oldschool games !


But know i have found a solution to get rid of the most incompabilaty problems :)


First of all some explanation:


iam not a friend of unlicenced games or getting those games without paying but i do not like to buy a game twice, only becouse of the missing support by the firm who sells it !

I bought Ufo Defence and TFTD years ago (dos versions) and TFTD for playstation too !

So i dont mind anymore to get me a so called copy of those games over fileshare programms like *link removed* !

So if anyone likes to criticie me here, better leave me alone and keep his spam away from me :P


Anyway here the solution :)


I got UFO Defence Gold from *link removed*, and its the best version couse of its features for windows95/98 but also the dos version will run better with this solution !

The main problem is the greficcard acceleration today, more than windows incompability problems (use the compabilaty feature under winxp !)


So to get rid of the graficproblem you should try to go under your grafic preferences and disable the acceleration !




Now the gold version and collectors eddition will run without any problems, only the dos ones will crash sometimes, but only because of one thing !


Most of the people here a teeling that the savefiles are corrupted in some way, but that is only the fect, when the mission ends approximently without any reason, but the games still runs and doesnt crash to win. desktop !

I had this problem a lot of times with the dos versions but in a strenge way it also stops after i had disabled the acceleration, strange insnt it :tank:

The only problem iam not getting rid of in the dos versions, is the gamecrash, when my soliders go up- or downstairs :tank:

Somehow the system causes a problem when the gameengine has to switch the maplevels by its self ( from ground to level 2 and so on)

So there is every savefile working usesless and i only can make you all clear to check out the windows fixed versions and disable the acceleration :spam:


Ok that was all, i hope someone can use this information to have more fun to play xcom again cause its still one of the best :spam:

Iam sorry here for my bad english, but iam from germany and not a native speaker, also iam too lazy to overview the hole posting :angel:

Also there are some of you the information is nothing new to, but i think some of you would like to hear it :spam:


Dammit iam realy happy that there is still a community for xcom alive :)


Machts gut, der Saubermann [ENTEN]Clean ( a little bit german for all of you =)


[Edit by Zombie: removed links].

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bevan's shoddy translation "Powers well, the clean man [DUCK] Clean" is that right, my german is hopeless

aaaaaand im not sure about the rules of this board about *link removed* and similar programs but i think it is frowned upon, (i downloaded tftd from *link removed* until i could find a hard copy :tank: )


[Edit by Zombie: Links removed].

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Hi bevan :tank:


ROFL .....the translation was a nice try....respect :spam:


but there is only one mistake which is quite funny :)


the german word "macht" means force or power this is correct, but the word "machts" in this context doesnt comes from "macht" !


"machts" comes from the word "machen" with means "to do something"

so "machts" is the plural and in context with the word "gut" (gut = well) would the real translation be:


Machts gut, der Saubermann [ENTEN]Clean =


Do it well (dudes = Leute), the cleanman [Duck]Clean :P


I put the word "dudes" in it couse in the way the youth is talking in german, some word are let out couse tey are not needed !


But iam supprised about your german its quite good, when did you lern it and where ?


Anyway i dont give a f....k about geting a copy from filesheare prog. when i allready have bougt the game and it doesnt work bcouse of missing support or my cd or disk is broken !


Anyway could you use my information in the post above or was it useless you english who spams in german ... just kidding ;-)


Hey my english isnt bad either, so if you want to lern some german, the boardadmin should make another forum called "international spam" :spam:


Ca, der Saubermann [ENTEN]Clean :)

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i learnt german at TAFE (if your at secondary school you can get payed for being a student) and also i was extremely racist at the time i learnt german and i was obsessed with nazi germany during WWII (i saw american history x, and it changed me)
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Dammit bevan to be a rassist is shitty :devil:


But to look to german in oder to be a better one is ILL !


During ww2 a lot of germans followed the polotical party NSDAP which was leaded by A. Hitler and supported the "national socialisim"


This "national socialisim" included a form of rassim !


In my opinion this time was the most crewfull and depressing in the last century !


Rssisim is dump !

We are all humans, so where is the problem ?????


I like other contries or to speak to other people like the english ones here !


Also stupid is, that the most people still connect germany with rassim :)


The most of us are worldopen people and cannot get it, that something like Hitler did could ever happend 1


For me, i do not feel linked to the past. Iam born after this time and also do not feel guilty or that stuff, iam just depprest, of what human beeings are able to :tank:


@Loonie hey i have cut it off so the music will no longer anoiy you :P

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well, clean i totally agree with your statement. though i do believe that during ww2 hitler never told the truth to the common german citizen, so in that case they really are innocent and even today they are just like any other country trying to deal with all the shit that is going on. now if hitler would have died in ww1 then there wouldn't of been a ww2, maybe. but you are german right? if not and you read and write good german, i would like some help from you in translateing things into german for me, with my xcom mods that is. i would really appreciate it, i might even learn how to read german if i pay attention to how it is written and what the words mean. but let me know either way.



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heh, thanks for acknowledging my request there. I might've sounded a little pushy there, but I just happen to be quite sensitive to music being broadcasted around me. A bit of a side effect from being a musician. :tank:


Carry on. :P

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Hi ML :P


I will translate your text into german, if you are interested !


just send me everything per e-mail: nc-klugees@netcologne.de




Dont mind, the music was anoing so i cut it off :tank:

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:tank: thanks clean! yes there will be some text that i'd like translated, in a while. its for my xcom mod xcww2. allies vs. axis.........the Nazi axis. if you'd like to check it out just go to my post, the web page one and dload it. give me comments too! i haven't recieved a single one yet about 1.3b. but i should update it to 1.35 by tonight! this one will probably inspire people since i've changed the inventory screens with ww2 uniforms.(big thanks to blade and ben for xcview). mostly what i'd like you to do is ufopedia text and some ingame text (inventory stuff) but i haven't really started writing that stuff yet. i'll get it to you asap. thanks again!



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I have checked it up, and its looking quite funny :P


Just send everything per e-mail, tell me what you would like to have, and i will see !




btw. the head image is just a fake, otherwise i wouldnt use it here :angel:


But its a great avatar for suicide board :tank:

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no i really did find the guy's head blowing up very.........indulging.......put it back up! i like it, i looked at it long enough to see that there is something non-organic coming out of his head (besides his glasses) it looks like a soup can or something. does he have a name? is it an american politition? i think it should be a anti smoker politic, that got shot in the head by my neighbors M1 Garand! (yes he really owns an M1, and i've used it.........on deer and rabbits. :spam: ). well like i said before i'll do the thingy with the stuff and e-mail it to you. :tank::P:tank: :alien2: :P:):):spam::spam: <- one dead alien
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