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Missing textures?


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I've notice when doing alien base/ship missions that some sections seem to be missing textures, the walls and floors are just grey. This doesn't seem to fit with the rest of the look of the base.

The amount that's missing seems to vary from a small room to on one mission a quater of the base(it looked a bit odd). :hmmm:

Just wondering if it is a bug and has anyone else seen this?

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Agreed, thats what i thought when i first noticed it. That it was a bit weird and payed it no more attention, but one mission drew my attention back to it when almost all of the top quarter of the map was grey and i thought no that dont look right!

There was a door in the middle of one of these room that had the "normal" texture but was surrounded walls and a floor that was just one colour grey. :hmmm:

It seem a bit strange that they would texture the ship to have a certain look/feel and then do a random amount of rooms just blank. ???

maybe im just being picky :laugh:

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I'm not sure but this metal looking part of ships/bases looks like the inside should be looking like. And the other nice textured thing looks like all covered in some organic filth...you know what I'm talking about? I'd say more but don't want to give out too many spoilers here.
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Yeah i know what ya mean, I guess its just me then :laugh:.

It just seemed a bit odd that game is based on and organic theme, the look of the alien ships the biomass etc and they go and slap dirty great sheets of metal in some of there rooms.

Have they not heard of DIY? a lick of paint a few pictures it would look so much nicer :)

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