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? For Strahd Or Whover


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Hey Folks.

New to the forums and the game.Got it for my self for christmas (early..lol) and have liked what i've seen,so far.was a little buggy to install. Had to redo twice. finally patched and got drivers updated and voila it works. Then you guys suckered me in here with "mods" oooh cool.Add ons already? neato. I love the game so far and all looks good but i want my damn x-com ufo and tftd music...arg....the music mod unzips to my main directory i hit install and it pops up a dos window then either hangs and does nothing or says file in use. help! anybody else have this problem? also i installed the mods 4.1 naked and gurkoz sound.mod. hope those work with the x-com music mod. are any onthers compatible like fast chopper etc? sorry to ask a bunch of noob questions i treied searching but no luck so far. Thanks for any help.

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First of all i'd like to Welcome U :power:


well i never tried the X-com sound mod...but i think one of the moders can help...4.1 naked and gurkoz work well with each other and i think its a good combenation....


get fulbys engine...with it u get loads of cool stuff...plus new camera angles, weapons, faster choper...so on and so forth....and i think not to many people had problems with using it with other mods...well at least not the new version

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Here's what you do:

Go to our mods section, and download Alpine. Extract it to a Alpine directory you create under your UFO Aftermath directory. Then download the music mod by Strahd, and extract it to the Alpine/plugins/musicmod directory.


Adding the weapon sounds mod takes a little more work, but not much. Download it, and extract it to Alpine/plugins/mods/modX where X is numbers from 1 - 9 (or more). But let's say this is the first "custom mod" you add, it will be mod1.


Then open Alpine, and mark the Music Mod, and the modwrapper. Put down 1 in the modwrapper arguments field, since it's one custom mod you want to add, and click apply. Then the musicmod and the sound mod will be added to your game. It may sound hard, but it is all explained in the Alpine readme files, and isn't that hard once you get into it.


Oh, and welcome to the boards by the way! :power:

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If you decide to use the dos-installer provided with the music-mod there's only one thing to do when you started it: Be patient! It makes a backup of the 1Gigabyte large file named gamedata.vfs so this simply takes some minutes, where absolutely nothing happens on the screen, there's in fact a LOT of activity on your harddrive...
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Ok got it working,

as of now i"m using 4.1 naked, Gurkoz.sound, and strahds musicmod.

am going to try to get the fast chopper( fulbys) hope it compaitble.

I have started the game over twice already for new Mods(lol)


Thanks for the Help!!!!

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