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Stargate: Beta Genesis


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I've thought this through and have finally decided to start making it. I'll probably start sometime next week since I'm rather busy at the moment.


Reasons for posting this topic:


1. This will be a complete mod movies and everything therefore I'll obviously need help so if you can spare some time for it please e-mail me or send me a PM or a reply on this topic will do just fine. I would mostly need 3d modelers and texturers.


2. I'll wait for the upcoming patch and official mod tools (any word on those? Or dates perhaps?) In the meantime I'll work on the movies and "neutral" stuff.


3. In time some dedicate beta testers will be required so if you know what beta testing actually is and have the time to do it please apply.


The mod it self would "look" something like Kresh suggested


Quoting Kresh here:

Another idea, this one after watching Stargate last night. It was the one where Doctor Jackson gets zapped to the "Alternate Universe" where the Gua'uld (SP?) are kicking the crap out of the humans. The humans have a secondary base called "Beta Genesis" where they have evacuated most of their best and brightest. Of course, Carter and O'Neil don't make it, but Jackson makes it back to his proper dimension.


Mod Title: Stargate: Beta Genesis


Synopsis: With the destruction of Apophis and his first Prime when SGC self-destructed (the mothership was parked on Chyanne mountain when the nukes went off), the Jaffa on earth and in orbit have decended into anarchy. Add the constant attacks over the new-found resources on Earth (slaves, slaves, more slaves) from the other System Lords, and the survivors of earth face anarchy.


This is where the survivors at the Beta Genesis site come it. After encountering the rogue Gua'uld devoted to destroying their bretheren (the Tok'ra (sp)), the survivors discover the truth about their homeworld and decide to take advantage of the situation. Entering through the Stargate recovered by the Russians, the newly formed SG-1 begins their attempt to liberate earth from the remnants of Apophis's forces.


Further Notes/ Ideas: This would be an easy-ish mod as the human skins doen't even have to be changed, other than a new insignia in place of the Phoenix symbols. The Xeno enemies would have to be replaced with Jaffa (Ja'fa?), other humans (sympathisers, ect), and possibly Gua'uld (end bosses). The Mechanoids could be added as well, and could even be represented in the end-game phase by the biomass (only becoming Mechamass perhaps). This would also allow a player to have Jaffa on his team when they become available. Heck, the Asgard are already there as the Reteculians, so hey! Easy!


Missions would be similar, with UFO attacks being replaced by Death Glider attacks, troop ships landing with Jaffa to attack bases, hordes of hungry civilians, and other such items. Also, possible three-part missions could consist of infiltrating a base, getting to the Teleport Rings, then entering a Gua'uld ship and blowing the thing to little bitty bits.


As an added bonus, the P90 would become the default weapon instead of the the UZI!


Any other ideas/suggestions are welcome.

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Cool Strahd! I will make a news post to help recruitment :). And I'll do what I can to help as a beta tester. Have you looked for people to help in the modders index?


As for the date Aralez, I guess I can ask. I have been bugging him badly lately though... :power:

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I too have pressed hard on ALTAR at times, but I have also said that I would rather that they take their time making modding tools and patches even if it takes until February or March 2004, rather than giving us stuff that is junk or useless or not what we want.
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if there ever is need for maps that arent created by the game's random map generator and therefore need for a mapper to create maps with the soon to arrive tools, il be glad to help.

i enjoy making well balanced maps with strategic positions etc, ive got experience making mapmods for starcraft and ive got experience using quake army knife (quark) due to making half-life maps and prefabs.

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Wow! I go away for a few weeks and this happens? :o


Wow! :o


I can handle any writing chores/ fluff creation/ manuals, or any other in-game "writings" that need to be done. In fact. I volunteer for the job!


I wonder what I've just gotten myself into... :angel:

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Instead of contacting each and every one of you I made a simple "staff" list of modders for this mod. If you feel that you should not be on this list (for whatever reason) or that your name should be on this list than feel free to contact me via PM a E-mail or a simple reply on this post. Once again I would like to remind you that we are still waiting for the official tools before any actual modding will be done to the game (save perhaps for the storyline, research tree and other text related stuff if the tools won't be here untill the end of the month). In the mean time I hope to have the main storyline and research tree (at least) created on the file ready for inserting and hopefuly Kresh will help out here as he did volunteer for it :power: . Anyhow here's the list:


Text, script stuff:




3D Modelers:


Justin Allard (If he gets a good enough computer)


Map Editors:




Beta Testers:



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I'm in. I just need to know what is possible before I start creating some wacked-out scenarios that cannot be implimented, much like what happened with Fallout:Tactics. Far too many excellent mods died because the "developer kit" that was released didn't have what was really needed to get a proper job done.


Or, should I go ahead and go crazy :power: , then work down from there? That's the direction I'm leaning in.


Suggestions? :dontgetit:

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