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Creating a voice pack mod


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I don't know about you, but I find the voices in the game pretty annoying. I could just turn them off completely, but it's nice to hear when a certain situation occurs. So I've come up with the idea that maybe the community could create our own. There are people on here from all over the world with varying accents, so I thought it might be a good idea to see who would be interested in helping to create better voices for the game. I've got in mind that the soldiers should sound more serious and less retarded. The voices at the moment just don't fit right.


If you think the characters sound like a bunch of schumcks and you have a mic, do you want to contribute?


Cheers :power:

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There doesn't look like there's much interest, so I wouldn't make it your top priority :power: . Though if you still want to do it, here are some of the sayings that are needed :)



- Ouch

- Under attack

- Under fire

- doH!


Plan completed

- What next?

- Requesting orders


Target dead

- Got him


Target unconscious

- I think I got him


Confirmation attack

- I'll get him

- He's all mine

- Leave it to me


Confirmation generic

- Will do

- Yes sir

- Acknowledged


Confirmation move

- Moving out


No ammo

- I'm out of ammo

- I need ammo!


No route

- I can't get there


Generic spotted

- Enemy spotted

- Hostile spotted

- Incoming!


Those are just some, for the rest see share\sound\wavs\exclamations . Of course, they don't have to be exactly the same words, think of different ways to say the same thing, if you know what I mean :D

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I was thinking about creating the exact opposite, a mute mod. :-) Lots of people have complained about the voices, and now in 1.3 with the alien death screams. If you want to here them you also have to listen to the soldiers annoying complaints.
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I was thinking about creating the exact opposite, a mute mod. :-) Lots of people have complained about the voices, and now in 1.3 with the alien death screams. If you want to here them you also have to listen to the soldiers annoying complaints.

You do know you can still listen to the enemy hit/death screams without hearing the soldiers voices, yea?

For those that don't know, uncheck:

Options > Miscellaneous > Unit Messages


I just tested it and it works alright for me :)


I thought the introduction of the enemy screams were welcomed, I didn't realise people wanted to mute them :power:

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Yeah the soldiers are annoying, that is why I am all for a new voice pack mod - but I turn off the soldiers voices and the alien screams still work for me but I wouldn't mind some cool soldier voices :power: I'll post something once I get my mic from my band equipment later on today.
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how bout this for an idea...we can actualy use other languages( russian Chines german and so on...to make it more real.....but not every one can understand...hmm..well that might be a problem but i would love to hear some russian remarks of my russian soldiers...cause their voices just make me whant to send them on a kamkazy run


this guy super human markmanship, super heroic speed, and othwers....but i hate how he talks...."yeeesss sssiiiirrrr" with a very bad russian accent

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Yes, thats a big lingvistic problem that we've had to live with for a long time. For example there's this joke about a swedish tourist in copenhagen that got into a cab a said: "take me someplace fun", when the cab arrives at a cemetary nearby the missunderstanding is clear. The swedish work for "fun" means "calm" in danish.
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I really don't like the idea of them speaking their mother language, and lets not get started on it being "relasitic" eh? :) The voices are helpful to know when an event or situation occurs. It won't be very useful if you haven't got a clue to what they're mumbling on about :power: . Besides, I only speak English and a bit of french.


Anyway, I'm off to bed... bonjour :D

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