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Idea: Medals

Ion Mage

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Heres an idea i was thinking of, but shadowblade mentioned first. Medals!


They would be awarded based off of deeds in combat, or just deeds in general.


Now, before we dismiss the idea, we should consider what KIND of medals we can implement into the XCAS environment. First of all, we'll need to have set requirements for each one; assigning them shouldnt be arbitrary.


First, some medals that you'd normally see cant really be done well in the XCAS environment. For example, medals awarded for 'lots of kills'. That cant be done because we dont really keep track of who kills what. Plus, we normally end up seeing things like 'the aliens are gunned down by the team' without getting verification of who actually fired the killing shots.


However, they could still be awarded. Heres some ideas


"Silver angel": Awarded for sustaining a MAJOR wound in battle. No, a series of small ones dont count. Must be a BIG one, like the one Ko had for a while, and suposedly skonar as well (though he doesnt sim anymore, hes still an example)


Eagle Eye: Awarded for being able to adopt to a sudden change in battle; like an ambush, quickly and smoothly, minimizing damage to the team.


Sentinel: Awarded for letting self in danger to ensure the entire team's survival. Must be the entire team mind you.


Silent snake: Awarded for going on five successful covert ops, and KEEPING them covert.


cant think up name: Awarded for fighting despite a major injury. Not as bad an injury as the one awarded for the silver angel, mind you.


Feel free to debate, add new ones, etc!

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I'll think about new ones, and/or modifications to these tomorrow, when I'll feel a bit better. Still a bit ill with the flu.

One comment though: Medals should be special, they should be rare. It's not that every mission someone gets a medal if they meet the requirements, because the things mentioned here are (imho) fairly common in XCAS sims. I would think that the medals should only be given out for really special things for the X-Com Ascadia squads. So those might be a little more extreme than what you would normally see for military medals. Also we wouldn't want people to endanger themselves for a medal like the Silver Angel of the Sentinel medal either. I'll get a little more constructive arguments, and perhaps some alterations when my head feels like like it's stuffed with cotton.


Oh and just to make sure it's clear: The medals idea in general could work well, depending on the way of implementation

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Yeah, i guess i made them a little too easy to get i guess, huh?


Just to clarify, ive only seen three cases of someone 'earning' the silver angel; DH, skonar who doesnt play anymore, and probably jacko, though his normal injuries arent what count.


Also, make it so you have to roleplay as well before you can earn medals.


I was also thinking of something from ghost recon; a badge for each campaign you take part in. I dont mean the whole thing, just one mission and you've earned the 'campaign badge', indicating you had at least SOME part in the campaign.

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I support the idea but I'm worried that the simmers will end up doing crazy stunts just to earn the medals. So requirements for the award of a medal should be considered carefully. Also I suggest the inclusion of demerits as well to put realism back to our sims. *cough* Scott *cough* :devil:
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I support the idea but I'm worried that the simmers will end up doing crazy stunts just to earn the medals. So requirements for the award of a medal should be considered carefully. Also I suggest the inclusion of demerits as well to put realism back to our sims. *cough* Scott *cough*  :devil:

yeah, demerits wouldnt be a bad idea either :blush:


How about this; we award them; and make them up; at random? No preset ones, the XOs just make them up and award them as needed. THat way, no one will actually do any wierd stunts just to get one!

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I was going to suggest something like the medals being secret... But Ion appears to have beaten me to it with something a little different. >_<


Saber... Scott pulls stunts because he feels that he must make an effort to be somewhat of an heroic figure. Mainly because of his previous occupation. Of course this doesn't apply to his flying... (Better buckle up tomorrow fellas. :devil: )


But a little something else I was thinking... Medals should only be applicable to people that can sim very well in character and not play some bland "yes man" that'll follow every order in dull tone. I haven't noticed anyone here like that... But it should still go in effect just in case.


As for the campaign medals, I think a record should be kept of every sim a character participates in, and at the end of the campaign each participating character recieves a medal for it. It's quality pends how many missions he/she was on. (Ex. A character that makes one sim out of a total of about 15 in a campaign would probably recieve a tiny ribbon of participation. And someone that made every one of them would recieve a biggie golden medal that's different for every campaign.) This could influence more quality roleplaying and a steadier attendance rate.


So... Uh... Any other thoughts?

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I'm not a fan of campaign medals, for whatever reason. A campaign ribbon or marker would be nice though, to show which you have been through.


Now, I'm envisioning this working in a graphical way, with a link on the bio to the awards cabinet or something. There, you would see maybe some sort of human torso outline, showing the dress uniform ribbon/medal configuration. What do you guys think? And who's a good graphic artist? Any idiot can make a rectangular campaign ribbon, but medals...

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I'm not a fan of campaign medals, for whatever reason.  A campaign ribbon or marker would be nice though, to show which you have been through.


Now, I'm envisioning this working in a graphical way, with a link on the bio to the awards cabinet or something.  There, you would see maybe some sort of human torso outline, showing the dress uniform ribbon/medal configuration.  What do you guys think?  And who's a good graphic artist?  Any idiot can make a rectangular campaign ribbon, but medals...

hmm. Well, that idea is kinda what i had in mind, but i was thinking you'd click on a person's bio and theres just a row of medals earned by the person. But if we can do that instead, it would be better, its not like someones going to run out of space on the outline! If they do, we've screwed up on making the medals an elite thing to earn.


Now, for campaign ribbons, i think strong Bob's idea is best, that would help encourage participation if you think about it :blush:

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