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Marines or Predator or ....


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its imposible to make the unit jump..so that would be boring...or invisible to the enemy..so playing as the prediror would suck a bit....but i have played around with a few things and alot of alians could be made..but it takes alot of time to make them anmate the way you want


i'll send aralez my files....

i looked at all my aftermath files and they take up a good 200mb thats models used and unused

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I like to see myself in a Female Predetor (the Next Movie) :)


Using All the Alient Melee Tech Gear Weapons and Eliminating them one by one. NOT to mention seeing them in the Predetor's view; while we shifts in a diffrent Visual spectrum in different areas in the map. Running, Out Flanking, Camping, and Of Course Hunting them DOWN!


FPS view as how you commanded my self to do. :)

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I like to see myself in a Female Predetor (the Next Movie) :)


Using All the Alient Melee Tech Gear Weapons and Eliminating them one by one. NOT to mention seeing them in the Predetor's view; while we shifts in a diffrent Visual spectrum in different areas in the map. Running, Out Flanking, Camping, and Of Course Hunting them DOWN!


FPS view as how you commanded my self to do. :)

ahh...man..why dont you buy alians vs preditor..1 or 2


cause this game is really hard coded..

and that convertion would take an expert team..and would hav to rebuild the animation engine...and alot of other things

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The AVP games were good, but what they lacked was a good Co-Operative campaign, that would of been friken awesome.


I did post before, but it must of got lost somewhere.... I wanna be Drake outta Aliens, that big SmartGun he and Vasquez used were awesome! :devil:

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I like to see myself in a Female Predetor (the Next Movie) :)


Using All the Alient Melee Tech Gear Weapons and Eliminating them one by one. NOT to mention seeing them in the Predetor's view; while we shifts in a diffrent Visual spectrum in different areas in the map. Running, Out Flanking, Camping, and Of Course Hunting them DOWN!


FPS view as how you commanded my self to do. :)

ahh...man..why dont you buy alians vs preditor..1 or 2


cause this game is really hard coded..

and that convertion would take an expert team..and would hav to rebuild the animation engine...and alot of other things

I saw it on a LAN Site I got dizzy Looking at it. I think it's a Quake engine?


I would love to see the Turn-Based Version of it. :)


AND :devil: make it harder for you guys since you have to create a very sophisticated AI for the Marines to work on a team while you try to sneak up on them. :) hihihihihihhi.....


A nice twist if the Futuristic Marines on Aliens² were hunting you down as a Predetor.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 11 months later...
They are working on the modding tools. I'll keep you posted, but I believe it will be better than with Aftermath when they are done.


cool, they have made this game prity hard to mod cause they have just added so much, all i can think of is adding a few guns and changig our skins, plus sometheres, so its a chalange in itself to think of stuff

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  • 5 months later...
Alright, if i would decide to make an AvP mod for UFOAM which race would you choose as the player's race.




-something else


If you vote for point three please explain what race or unit you are thinking of.


My vote: Marines vs Predator. :eh:

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