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last mission. How do I finish? *SPOILER*


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I went to the moon with 7 people, 3 using the gatling gun, and 4 using the MP7 (or something) sub-machine gun. A quite powerfull combination that made the first part of the mission quite easy.

In the very last room however, I have serious problems.

1: I allready spent most of my ammo :withstupid:

2: Those transcends takes almost no damage from normal weapons or grenades!


What kind of team-setup should I use for this mission, and what kind of weapons actually damage those damn transcends?

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the last aliens in the queens room does endure quite a lot of beating, but they don't deal any serious damage, I mind-controlled the two real aliens, and threw lots of granades at the thougher new ones, plus I let the mind controlled aliens blast them.


it took some time, but I never was in danger of actually loosing a guy.


I guess my two frontmen with pdw/mp7 and grenades did most of the work though.

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I brought 1x Barret and 1x International rifles for the snipers, 1x Alien MicroSlug Launcher for my rocketman and 4x MP7s. Plus 2x extra MP7s for the snipers.

In addition, some 4 Warp Medikits and 5x rounds of ammo for each weapon. Forgot to bring grenades. Oops. ???


Needless to say the first part went like a charm, I also killed all the reticulans before the Queen's chamber in the second part.


Then I heal my troops and enter the room. I dump all the remaining ammo, rounds and rounds. I kill the 2x Reticulans in the room, but the octopus thingies slayed my entire squad after they wasted nearly all the ammo! ;)


Good thing I had saved before entering the room. :D


I picked up all the Warp and Laser weapons from the aliens I had downed before, plus the Alien Rocket Launchers and the Rockets, put 2x guys with Launchers, 1x with MP7 for the Reticulans and the rest with the Warp and Laser weapons. It worked like a charm! :withstupid:


Note: I used some 4x Alien Orange Rockets. I do not remember if those are LASER or BURN damage. Each one seemed to sap half the health of the octopuses in the affected area. Did not try using either the Blue or Purple Rockets. I think the Warp Rifle also did good damage on them.


All enemies dead but two of my crewmen died. I should have used one of them as a medic during the fight. Oh well. They died for a noble cause! :devil:


Game over man! Game over! Now it is time to start a new game on HARD!



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Checked it out. The Orange Alien Rockets are Incendiary. This means they do BURN damage.


Good weapons to bring along for BURN damage... Try the Flamethrower and a couple of Incendiary or Acid grenades. The Octopuses only damage on touch so the short range of the Flamethrower should be ok and it does stupendous damage. Just make sure the Flamethrowers are at the front. Don't want to roast your own men. :withstupid:


Hmmm... That kind of reminds me of Aliens 2...

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damn! flamethower! I keep forgetting about this grand weapon ??? I guess my ending would have been easier.

but my squad was all in enhanced heavy armors, carrying:

2 gatlings

2 double barreled MG's

2 medics (who had medkits in one hand and nades in other, they also carried additional ammo for automatic weapons)

1 rocket dood


worked nicely... by the time 2 "octopuses" were left, 2 of my men ran out of ammo, also the rocket guy. So they sprinted back into the base and looted some corpses.

Actually, was quite an easy mission, but really slow (thanks to EHA)

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