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Well done guys!


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A big well done to the guys that made the combo-mod(iv got the combo-mod 3.00beta) after getting help from Slaughter and intek(cheers guys) about how to install it i must say im pleasantly surprised at how good it is

i liked UFO before but with the new wepons and items its got a whole new lease of life

well done :P

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:) Could not have said it better myself. The combo mod beta is great!! I shudder to think how much time was taken for testing and how long they had to work on it to get everything up and going.


I say this because I myself and am trying to go through and give every item a description such as:


Power Armor - Upon first finding this suit, we thought it was some sort of strange heavy armor. Closer inspection reveals this suit to have been "grown" much like the organic armor the Reticulans use, making it extremely light. The electronic systems and mechanics used to assist heavy weapons do not exist which also help weight reduction. In their place are what look like improved shield generation nodes. As an added bonus to the absence of the clunky heavy weapons equipment, the wearer can now run instead of walk. The nuclear powered backpack that provides energy to heavy armor doesn't exist. In its place is now an organic power source similar to those used on previous alien armor, only far more powerful than anything we have ever seen. Power that was normally used for heavy weapons assist is now funneled into the shielding system making this armor extremely hard to penetrate.


R&D note: Formed in the shape of our own heavy armor and using alien power cells, we speculate that this armor is, or least was part of the "trade pact" made by the aliens and government(s) before the fall. Unfortunately, unlike previous alien bio-armor this armors organic DNA structure was organized and constructed on the sub-atomic scale which we cannot reproduce.


I would also like to correct 1 or two really minor things in the R&D screen (the human laser pistol is Still using the alien laser pistol graphic representation). I have spent Lots and LOTS of time trying to get each and every file "talking" to one another (this is not even going through and trying to catch the inevitable typos).


The only major thing that I don't know how to correct is the no-face error I have been encountering when I engage a human group of enemies. The armor and weapons show up but there are no heads or faces inside the helmets!!! Weird!!

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...I say this because I myself and am trying to go through and give every item a description such as:...

Nice work! Keep it up :)

...The only major thing that I don't know how to correct is the no-face error I have been encountering when I engage a human group of enemies.  The armor and weapons show up but there are no heads or faces inside the helmets!!! Weird!!...

You're not the only one :). BlackAlmaz can tell you more if you send him a personal message.

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:) Thanks for letting me know who to contact. I just posted a PM message to BlackAlmaz about it. Putting in everything is proving simple, but time consuming. This is probably going to take at least a couple of months. My explanations are rather long winded (as shown above), but I kind of like a good solid sci-fi definition of what things are, where they came from, what they can or can't do etc.... I will probably add one new topic to the research tree, and the Berserk armor will be the result (fits into one of my R&D explanations). I'm concentrating on the easy stuff that has very little chance of crashing the system first, then i'll go for other stuff.


Quick note to those that might get the wrong idea.... I am not a programmer, I am simply useing the tools and info already available to give that extra bit of realism to the game and if possible fix any errors that are not hard coded. If anyone here is thinking that I can fix the extremely bad slowdowns in mid to late game then your going to be dissappointed :) <sorry>.

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well for somone who isent a programmer your doing well REAL well :)


:) Thanks for the commendation. I'll keep my efforts going towards trying to get my descriptions, as well as some other slight modifications finished.


Note to Slaughter: BlackAlmaz replied back to me and said....


"if you can send me a pic it could be more helpfull, but tHE BUGS YOU TALK ABOUT are normal, thats why there are 2 human enemies on time with helmits and one with no face, i created the comlite helmit to fight the no head bug, but to make more verity we added anouther one with a bug that we wanted to fix but never had the chance, i lost all my info, and my mate Aralez stoped moding for this game...so it stayed unsolved


sorry but this will not be fixed due...to me having no time, and no way to upload new files"


:) This is rather black news, I don't have any screen shots or pictures although someone else here may have a shot or two. I encourage those who have ran into this problem to send their pictures to BlackAlmaz......he might get an idea about whats going on and how to solve it with some pictures. With no practical info I don't think that I will be able to figure out whats going on any time soon. I still have hope that this problem will be fixed by someone more knowlegable than I am.

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Okay, I provided BlackAlmaz with somewhere to upload files. Pictures of what? The faceless folks?


From the reply that I got (and posted above), I am guessing that is what he means. I could be wrong on that, but I can't think of what else it would be. The message isn't exactly worded too clearly for the specific pictures of what he wants/needs.

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From the reply that I got (and posted above), I am guessing that is what he means.  I could be wrong on that, but I can't think of what else it would be.  The message isn't  exactly worded too clearly for the specific pictures of what he wants/needs.



sorry about that


i ment the faceless folk


any way.....................

sorry i cant fix the problem way to many issues most of the with the game

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yeah, i really really like the combomod too, except for two things

1) No timeline, i got a special Warp weapons before the russian mission, and for some reason that really gets under my skin

2) something else, i forgot

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:) Well, for the most part, I am not going to worry about the face stuff. My main project right now is to provide some stuff in the R&D area to give a better "feel" to the weapons included in the combo mod. Right now there are almost no descriptions for everything included with the combo mod. I am also going to look into putting some type of image above the statistics and to the right of the screen where the rotating weapon images usually are. :) I don't think I will be able to rotate the images as they are .bik files. Even if I could somehow figure how to make the rotating images in Milkshape, both it and the .bik files are two completely different animals/programs that I would have to learn before I could even begin to put rotating stuff in the (finished) R&D section, which would consume more time than reasonable. :) There is one image - that of the TNT with the timer on it which shows up pretty darn well from the combo mod(have not seen any others) so I am going to just take inspiration from it and go from their. I am going to probably make 1 or 2 other changes, like the removal of combination weapons -like the M203 grenade launcher....M16 attached to a 40mm grenade launcher. The gaming engine really wasn't designed for these type of "combo" weapons (can't think of any that are) This is REALLY slow going, but i'm determined to finish it.
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yeah, i really really like the combomod too, except for two things

1) No timeline, i got a special Warp weapons before the russian mission, and for some reason that really gets under my skin


In order to correct that, I imagine you would have to look at the text files which store base information. Look at what base you got it from, what tek level weapons your supposed to find in its cache (when captured), and what "phase" of the game your in (which probably also determines what you get/capture a base cache). Its probably one of these things "out of kilter" with another. I haven't bumped into that problem, at least not yet.

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I got it off of a Morelman... I saw him walking towards me with this big ugly weapon and i thought "Lets not see what that does"

then after the mission i saw it and wondered why i had a warp weapon


The M203 isn't too bad, but the problem is you must attack over and over again, it will shoot once and thats it


Is there any way you could make it so the bullets shoot normally but if the grenades is loaded then it shoots once? because i do like being able to both shoot and blow enemies up, i found it invaluable in a mission where i started with 3 plectons in close proximity

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