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Rookies: How do you treat them?

Psy Guy

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"Out on a Limb" Rookies become the front line troopers or point men. The guys that are in the middle of it all. (gotta protect those leaders)


"Bootcamp" Rookies report to a "Bootcamp" base where they go on "Training Missions" where they develop there skills and later join the main squad or any other main attack teams.


"One of the Guys" Rookies join any attack team and are treated the same as everyone else.


"Bomberman" (my fav) Rookies are the guys that are laced with C-4 (high explosives) and rush the alien ship. If they survive then they live to see another day, (if they die.... well you know what happens :devil: )


"Packin Heat" Rookies are the heavy weapons people that carry the Rocket Launchers, Small Launchers, Blasters, etc....


Other..... well anything thats not even close to what i stated


(Some people may find there tactics similer but not completely the same to what they use. Please pick the one closes to your strategy unless its unlike anything up there. I wanna hear the "others" :D )


-PSY GUY- :confused:

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I mostly use them as any other guy unless there's a more riskful situation, then it's more likely I send forth a rookie. (Unless my higher ranking soldiers are the only ones with flying suits) Like when I need to scout out an area where I suspect there's aliens. :devil:


Somtimes they tend to get left behind because of the lack of time units compared to their friends. At least I regret loosing an officer more than a rookie. :confused:

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I use them as one of the guys but i like the idea of Bootcamp missions i think i will try that.


Heres my idea:


I build a hangar in my base and get a skyranger then when i down a UFO i check the size of the UFO and if it is below Medium then i send the Bootcamp team if it is Medium or above then i send my Veterans.


I think ill try that if i ever get my UFO to work

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My rookies ride point and scout the area ahead, but this also means they get a good chance of gaining experience through fighting. They can take comfort in knowing that there are veterans behind them that can bring heavy firepower on any opponents that are to big or numerous for the rookies.


And if the rookies do well, they move up in the ranks and back in the squad.



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I won't vote, since I use a mix of the above.


"One of the guys" is usually the motto and the veterans and rookies alike share the glory. I pretty much don't care about what rank they are as long as they are good. Rank's just an added diversion (of course, in the real world it means a bigger paycheck. :confused: )


Although, I still acknowledge their shortcomings, so it's not likely I'm going to have a soldier with 40 accuracy do a lot of sniping. Probably use that soldier as a grenadier for a bit until the grenades build up the soldier's firing accuracy... up to say 50 or more.


Rookies are always the first to get sent to the front line (the tanks go first if they're available), but some get to hang back with the veterans if they show any exceptional capabilities (high reactions, high accuracy, high strength or they were able to resist a barrage of psi attacks from a sectoid commander).


As usual, the veterans provide long range suppression fire should the scouts spot anything that they cannot handle, or they form a grenade relay chain.


Half of the squad is usually a team of hardened veterans, and the other half are rookies, cycled regularly so they can all evenly get some training. Just a little bit of experience usually goes a long way.


I do, in the end create a 'bootcamp' of sorts at either my engineering base, or my secondary strike base (which doubles as a psi-academy). But, when possible, they see no combat and are merely reserve troops. Those at the engineering base always get a standard issue suit of personal armour, since I like to build tons of those. Got to get rid of those alloys some how.



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(statement) I treat everyone the same except rookies (due to the fact that rookies have no exp). I put my low skill solders on the front line and my marksmen in a 2 story building giving fire support. I don't think that rookies should be treated the same as someone who survived 20 missions and killed 32 aliens. Everyone has to earn there place on the team and the vets have earned theres. I won't shelter my vets but i won't make them take on 10 aliens alone eather. (ocasionally i will send a lame commander inside a battleship just to see if he/she has what it takes :confused: )



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Early in the game, my rookies are treated the same as anyone else, because everybody's a rookie. Later on when I have a squad of hardcore veterans, I tend to use the bootcamp philosophy. I like for all soldiers to have combat experience, so I rotate the garrison squads through the bootcamp, and I try to keep one high ranking officer as the base CO for each installation I have. Either Commander or Colonel.
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At the beginning of the game, all the soldiers r rookie so no pb with that...


Later, I use the option 'one of the guy"... I always work with team of 2-4 men (3 is the best)... 2 veterans, 1 rookie... The rookies r the first to fire, if they missed the veteran do the kill...


When i start to get psy, the rookie play "ball trap"... My spy control the alien, put them in line, and the rookie fire... Or I let the control go over, and let the alien run by themselves...


Umbriel UFO veteran

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I voted for "One of the guys" (and i do treat them like that) but the boot camp idea is great, heres the facts:


When you get enough money build a base in north africa and call it bootcamp. (the desert is much easier for rookies(no risk of aliens hiding in buildings)so they have open terrain)

Then hire about 20 rookies.(to the new base)

Equip them the newest weapon u have (and armour) remember these are the rookies of the future (and could be sent to mars if you train them well)

Now the most important thing here is dont send them to terror sites or massive ships and anything above a small UFO is too much (for now)

When you have sent them on some missions and they have gained experience send them to a terror site (for the final test) if you are almost certain the majority can survive. Any that do survive and have a sufficent rank to be in your army (dont go hard on them and expect them to be 1 rank b4 a commander), transfer them to your main base (or any other that you feel comfotable with)and assign them.


And this works well you just need the money to build the base.



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Well, I agree with Alan that the veterans tend to get the better equipment, but I do try to keep them from getting killed before they get good at anything. No unnecessary risks, in other words. I've never been one for suicide attacks.
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One of the guys... generally...


On the other hand though, on easy missions I get the rookies to make the intial breach of the UFO so that they can squaddie-up. On harder missions I tend to use them for "utility" purposes, like using motion detectors, using flares, and whipping out the med kit action. Even on hard missions though, they still have to pull thier weight when the undigested matter hits the wind propulsor.


On occasion I have used them to draw fire. That is to say that good ol' Sarge ran out of TUs in front of a bug-eye, but Cleatus is there to come to the rescue by moving out in front and taking a hit for the Sarge. This is a matter of expendable vs valuable.


I have also given them "Little Billy" missions. This is where they go off on thier own to locate the alien with the blaster launcher so that someone else can make a pre-emptive strike with his own launcher.

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