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Our very own first XCGS practice sim!


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Okey dokey! With as many as 6 members in the XCGS sim (possibly 7 if I can get a conformation from cyrus) I'd say that this thing's more than ripe for a nice test sim. :)


Now, most of the sims will usually be held on saturdays, BUT obviously the thing is AT WHAT TIME. From my experience in XCAS I have found out that either 19:00 GMT or 20:00 GMT would really work best overall, but I'm open for suggestions as to when YOU - the simmers - would find it most compatible with your own real life obligations.


So choose from the answers I have provided you with. :) 14:00 GMT is the time when I usually can get to the computer (since I sleep quite a bit :) ) and 23:00 GMT is the absolute maximum limit, since anything PAST that will not bode well for my GMing skills when leading the sim. :)


So choose ya'll. And I promise that I'll take your wishes into account when deciding the time. :)

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No problemo Shadow. Take your time. I'd rather have a lovely detailed bio that takes some time than a quick botch job that's delivered immediately. :)


Well, but I guess that settles it quite definately. 19:00 GMT it is on this Saturday. :)

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No problem Ghost. :) Though everyone should know that...this won't necessarily be the time. It will be somewhere around this time, but it might turn out otherwise. So remember to check the XCGS site to note when the sim is going to be held! :)
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