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So, what do you guys (specifically, Loonie) think about including squaddies in the rank lineup? It's basically the concept of a veteran private who still has no command authority. Plus, this IS the X-Com organization here, not some rag-tag mountain-man-militia resistance group. :)
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I believe the system this sim uses is the profession system. Basically you choose your primary profession, trooper, scientist, whatever and also a secondary one if you like. The command authority is given by being allowed to use the Officer proffesion, which I believe is at the GM's discretion. So basically after a while you become a squaddie and will be so until you are given the chance to get the officer profession as your primary by Loonie.


I hope that helps

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From what I've read, it seems that "Rank" is separate from "Position", though one is dependent on the other - so, you can have a Lieutenant who is an Officer and a Trooper, but you can't have the Officer position without having a rank.


I guess I'd just like to have Squaddies insted of Corporals. :) Y'know, X-Com tradition and all that.

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Actually it really woldn't be. The only question however is the question of taste. That is to say...who'd like it to be squaddie and who'd prefer it to be corporal.....hmmm...might put up a poll about this too before the sim officially starts. :)
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I always replaced 'squaddie' with 'corporal' in my mind when I played the games. Heck, in TFTD I replaced lots of the ranks in my mind (and incidentally, I replaced able seaman with... corporal), so I would prefer corporal as a rank. More realistic that way, though admittedly not true to the games. but how true is this sim going to be to the games? XCAS grew quite detached from the main storyline.
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