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Graphics any 3D? change camera position etc


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Will you be able to swing the POV or camera angle around like in combat mission or SOA? Or are we scrolling in an isometric 2D environment like fallout tactics or jagged alliance 2?



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This game is in 3D, so you are able to zoom in and out at least. If they have locked the point of view or not is yet unknown to me, but I believe they have. Looks that way from the screens at least.
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Well I hope they allow some degree of POV change, not 360 degrees thats not required and puts a strain on the graphic engine, but a 45 degree elevation and lateral change in view would be just enough to peek around objects and walls.


In anycase the objects in the screenshots look amazing.


I hope they include that eerie scary music from x-com 1. That added to the ambiance. I found apocalypse lacked that night stalker atmosphere, Lets bring it back :rolleyes:

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Yes tiy can rotate the camera but I think there are some limits to it.


On a side note, the very dark background and gray text in the box where you write your message is quite unreadable... Probably my browser (Opera) but it works on other web boards...

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Welcome Sarnat!


The problem when writing new messages is Opera's problem. There are other boards with the same problem. I did read a solution somewhere, but I can't remember it now. Some properties thingy I believe. It is supposed to be white background and black text in the new message box.

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I think it was mentioned in the offical boards someware (or created in my mind) but you dont have a fully free floating camera, it has a set of "axes" it can move on, been really buisy on the home front so i dunno if they said anything recently srry.


But you can zoom in and out and rotate to some degree around objects to get a better view.



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