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Original Hard Disk Size?


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If you mean the original 1994 game, it uncompressed to roughly about 18 megabytes. If you mean the capacities of hard drives, there were all sorts. Actually I did see in some computer mags at the time referring to capacities up to 1 TB, but you definitely wouldn't see the likes of that installed on home PCs. I thought my 200-ish megabyte hard drive was the bees knees at the time...



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Thank you NKF, sir that's half of what I needed to know. I have an alternate reason why I asked that, but that's besides the point. I also wanted to know How many hard disks were there? 4-6? How much memory on each disk as well. Of course I mean the Original I did post in the right forum section...right? (Looks around) Yup i'm in the right place.
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Depends on what version you are looking at. Amiga 500 was 5 floppies, Amiga 1200 was 4 floppies and Dos was 3 floppies. I'll have to get back to you on the space used though, too busy at work to pull out the reference floppy drive and check. ;)


- Zombie

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Well damn Zombie respond back once you can! Like I said I need to knoooooow. (PC VERSION HARD DISK) Came in a cardboard like box. Had the title UFO Defense. It was the North American version.


Also, please send me a link to your collection, and make your collection a sticky.


Thank you,



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I also wanted to know How many hard disks were there? 4-6?


That's where the confusion lies. I think you meant how many floppy disks. I can assure you the game was never sold on a hard disk. wink.png .


UFO took 3 double-sided high density 3" floppies for the PC version if memory serves. TFTD, without the CD animated intro, was about 4 ~ 5.


Each 3" HD floppy can store up to 1.44 Megabytes when formatted for the PC. Not a lot when you think about the cheap USB thumb drives you can buy these days.


Perhaps consult Doctor Wikipedia if you want to know more: https://en.wikipedia...iki/Floppy_disk


How much memory on each disk as well. Of course I mean the Original I did post in the right forum section...right? (Looks around) Yup i'm in the right place.


Ah, but you can never be too careful these days thanks to the 2012 Firaxis reboot. I've already seen a conversation (elsewhere) about Psionics where both parties only realise they're talking about different games part way through the conversation. wink.png



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Ah, but you can never be too careful these days thanks to the 2012 Firaxis reboot. I've already seen a conversation (elsewhere) about Psionics where both parties only realise they're talking about different games part way through the conversation. wink.png



Yep, the Firaxis reboot is actually not that bad a game, especially for a reboot. I actually recommend you buy both the 1994 & 2012 Enemy Unknowns. The reboot has some features the original one doesn't have and the original has some the reboot doesn't have. They're both great games though.

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