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Official Nival / JoWooD chat!


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This is a little off topic, but I thought you'd be interested anyway. The coming Thursday (October 21st) we'll arrange an official IRC chat with representatives from Nival Interactive and JoWooD Productions. The subject is Silent Storm, it's expansion Silent Storm: Sentinels and future projects. You are all welcome to attend and ask any question you may have. More information about where, when and what can be found here.
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EEK! And why is Silent Storm Sentinels called S3? Ah, wait the S'es!, now i see. :laugh: A bit confusing, you have to admit...


I only found the addon (S3) in the shops near-by, i think i'll test the demos first.


Ah, here the link Slaughter did send me:https://www.3dgamers.com/games/silentstorm/downloads/


Slaughter, you're busy like a bee recently, i can hardly recognize you :)

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They are built on databases (MsSQL) and are thus "easy" to edit. But I don't really know if they have map editors. Think so....


And it's S2 (as in S * 2), not SS2.


And what do you mean I suddenly work so much!!! :laugh:


@Kret: Did you read my PM at the official forum?

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Ah, yes, ok S2 :laugh: I played the Tutorial mission and the game is very nice, especially the graphics and sounds, the animations, too. You can see holes in the stairs where you are shooting at, cool. The only things that disracted me a bit were the limited camera movement and some difficulties with the control of my unit, but for the camera there surely is a mod outthere correcting this already? And the control, well it takes some time getting used to simply :) Btw, what exactly does the game-editor do? Is it a unit-and-graphics editor only? Or is it a SDK and map-editor? The info is hard to find, even the S2HQ has no info on that.
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Have you tried shooting someone through the window? Or blowing an enormous crater in a house with the mines or large grenades (if they are in the demo)? And after you made the crater you can clime to the second floor through it. That should show you just how neat the engine is! :laugh: And once you get into the controls they are quite nice.


As for camera, I can't say it bothered me much. But there are some small mods out, and I'm sure some of them tweak it.


As for the tools, I think it's only an editor for game/soldier settings. Not sure though.


Oh, is it the S2 or S3 demo you're playing? Try the S3 demo as well if it's the S2 one!

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We'll put up a full-blown scary explanation soon enough. It'll have an amazing effect on both this site and x-com.co.uk :)


Think uber-shiny with much niftyness and you're just beginning to venture into the right general area :laugh:

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Aralez, not sure if you found this yet so here goes...


Take from https://www.s2hq.com


To Have Camera Control During Enemy Turn


Edit your 'config.cfg' Near the bottom, you should see this line code


setvar ui_followcamera = 1.00


change the value to 0.00 so it should read


setvar ui_followcamera = 0.00


Note: This will disable the dynamic camera angles and cut scene style action of the enemy turn, it's a personal thing, some like it on, some like it off.




To Change the Camera Zoom & Angle Limits



Edit the 'autoexec.cfg' You will see the following lines:


mission_camera_limits 35 10 65 -1.35 -0.75mission_camera_softlimits 35 18 50 -1.4 -0.7


The numbers in these commands mean: 1st number : Field of View (Degrees) 2nd number : Zoom in limit 3rd number: Zoom out limit (Max 100) 4th number - Minimum Pitch (in Radians) (Higher View) 5th number - Maximum Pitch (In radians) (Lower View)


If you want a good starting point, the following are my settings:


mission_camera_limits 30 1 90 -1.8 -0.05

mission_camera_softlimits 30 2 88 -1.75 -0.05


Changing the camera angle is most important to me during line of sight issues. At times you can accidently shoot a civilian or one of your squad because it can be hard to tell the line of fire from some angles. With the new setting you can adjust the camera down and see almost exactly what the character would be seeing.



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