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Cops 2170: The Power Of Law


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Any one playing this game?


Slaughter, since you introduce this game, did you play it?




Question about the game.


1. Any active fourm i can lookup?


2. Will i be able to recuit the cop Fin who greet Katy in the first mission.

i never got a change to know even when i completed the game twice because he always died in the robot factory assault.

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The game was shipped on January 27th. Don't know when it will be in stores, but I guess it should be soon in NA.


1: I guess there is one at the official page. Can you get into the page? I can't for some reason.


2: Huh? You have the game?


Anyway, I haven't played it as it isn't available here yet. And I will not buy it until I've read some reviews and played the demo anyway.

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“Look, I play a lot of games in my line of work. “


Whenever someone wrote this, I double he is going to write anything good. And is mostly likely to be a …


“Behind every icon, and in other areas, is an ugly teal”


Personally, I feel this is transparent, I actually did not notice this fault.


“the extensive voice acting. And none of it is very good. I”


Sound ok to me, not sure what he is expecting. The one problem is the speech is faster then text, it will be better if they just show the dialog instead of slowly rolling out. No big deal, I just push enter and skip the text.


From his description, I believed he played only one mission, in later missions, all units will react to current threat and race towards known enemy position and attack. I must say it is very challenging game. A nice change from silent storm where people get shot and shot and shot and shot then die.


Ai does show tactical attack, they hid and they fight. Often they hid behind something that force player to move to a better position before shooting thus wasting movement points.


Armor in later stage gives you a chance to live and fight another day. Too good an armor mean less weapon. Force shield is available mid game, nice.


Tough mission forced player to think ahead before attack which is good, especially when out number 10 to 1. A little tough but a well place bomb will even the odd. IF not enough, give them ten bomb. :>


Game play is nice, and well paced. Inter-plot is well design too. I had completed the game once, second game is 80% completed and third game is 30% done. If you are wondering, it is because I had two computer at two place.


Graph = 80%

GamePlay = 85%

Replay = 80% different mini plot force player to chose sides thus get different result. Currently I am aware of 4 story path.

Sound = 75% Sound of gun is sound just so much

Music = NA I never care about music, good or bad = do not care

Lasting Appeal = 1 month 4 replay = 4 weeks



I got this game in 20-Jan. Having fun since..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow most reviewer give all the same complains. What wrong with the voice?


A tips for new player, if there is one. Use the car when ever possible, drive right to the front of a enemy and ran them over,


or jump out shoot them point blank and drive away.

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