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Difficulty levels don't work

doctor who

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I have x-com collectors edition (UFO and TFTD) and I cannot get the difficulty levels to work properly on UFO, even though they work ok on TFTD. I know one way of fixing the problem is to download X-com util, but that screws up the game in a number of ways which I simply do not want.


Can you fix the difficulty levels with a simple file or something similar?

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The difficulty levels are fixed in the CEd version of the game.


The aliens do receive a tremendous stat boost in superhuman. I killed a sectopod on beginner easily with a laser pistol (from underneath), but on superhuman, I only scratched it after several rounds of continuous autofire (with almost every shot hitting it). And that wasn't just one by one soldier, it was by several.


When probed, the stats were comparibly much higher than the ones on beginner level (man, the armour!).


But just in case, try probing the same alien in both beginner and superhuman just to be sure. It might just be my copy of the game... but I haven't installed any third party tools into my copy of UFO CEd ever, not even Xcomutil.



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That sounds about close to superhuman level armour. Only Superhuman sectopods have 145 front armour.


Beginner level sectopods have the following armour stats.








At least that's what I got in an old savegame, and would probably explain why the laser pistol actually worked. Look, under armour is only 45. Laser pistols are 46. Hmm, I guess my previous theory on how damage is calculated might be a little off then...



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Beginner level sectopods have the extra armour to protect them from the dangerous humans.


No, wait... :dontgetit:


PS. XCOMUTIL can be used to patch the difficulty levels, but I'm pretty sure you can say "no" to all the other changes (base layout, soldier deployment, etc) during setup if you want to.

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The stats listed are for front, sides, rear and under armour for a particular difficulty level -- not the difference between difficulty levels.


Sectopods have weaker armour on easier levels, and better armour on higher levels, hence why they're such menaces on superhuman, but not too bad on beginner.



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