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Updated Combo-Mod v3!


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The thx should go to Red, who discovered one of the bugs and BA who made the Mod. And to Kret and Lurker for testing some things! Btw, the powerarmourbug was also reported by another user some time ago, but i can't find the post atm. You know who you are!
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I tried the combo mod 3 the night before last, and when I went to the first "proper" mission on a new game (not the tutorial) but the progress bar on loading the level only reached 95% before the game crashed with an access violation error. Is that one of the problems that has been fixed?


I also installed the 1.4 update before the mod.

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That is strange. I'm sure Aralez or one of the other modders can give you some information on this. Did you try several times? And did you try to crate a new profile before you started playing?


Oh, and welcome to the boards!

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I only tried it once, but will try again tonight. I think I put the right file in the right place because in the starting equipment was some new armor and a few items. I created a new profile for the game, ran through the tutorial mission (every few xp helps :laugh: ) and then went for the first proper mission. By the time the helicopter reached the mission site there was about 5 other missions on the map, didn't someone else mention crashes in that situation on another topic?


P.S. Thanks for the welcome

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Let me guess: You use the mod downloaded from Gamershell. They haven't updated their downloads as it seems. Please re-download the mod from this site. The version from Gamershell is 3.0, the one from here is 3.02 (info found only in the readme).


The bug you describe is caused by a missing modelfile in the "old" release. And yes, that IS one of the bugs we hunted down.

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I was the one who noticed that I would get Stackwalk 6 error every time my Windows XP computer was loading a tactical mission if the Geoscape has given me over two new missions on the way to the tactical mission.


The game usually only gives you four or five new missions while you are on your way to your first tactical mission once at the beginning of the a new game, so I haven't run into this CTD Stackwalk 6 error very often, but I got this Stackwalk 6 error both with RB6.8 and the various ComboMods. On my computer it hung and rung the bell at 35 percent of the mission loaded, or was that 30 percent? Somewhere there, it hung and then I had Stackwalk 6 in a box when I got back to the desktop.


At the beginning of a new game, it's best to save your game right before the chopper gets to its destination, and then if you get Stackwalked hung and end up to desktop, you can pull it up and try again, usually after a warm reboot to clear things up.


I imagine that it has something to do with display drivers or some driver conflict and memory usage, and it thus will only happen on certain machines but not all machines. That's been the nature of Aftermath crashes all along. A crash that is duplicatable on one machine will never appear on another machine no matter how hard you might try to duplicate it. In other words, I have never seen a Stackwalk 6 error on my other machines while playing Aftermath, but I have gotten other types of crashes once in awhile.

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The only reproducable bugs were the powerarmour bug (reported by Red and the other guy some days before) and the loadout bug. (reported by me). Both of them are gone now. And the laser-pistol-bug of the original game should not crash the game anymore, too.


As for known technical bugs and crashes of the original game, well, we Modders can't correct EVERYthing. Several gameplay-bugs were already corrected by the mod, but for "hardcoded" problems we would need a programmer.

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Yes, as Aralez says.


Aftermath is notorious for hardcoded bugs and driver conflict issues, but what one person gets on his machine, another person will not see. The other person will experience something else. But, I truly believe that the partial load of a tactical mission and then the hang will function differently on different machines and can't really be corrected by Aralez and the rest of the crew, because they won't be able to duplicate it. It hangs at 95 percent on your machine, and 30 percent on my machine, and doesn't hang at all on other machines. I get Stackwalk 6, another gets Stackwalk 126, some get a sound loop with a hung computer, and others get a crash to desktop and no message, and others don't have the crash happen at all. You really can't test for and eliminate something like that, and I believe the bug actually does lie within the Aftermath EXE, some kind of temporary incompatibility between the EXE and the Window's Display or Sound Drivers. The MOD can't touch or fix that.


Version 1.4 of the Aftermath game only fixed a handful of the dozen or more known bugs in Aftermath.

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Well, I started a new game profile with the Gamer's Hell verison of the ComboMod, and no, it did not crash, but I was just starting the game. Everything was normal, but recently, I did install my other 256mB chip, and I have now -- 512mB of memory, which does help the game out!


I will have to download the new version just because it needs to be downloaded again so the armor is corrected.


I never get a crash in the regular game either, but I also now am using the latest drivers from Nvidia, whatever version it is. That should not really make that much difference also, unless one has the latest video card.


I think sound card drivers (mine which are probably not the latest version == or using EAX sound (whatever that is), which I do not use, may have something to do with it.


I just use the regular stereo sound, and leave the EAX checkbox, unchecked.

Never got into that again, after 4-channel discrete sound on tape recorders came out.

No one actually ever used it much at that time. Although great for games, probably not that many people have surround sound, unless it is from a movie they are watching.

I simply do not have the need to have it, as before, no one else really got involved with 4-channel music recordings. It is like 8-track tapes, to me!




Who knows though?

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So! ( in my Dark Helmet voice of Rick Moranis from SpaceBalls the movie!)


The XCOM sound mod is actually really a rather large mod!




First Person Camera Mod v2!

ComboMod v3!

Tough Alien Mod! (run home to your mama!)

Training Requirements Mod!



XCOM sound mod??

Geosphere (medres, I guess) Mod?? (or HighRes version)??


New computer needed!


But supposedly, all those will work, as ComboMod is a combination of some of the other mods, possibly??


Put elements from those Mods together -- like Re-Balance Mod, SG1 mod (cancelled), and such??







We will take those Mods, Earthlings, and we will see!



alright, I was actually talking in my regular voice!

(Dark Helmet) Ludricrous Speed!

(General on Starship) But Sir, we never have tried Ludricrous Speed!

movie was a spoof on Star Wars movie!

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All those mods should work together without problems. The old RB-Mod is the grandfather of the Combo-Mod and no longer needed actually. Slaughter seems to like it and did not remove the link yet :) Everything from the RBMod is in the Combo-Mod.


Spaceballs, heehee, i can say only one thing: let's comb the desert. :laugh:

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It looks like the new version of the mod is working on by comp, I'm now getting slaughtered bu blue chompers and aliens with flame throwers (my troops spontaneously combust anyway :) )



P.S. Spaceballs Rocks!!!!!, luckily the aliens can't "Jam" our radar in the game :laugh:

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i know this spunds a bit strange and im sorry if this is wrong place but i have tried combo v3.02 and last time i started i was on rb mod (cant rember version) but i have noticed that i get slaughtered in the first few missions a lot any idear why? some fo the basic trangendants all seem to carry big weapons (bfg4500 and even some of the basic pistols seem to do strange laser effects) is this normal?
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on the tutoiral mission then 2nd alien you see had a brownign pistol... that makes a laser souns and makes my man smoke? any way i got past the first few missions now so thats all kool i was supprised that the 2nd mission you come accross people with assult rifels when all you have is a few usi but ne way.what do you mean by the realy big guns? as i say one had the bfg4500?
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