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Dr. Who

Stun Grenade

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Well, the Anne-Droid wasn't quite as nasty as the real thing :confused:


The depressing thing is that after that Dr Who script was written, some television executive came up with an idea called 'Celebrity Shark Bait'. And ITVs summer 'highlight' is Celebrity Love Island. Oh, and Big Brother is back.


Don't worry, I'm a keen astronomer and I'll spot any Dalek invasion fleets massing on the edge of our solar system.

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Yea ive heard that Chris Ecclescake is leaving he was worried about being type cast and the new guy is going to be David Tennant I think, who played the Lead role in Cassanova that was on a few months back. I liked him in it so ive got hope in him doing a decent job.
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I'd prefer to be a type-cast actor. That means people have actually bothered to watch whatever it was that you were in.


Take Hugo Weaving, for example. You expect him to spit out a 'Mr Anderson' at any given point, but do you consider that a bad thing? :confused:

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I'm convinced that he doesn't mind either way :confused:


As for Chris Ecclescake... err... home many more times is it that Dr Who can regenerate with a new body before he finally dies for good? Perhaps the Tardis will regress him back into an egg form (or soemthing.. it did that to the nasty woman last week) and he'll get all his lives back :grr:

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They can get round that by saying that the other Time Lords gave the Doctor a couple of extra regenerations in return for services rendered. I've got an idea that the scriptwriters once did that with the Master because they didn't like to permanantly kill him off and he was getting fed up with hijacking other people's bodies.
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Ive been reliably informed by my anorak wearing Dr Who super fan friend that he can regenerate officially 13 times. That he's almost given away his real name but not quite but did give away his nickname at university which was sigma alpha. If anyone can think of a good question I can stump him with let me know.


Oh and I think he said that David Tennant will be in a Xmas special as the new Dr and he will be the tenth doctor, but due to my new daughter I only got 2 hours sleep last night so im not sure if i got that last bit right.

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I wonder if they'll bring back Tom Baker as the doctor. He was in the early series and is still live, kicking, and less than mentally stable, Doctor Who style. :confused:


(He's perfectly sane, but he's really good at being eccentric)

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It originally was supposed to be 13 regenerations. But, there were occasional hints that extreme need or special dispensation or some such could reset the cycle for another 13. I think it was in Trial of a Timelord, the Valeyard, an evil version of the doctor was supposed to be on his twenty-sixth regeneration or some such. Maybe the evil doctor Valeyard was in such a crappy mood because he was at the last of his second round of thirteen and not likely to be given another dispensation?


Rules change as the needs and the money dictate.


You were also getting the feeling from the seventh doctor, that he was a contemporary of Raselon and Omega and all of the founders of the Time Lord Society, which kind of makes you think that he had a former life as a full Time Lord, before he became half human and half Time Lord which he is supposed to be during the current set of 13 lives. So, he probably had 13 lives to get from the dawn of Time Lord society to current times, and had another 13 lives after the current 13 in order to become the Valeyard in Trial of a Time Lord, and then Who knows what comes after that?

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i have to admit ive watched it from time to time but if im off out i dont setr the recorder. The original Dr.who shoudl be a must see for everyone, appriciate it for what it is and its FAB! dr.who has always changed bodies, i think this is IDEAL for anything going into a long running tv programme!


as for type casting...look what it did to julie andrews!

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