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UFO character profiles

The Veteran

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Welcome to the wonderful world of fanfic! For of course that is why you are reading this. Either to join up the glorious quest for alien eradication or just to see how everyone else is doing the job! Of course if you're the first person to read this then the whole alien eradication thing hasn't actually been undertaken yet but it will do soon...


Right I won't introduce the fanfic discussion sectoin of this topic yet as there is very little to discuss but welcome to the XCom recruitment pages! This is where I invite anyone who wants to make a difference to join me in doing the job that Russia is too scared to do...


All you need to do for your character to become a real part of the fic is let me know this info...


Character's Name

Character's Callsign

Character's Background (if possible)

Character's Personal Information

Character's Physical Statistics




Character's Mental Condition

Psionic potential


Character's Controller (will you write for them?)


And that as far as I can think is about that...

So let me know and we'll get started as soon as possible. And don't worry about entering multiple characters. The more the better! I'm after 60 soldiers here! And we need a crew at base, medics, scientists, mechanics, engineers, even a janitor or two! Anything you think of would be recieved here gratefully.

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Character's Name: Hiroshi Escalante

Character's Callsign: "Hero"

Character's Background (if possible): Hiro's father was an attache to the Mexican Ambassador to Japan. His mother was an officer in the National Police Force. Hiro joined the Japan Self-Defense Force, and was later recruited for Club 9, a special operations team named for Article 9, the article in the Japanese constitution which prohibits Japan from engaging in war or organizing military units (like Club 9) for foreign military operations. He was assigned to assist special operations units throughout Asia, primarily on intelligence gathering missions. He is a graduate of the Royal Jungle Tracking School in Malaysia, and the U.S. Jungle Operations Training Center in Panama.

Character's Personal Information: Hiro is 175cm tall, and weighs 180 kilos. He has black hair and brown eyes. He's strong, but not physically imposing. At first glance, he looks thin and wiry. He speaks English, Spanish and Japanese fluently, but also speaks French and Malaysian.

Character's Physical Statistics:

Strength: Average

Speed: Good

Agility: Excellent

Character's Mental Condition: Good

Psionic potential: Average

Bravery: Average

Character's Controller: Crispy.


will add more later.

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There we go people that's what we want! Keep them coming and make it quick! :)

And Crispy? For the stats all you need is good bad awful average whatever. No numbers ok? Just to make it real simple! And don't forget to check out the guidelines in the other discussion post. Actually I'll post them here as soon as I can be bothered!

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Name: Sean France

Callsign: Doc

Background: (from interview w/ X-COM Recruiting Agency) "I'm fresh out of the 434rd Airlift Training Squadron and US Air Force Academy graduate, class of 1993. I've trained in the AC-130 Gunship and the C-5 Galaxy. I have limited experience in VTOL aircraft, and I see that I'll be using the experimental YVC-21 Skyranger - the first VTOL transport jet. During pilot training, I've been known for pushing the envelope when I need to, but I've been told I tend to be over-zealous at times. Just eager to get my hands on the rudder and get our boys into the LZ. By the way, sir, who exactly are we fighting?"

Personal Information: Standing 5'11", weighing 180 lbs, with a slightly stocky build. Trimmed blonde hair and dark brown, nearly-black eyes confirm both his Italian and German heritage (despite his name and second language, his has no traces of French blood in his family tree). His stamina and energy are notable, but have not been found useful in the seat of a C-130, except on particularly long flights. He speaks English, as well as fluent French and bits of German. He has quite the gung-ho attitude with respect to his work and passion: getting people where they need to be on time.

Physical Statistics:

Strength: Below Average

Speed: Above Average

Stamina: Excellent

Intelligence: Above Average

Bravery: High

Controller: DocFrance

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Paul Jasper and Tim Day return!


Name: Paul Jasper


Callsign: Jasper


Backround: A.S.I.O spook


Personal information: Paul is about average height, and of lean build. Green eyes, sandy-brown, short hair usually gelled and ruffled up all spikey :) . Alternates between designer stubble and clean shaven depending on mood. Prone to either being in very good or very dour moods (Usually dour). Tends to get very sardonic and cynical when in those bad moods.


As an operative, Paul is an excellent shot, having passed up an opertunity to train as a professional sniper in the ADF, instead becoming a A.S.I.O officer. He is quick off the mark, alert and highly professional when on the job.

Physical Stats:

Strength: slightly below average

Speed: Above average

Stamina: Average

Intelligence: High

Bravery: Above average

Controler: Ye olde fanfiction fanatic.


Name: Tim Day


Callsign: Timmy


Backround: A.S.I.O spook


Personal Information: Tim is very short, agile and silent. He is very thin, with constant stubble and short frizzy black hair. Constantly smiling, laughing and joking, Tim is a natural charmer.


In combat, Tim is almost completly silent, while moving with great speed and agility. Tim prefers silent weaponry, typically, Tim will use a silenced Mp5 or Styer TMP to kill at close range from behind with a burst of quiet death. Tim cannot carry very much equiptment, and in combat tend to operate with short bursts of energy, then taking cover.


Physical Stats:

Strength: Poor

Agility: Excellent

Stamina: Short

Intelligence: Average (for an intelligence officer)

Bravery: Above average

Controler: Grand Overlord of the vodka bottle, Carlos

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Name: Tim J Munt


Callsign: Trigger



Trigger spent his entire civilian life in Britain. Born in the East, educated locally and trained in the south, he finally left for military service at the age of eighteen. He spent his first two years working his way up the ranks in the royal airforce, primarily serving as a pilot but later taking a course in engineering. Aged 21, Trigger was assigned to an Australian facility to assist in heavy weapon testing. A little over a year later and just turned 22, the base was reopened as a base for investigation into extraterrestrial activity and Trigger was assigned Commander of the facility. In 1999 the base switched its operations from investigation to combat and Trigger was aged only 23 years old.


Personal information:

Well known and liked around the base it could be said that Trigger lacks the respect necessary for the role he is in. Aged only 23 he outranks many far older operatives in Pine Gap. Nonetheless Trigger is a competent commander and runs an efficient base. The commander is yet to see combat and even during the time he spent in the Royal Air Force the only action he saw was in wargames and simulators. Trigger is a promising leader but he has yet to discover this and must learn quickly if the coming war is to be won.


Physical Stats:

Strength: potentially very good but currently average

Speed: good

Stamina: very good

Intelligence: very high

Bravery: unknown

Controler: The Veteran

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Character's Name: Kristof Snikers

Character's Callsign: None officially, but he's been known as "Mouse" on occassion

Character's Background: Canadian. Had a preference for cold temperatures so moved

up north, up into the arctic circle and joined the Canadian Rangers, little more than a

militia force. There wasn't much to do for fun except throw darts, and soon found

himself throwing pretty much anything with uncanny ability, whether dart or grenade.

Also came the training and practice with radios and bolt-action rifles that is natural with

the Canadian Rangers.

Character's Personal Information: Snikers' age is mid-twenties. His mother wasn't

married and claimed she was impregnated by, coincidently, an alien for an experiment,

but this did little to evade frowning eyes. Snikers' mother was cold and rather unhappy

with having a son at all, which may have contributed to Snikers' present personality (see Character's Mental Condition)

Character's Physical Statistics: Snikers has a short, wiry build. He's only about

160cm tall, but his limbs are long enough to be someone's of 175cm, and he's quite thin.

He's stronger than he looks, whch isn't hard, but still not as strong as average. Snikers'

hair grows almost unhealthily and the mop he has on his head is a white colour despite

his young age. He has black eyes, with the pupils and irises noticably larger than

normal, making him especially sensitive to bright light and almost unsettling to talk to.

His skin has an unhealthy pallor; pale and an almost grayish tone.

Strength: Poor. Try as he might, Snikers cannot lift very heavy objects. He can

throw an object a repectable distance, but through technique only.

Speed: Can move quickly, but usually over short distances. His build and short

bursts of rapidity almost make him look like a spider, some say.

Accuracy: Snikers can throw objects with uncanny accuracy, even ones that would

require different skills than others. He also has skill with bolt-action rifles, but has had

no training with any other type of weapon. General infantry would not be his type of


Character's Mental Condition: Snikers has mild to severe mood swings and a

history of self-destructive tendencies. He has an almost total lack of instinctive

self-preservation and won't retreat unless an order is given. He has almost no problem

with death and human suffering, has a very sick and black sense of humour, and seems

almost indifferent to pain himself. He would not be the most liked person of the team...

Psionic potential: Quite good. When the possibility presents itself Snikers will

show an impressive psionic ability...

Bravery: As said before, he has almost no self-presentation instinct. He will

blindly follow orders up to and including "jump off this cliff, private".

Intelligence: Snikers is of above average intelligence, but coming up with his own

tactics and plans is oddly difficult for him...

Character's Controller (will you write for them?) He|| yeah! I'm writing this, if

nobody else minds...

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Character's Name: Cleo Andrews


Character's Callsign: Poison


Character's Background (if possible): Recruited by X-COM from a street gang, when she was seen to bring down three opposing gang members before they could draw their weapons.


Character's Personal Information: Has a tattoo of a snake on her upper arm as a tribute to her namesake. Short and thin with dark hair and green eyes.


Character's Physical Statistics


Strength: Below average


Speed: Not so fast, but stealthy (good reaction fire)


Agility: Above average


Character's Mental Condition: Has kind of a chip on her shoulder about being a female soldier, so she spends a lot of time in training. Not very sociable, but her friendship can be earned.


Psionic potential: moderate to high


Bravery: high


Character's Controller (will you write for them?): I will, but others may do with her what you will.

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Name: Karl Green

Callsign: Green



Sniper for Canadian elite 1st Airborne.


XCOM is a bit of a second chance for him, as he had to leave the 1st Airborne under "regrettable circumstances" (he killed this jerk, in a fistfight, both of them may have been drunk, he doesn't want to talk about it) and his superiors saw the recruitment offer for a new, secretive, perilous U.N. force as a way not to waste his talent. So it's a transfer instead of a potential court martial.


Personal Information:

Tall, a bit lanky, brown hair when not shaved bald, looks German but speaks with a polite Canadian accent. Somewhat tanned and crinkly from weather exposure, looks older than his 25 years.


Broody off the battlefield, in his element on it. Will do his utmost to carry out orders if he trusts the commander to have a plan. Rank downgraded from Lt in Airborne to Private in XCOM - same with most transfers to XCOM, everyone starts at Private no matter their previous experience, although he resents it a little more than the willing volunteers because it rings of that court-martial.


Trained in electronics, so up-to-date on use of infrared imaging, motion sensing, and battlefield communication technology. Expected to positively drool over RC-tanks and laser tech and will hang around the labs and workshops if allowed access.

Has environmentalist tendencies regarding litter.


Physical Statistics:

Strength: Average

Speed: Good

Agility: Good


Mental Condition

Psionic potential: To be written. "Psionics? I don't think they exist."

Bravery: Average


Controller: Jellyfish Green, but others occasionally welcome.




Name: Sanjay Deet

Callsign: "Hey Sanjay! You awake?"



Indian diabetic engineer. Writes control code for RC-tanks but has a background in electronics and material engineering. Was working for a private company while doing his thesis at the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur. Joined XCOM because of his pro-military bent and the ever-present chance to put technology into action.

May become head of engineering someday.


Personal Information:

Mop of black hair, nearly nonexistent beard, almost always has baggy eyes from lack of sleep. Can often be found staggering towards the coffee machine, typing furiously at his workstation, or sleeping at same workstation while a simulated weapons test runs. Very friendly to all soldiers, but his 3/4ths perfect English means he misses some jokes due to accents. Drinks Guinness when not drinking coffee.


Physical Statistics:

Strength: Poor

Speed: Poor. 20 pounds overweight.

Agility: Good


Mental Condition

Psionic potential: Great with machines, humans less so.

Bravery: Average. Could surprise you.


Controller: Jellyfish Green sometimes, others definitely welcome.

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Character's Name: Jack Thomas


Character's Callsign: Warlord


Character's Background: Warlord is one of those people that is born to be a soldier. He enlisted in the United States army on his 18th birthday as a present to himself. He enlisted as light infantry, and quickly distinguished himself. He earned a place on the fast track list in his basic training unit and was promoted quickly. Upon joining his unit, Warlord was sent to Airborne and Ranger schools. He graduated both with ease. It wasn't long before the U.S. Army SOC (Special Operations Command) took notice of him, and recruited him. His original training was as a weapons specialist. Shortly after completion of his SF Training, he was recuited to Special Operational Detachment Delta, or the Delta Force. After several years with Delta, Warlord left the U.S. Army. Since then, he has been working as a private security contractor. Warlord has an uncanny grasp of tactical combat, and his exploits typically read like an adventure novel.


Character's Personal Information: Warlord is a massive individual. He stands an impressive 6'7" tall and weighs in at 280 pounds. He is permanently tanned and his skin bears a strong resemblance to boot leather. His hair is always worn in a crew cut.


Warlord prides himself on his professionalism, and has very little tolerance for incompetence in any form. He does his job to the absolute best of his ability and expects those around him to do the same. He has absolutely no tolerance for cowardice, and if he finds someone cowering out of a battle, often he is more dangerous than any enemy would be to that person.


Warlord's taste in weapons tend to match his size. He tends to prefer the biggest weapon that he can carry. With his size, this usually means the biggest weapon available. He is also extremely formidable in hand to hand combat.


He also has a taste for good tequila and better cigars.


Strength: Extremely High


Speed: Slightly below average


Agility: Average


Stamina: Simply Amazing


Character's Mental Condition: Very Good


Psionic potential: He'll never be a superstar, but the chances of mind control against him are next to nothing.


Bravery: Extremely High


Character's Controller: Warlord

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Character's Name Daniel Gomez

Character's Callsign Photon

Character's Background (if possible) After great studies at college and university he was spotted by X-COM forces to become the chief of scientist staff.

Character's Personal Information He's one of those nerd guys that spend all the day doing scientifical experiments.


Physically he's a latin-american with a little Spanish accent :) a bit short buf thin.


He has a LOT of computer science knowledge.


He's a very sociable person.


Strength Slightly below average

Speed Above average

Agility Great

Character's Mental Condition Very pessimist, as he was very unlucky with friendships in his youth.

Psionic potential Great

Bravery Slightly below average

Character's Controller (will you write for them?) Crazy Photon, but appreciate other's help too :)

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Stamina: Simply Amazing

Energizer bunny? :)


Anyway, here's my character for the purposes of forming squads and things. Who's going to form the squads, btw? I get the impression that Warlord plans to be a field soldier...probably a squad leader, TJ. Now, we all know who his chosen medic will be, though we'll have to watch to see that he's not stepping on grenades on purpose. :) I'll fill in more detail on my character later probably, but here she is so far.


Name: Tamara Hilliard


Callsign: Help! I'm dying! (Just kidding! I'm still thinking about this one. She may just be Tammy.)


Background: Medical training, obviously, but specifically spent a few years as a field medic in the US Army. Due to bravery under fire and a sixth sense about how best to treat injured soldiers, X-COM has decided that she has what it takes to patch up their best agents. (It's easier than starting over with new ones! )


Personal information:

Well, she looks like me....5'6" about 125 lbs. Never leaves a wounded soldier because of being under fire. She just pulls out her pistol and blows away any aliens who try to come near her patients. She prefers laser weapons because she's too busy treating patients to reload. Has been known to sit up all night with a recovering patient, so she's well accustomed to sleeping in chairs. :) Somewhat lighthearted and flirtatious--probably because the job is so gruesome and demanding. Consequently prone to a twisted sense of humor.




Strength: Not high, but bursts of adrenaline often make her able to lift injured men who outweigh her considerably (no comments, please) :) or to lift heavy objects off of the injured.


Speed: Average to above average, depending on the situation


Agility: high


Stamina: Can go for days on little to no sleep or food when treating patients, but then may collapse into coma-like sleep for hours after several days of that. (Only when off-duty, of course! )


Mental condition: Optimistic....see personal information for further details


Psionic potential: Not open to mind control, but not likely to be controlling minds either


Bravery: High when an injured soldier is at stake, but not prone to heroics otherwise. Too busy patching up the people who are.


Controller: Tammy, but most of you know me well enough to write her in wherever you like.

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Ok then to Doc and Carlos. Sorry, I just thought we were sticking largely to the basis for the last fic. Well if we figure out who everyone is first then it'll be easier to carry on writing profiles for everyone else.


So what's the command structure going to start off as? Someone suggested a commander that we all control. Do we do that or are we going to pick from who is writing in the fic? I think it'd be better if it was one of the people writing otherwise we won't be able to give them a realistic or accurate personality...

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Yeah ok then. What'd be good following this sort of commander would be a need to replace him later on in the fic for some reason (not necissarily death) Then everyone's happy! :)


He won't be like you at all will he Warlord? Your character I mean. I can#'t handle two of you!

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