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1999 REDUX (0.7)


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In theory I should wait for Nook to finish his playthrough, but he is so close to winning the game and since version 0.7 is quite different than 0.5 I think there is no harm in starting it now. Currently there is version 0.7.3 and 0.7.4 probably will be release soon, but I've started the game from version 0.7.1 or 0.7.2 can't remember exactly. In the last playthrough where I was playing umodded version of OpenXcom I was very efficient with survival of fellow soldiers - only what thirty something deaths in whole game, here I will be playing more silly which will result in lots of deaths although my goal is still to win encounters. As I said in Nooks thread, SV and Nook are drafted as honorary first on the line soldiers, they will always leave the Skyranger first unless being wounded in the infirmary. But I'm guessing this option will be not that common. I've also took some names from Nooks LP. Some names where changed some I remembered wrongly so sorry about that. So I'll stop babbling now, let the deaths commence (all in good cause to save the humanity).



Our starting base will be somewhere in the mountainous area of Georgia.





Once the base was operational, we do some shopping. New weapons like:


1. Light Machine Gun. It's a poor man's auto-cannon of some sorts. Light, inaccurate, fast, long range without penalty (Extender stuff), low damage.

2. Sniper Rifle. It's rifle for those cowards in the back. Lot's of TU's needed for aimed shop. Snap shot is crap, average damage. Not very reliable for sure kills.

3. Multi-Launcher. It's sort of light rocket launcher. Holds 8 missiles, has autoshot but poor accuracy. Low explosive damage. It's main advantage is low explosive radius. May fail sometimes if kill is needed. Standard Rocket Launcher and large missile is needed for those Cyberdiscs.

4. Minigun. It's a ??? kind of weapon, not be using this much, it's mainly for show. Extremely heavy, low damage, low accuracy, high TU cost.


The rest is usual, smoke grenades, stun rods, electro flares. As for research, because it has changed and lasers are sort of mid game tech apparently, let's start with motion scanner as our first and probably short export good.


We also start with Darkstar, a scouting plane (which in later version is not available in the base construction part). It will be sent for now to scout areas our small radar system has just to increase detection chance. Late at night, we detect first UFO over Mediterranean sea. Of course as usual our Interceptor was not being able to catch it and it got away. Well nothing lost except few points, because Very Small UFO is just waste of resources.




The radar for a while did not pick any UFOs, but on 9th of January we have a report of the landed UFO somewhere in the central Europe. It's unfortunately night, but landed UFO is always worth any casualty at least in the beginning.




We have 10 soldiers, all the equipment is there, so let's meet them:







Mr. Duck = NKF









We have landed in some grassy-hilly area, just to the west of the UFO. It's dark, very dark. Oh well SV, Nook of you go. Throwing flare did not provoke any return fire. That's a good sign we can deploy smoke and head out. Turn 1 fortunately didn't bring any bad results. There was heard movement inside the UFO. Turn 2 was also kind to us. SV took a peek inside the UFO but he didn't spot any aliens.




They probably must be in another room. That's good because then they cannot exit and shoot us. However there was seen a movement behind the eastern wall of the UFO. Sunflash went to investigate and there it was - a Sectoid.




Sunflash made a shot but the first round just stunned him. SV again opened the UFO and there was another sectoid waiting to be killed. And another which I now see is behind a hill, SE to the UFO. However Ivan has your back and blew him up, with the multi launcher and SV could safely kill the one in the UFO.





On next turn SV moves into the second room and there was another sectoid. SV didn't risk the shot so hid. Mr Nook charged in acting as body shield for SV. Fortunate for him, he killed the sectoid. The stunned alien also woke up and was killed properly this time. The UFO was secured.


There are few more aliens, but they are hiding. One was found further along on the hill base. He was killed easily. Unfortunately there was another alien on top of the hill. I don't know how he could see us from that top of the hill, but he threw a grenade perfectly under the feet of SV, Nook and me. First casualties of the war. And we were doing so good.




Jimmy made a revenge for you Mr. Nook, I hope you will appreciate this. However while exploring the cave entrance Jimmy was killed by the alien hiding there. He also killed Zombie when he was closing in to the cave entrance. Bloody bastard. A single alien can just make a perfect mission into a bloodbath. Mr. Duck couldn't handle this anymore and so couldn't Ivan. Fortunately we had Kazaak.




5 deaths on first night mission, landed UFO, you could say that it went OK.



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Our first mission and only 5 deaths, but we've got Elerium and that's important, let's hope we won't get Terror Mission before reinforcement, because that would be bad.


On 11th of January another landed UFO was spotted in Sri Lanka. However it was too late for the Skyranger to get it, and with 5 men it would be really hard to win it.




On 13th of January we have another small UFO. It was flying over the western Europe. Interceptor 1 followed it around for a while and it landed on south coast of Spain.




Thankfully it was a day mission, so maybe our loses will be lower this time. The Skyranger has landed on the NW corner of a forest map. Nook scouted ahead and there was no aliens nearby, so the rest moved out and threw more smoke grenades. This should give some ample protection. Maybe....


The aliens were very active inside of the UFO. It probably is large scout then, because it can only have so many doors. And the UFO was right there to the east from the LZ. The smoke carpet was doing it's work, no aliens in sight and we are close to the UFO. That means we should have a good jump on them. Although breaching large scouts is always dangerous because of those tight corridors.




Suddenly a plasma shot buzzes right near SV. There was a sectoid waiting in ambush. SV was in a kind of a pickle, but Kazaak delivers a nice rocket. After a few turns, Zombie is the first one to enter the UFO, and right there he spots 2 sectoids. Without LoF he dashes out.




On the other side SV gets a jump on another Sectoid, which gives Matri the opportunity to snipe it, from far away. But there was another sectoid lurking behind the trees, and he kills Kazaak. No one was able to kill it, but fortunately it run a little scared or something and his next shot hit side of the UFO instead of SVs face. On the other side of the UFO, the aliens were keeping a close watch on the corridor so no one could go through without being shot.




On next turn Jimmy managed to kill the killer of Kazaak. SV moved forward and spotted another sectoid outside of the UFO. He managed to score a hit, and the explosion was so powerful it also killed his friend nearby.




The northern entrance was now less protected. The alien wasn't looking. Zombie took a chance and hit the alien once. Unfortunately this hit did not kill the alien and Zombie finally knew how hot plasma felt like.




From the southern doors, another sectoid exited and it killed Sunflash outright. Not sure if it was the smartest move, because now he was there ready to be killed. Mr Nook does the honors and he even catches a sectoid in the UFO of guard and two more on next turn.




However that was not all of the aliens, and Jimmy found one the hard way. Now Jimmy is dead. Nook had to avenge him.




Ivan has found one in the central room. He fired and hit, but the alien lived and retaliated. Ivan didn't belive it, be he was unscathed. But the alien will probably come out and kill him after. The alien decided to use the other exit, so Mr. Nook dashed behind him and put a few bullets in it's head. But that wasn't the last of the aliens.




There was this last one hiding behind the hills. SV rushed to save Matri and the alien took the chance and killed him.



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There will be more opportunities for SV clone to shine (for a while at least).



Two missions done, and we have 100 Elerium already. Not a bad start, considering that Elerium is hard to get. The motion scanner is done and next we go for Medi-Kit, because you know, basic armour can sometimes be helpful. Living Quarters also were done so we have now full compliment on Skyranger. Here are the new victims:







On 20th of January we have another small UFO. Interceptor gave it a chase, but it landed in Iceland. Looks like we have night mission in mountainous area. I already can here you cheering.




Skyranger has landed somewhere in the middle of the map. Lot's of open terrain in front. Well Nook throw that flare and hope you will live.




Oh boy you were lucky. Two shots and all missed. Time to smoke him and kill it. There were a lot of doors opened so again it must be large scout. LZ looks clear, so move out rest of you. The UFO was directly south from the Skyranger.




The team made careful moves in all directions. It's very late in the month, so I would rather prefer not to have high amount of casualties. The next alien to be found was west of the UFO. L.D.G. fired few explosives but it didn't have effect on sectoid, which was sad. However Meridian place a good sniper shot. There were few more aliens there. Mr. Duck fired at one, but it only agitated him. In response the alien fired thankfully a stun bomb and we had 3 men sleeping. Nook exited from the cave and spotted one more alien. Good for him stun launchers only have one shots, so he was able to finish what Mr. Duck started.




While SV and Sunflash were closing to the UFO entrance. Nook was constantly relaying position of the aliens to the west of the UFO.




One of the aliens decided to move closer, but Nook gunned him down without any problems.




When SV was about to enter the UFO, there was another alien waiting in the corner, so SV run back. I've managed to hit it once with LMG, but the alien was not impressed. Sunflash then moved to a more better position, but the alien could see him through the smoke. Cheating bastard killed Sunflash.... Sometimes I really wish I would know how effective the smoke cloud is.




The alein moved closer, this gave SV a chance to gun him down. Nook was still spotting some aliens form his hiding hole. He also started to become a real killing machine. It will be sad once he will die eventually.




Now it's time to breach the UFO. It should have been SV first, but I don't know why I have entered first. The alien was waiting there. Thankfully he missed. Ok SV march in and stun. It looks like the outer rooms are clear, at least from the entrance point of view, but there was next alien inside the engine room.




Matri went there and stunned him. On next turn another alien moved in. Fortunately he was in a bad position so Matri could once again charge with the stick. Unfortunately next turn brought a little grief. And alien walked in and he was determined to get Nook, which he did and a second alien fired at me, but my dodging skills were too awesome, that Matri took the shot and died. Well fiddle faddle. Me and SV on next turn went and pocked them with the stick of truth.




3 deaths, but we've lost Nook II which was a killer.



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FIFY. tongue.png (That stands for Fixed It For You not a misspelling of Fifty, although NookL would be pushing it a bit). wink.png


- Zombie


I thought I had reach already "Hobbes L" on Nook's Let's Play? Or perhaps I'm confusing it with Hobbes C... it's kinda hard to keep track of all my clones wink.png

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"Bring out your dead!", right maybe I'll start numbering like this: MMMCMXCIX ?






So the last mission went fairly good. Still a shame Nook II died - is there some kind of process which units alien pick to kill? In few more days Medi-Kits are researched and our Engineers will switch to them. As for new research we will go for Alien Alloys.


On 24th of Januray we spot two large UFOs over India. The first one zooms fast and is gone, the second one goes slowly but it doesn't seem it has a clear target. The interceptors manage to catch it over the Indian Ocean and shot it down. I'm not keen on heaving terror mission if it can be avoided.




Consulting the graphs there was a lot of activity over Europe, which we are aware of, some activity over South Africa and a lot of activity over Australasia. Not that much we can do about it there. Even if Darkstar will pick something up, it's still a long flight for Interceptors and Skyranger. The rest of the month passes quietly.




On first of Febuary we've got another UFO over those strange islamic(?) countries I believe. Interceptor gave it a chase for a while to see if it will land. It landed I think in southern borders of Russia.




The Skyranger has landed in the NE part of the hilly forest map. As standard our brave heroes throw smoke grenade. Nook goes first and looks to the west. Nothing. SV goes out and moves SE when suddenly 3 shoots misses him. He takes a look and see a floater.




Next goes Zombie and spots sectoid to the west, holding a small launcher. But don't be fooled, as Small Launcher is not anymore only for stunning. The chance is this guy has something nasty. Of course smoke grenade comes to rescue. Slowly everyone moves out and take pot shots at the aliens. Unfortunately they were only be able to stun the floater. Luckily the sectoid was not curious enough to advance. On next turn his buddy with plasma pistol made an appearance, but he made "Exit, stage left" even faster after introducing him HE shell.


Moving south, Matri spots a floater. He fires at him, the hit only aggroes him, but the reaction misses. Unfortunately he was hidden behind the trees and rest of the team had difficulty in acquiring LoF.




The floater was not suicidal enough and vanished somewhere. However there was another floater to the west.




Although it was easy to get, he was quite resilient, managing to survive few rounds. I've also made a mistake by making Probaroo fire at him. 32% aimed shot and he only hit Nook to the back. Well Nook if you're will not be killed, you will be out for a while.




Well I didn't have to wait too long for it, the floater that was hiding in the trees finished the job. I think that Probaroo has some hidden agenda against Nook. Maybe Nook IV will have more luck. At least Matri finally got him in revenge. And he also found another one behind the hill. Thankfully Soup Carrier delivered heavy payload.




The UFO was right there to the south, standard scout UFO, so there shouldn't be any more aliens left. In fact we found one. Probaroo was unleashed but he managed to hit everything around except the alien.




Few turns later, another sectoid jumped out and hit Jimmy. Jimmy got wounded and fainted. Probaroo had easier this time, as there was a wall near the alien. Still the explosion only stunned the sectoid.




Meanwhile SV was closing to the UFO doors, he spotted another floater. He dashed behind him, and said hello with his LMG. This was the last alien.


Hey, 4th mission and only 1 dead, it looks like we are improving ;) Unfortunately Nook died in vain, because this UFO didn't have bloody Elerium. I wish they would hung the person who fought that small scouts don't need to have elerium!! It's daylight robbery I tell you.



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Be careful what you wish for





So first month behind us, terror mission avoided or probably rather delayed and I will get two of them now. Since Jimmy is wounded we need to hire a replacement:




After a week of waiting, Alien Alloys are done, we can research now Alloy Ammunition which give 20% damage boost to all our guns, and alloy vest, a filler before personal armour. Because your safety is my bigger priority, let's start with the vest. On 9th of February a very small UFO is detected over Europe. As usual with those UFOs, they don't want to be shot down. On 10th of February a small UFO is detected over India. After few hours of chase it lands in southern borders of Russia. Unfortunately it will be night.




The map is same as previously, but it is dark, so SV, throw that flare and hope for the good.




As I thought there was an alien in front of us. You lucky gits you are. The plasma shots almost melted Nooks face. Since you are alive throw that smoke at him and finish him off.


Once SV perfectly dealt with the floater, the rest of the crew exited the Skyranger. Kazaak managed to spot another alien to the west. Unfortunately when I moved Matri to have a spot, I've miscalculated safe place and now Matri is dead, because alien had to fire 3 shots. Also Kazaak got wounded too. Thanks to Little Dwarf Girl, this alien is no longer a threat. Otherwise I sensed a juicy grenade over our corpses.




No more aliens in close proximity. The team spreads out. The UFO is located NE of the LZ and Nook manages first to find another floater near the UFO. Unfortunately no one is able to get him at this time.




Soup Carrier also manages to spot alien SE of our position. This alien is also beyond our reach.




Thankfully both aliens didn't want to explore our position. The floater from the south moved closer. He was carrying a very big character shield, because many of our shots just past miles away from him. On the north side Little Dwarf Girl managed to find another floater. Not sure if it was the previous one, but Sunflash managed to snipe him good.


The floater from the south, felt a little to cocky. He closed in, but didn't fire at anyone. Mr. Duck told him, that this wasn't the brightest idea.




Moving closer to the UFO, a sectoid was spotted, Ivan tried to get a better position, but he was at the edge of alien LoF. Thankfully sectoid missed and Nook took really good aim and killed the sectoid.




On alien turn a floater tried to ambush us, but either Zombie or Probaroo stopped him before he could do anything stupid. Inside the UFO Nook finds another sectoid, but for now doesn't risk taking any shot.




Soup Carrier and Mr. Duck were approaching UFO from another entrance point. Unfortunately there was a Sectoid hiding and it killed Soup Carrier.




In the UFO Nook moves ahead, and this time fires at the sectoid in the navigation room. He placed a good shot and killed the sectoid. Maybe there is something of Nook II in him? Unfortunately I said it too fast. As he entered the power source room, he found a floater and a sectoid. He decided to take out the sectoid, but managed to hit it once. The alien then turned and melted Nooks face. Oh well maybe number V will do better.




Dark Angel had to finish what Nook has started. On the outside of the UFO, Mr. Duck found the final alien. He fired full auto at it, and missed, the alien returned fire, but his unpredictable luck saved him from death. He fired again and the sectoid is now dead.




3 dead on night mission. Not bad.



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Mr. Duck found the final alien. He fired full auto at it, and missed, the alien returned fire, but his unpredictable luck saved him from death. He fired again and the sectoid is now dead.


Here's how I imagine this scene playing out:


C D E D B D Duck (shoots)

M R Not Duck (shoots back)

O S M R. C D E D B D LMG (shoots again)

O I C M R LMG. Crap. (Dies)



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Here's how I imagine this scene playing out:


C D E D B D Duck (shoots)

M R Not Duck (shoots back)

O S M R. C D E D B D LMG (shoots again)

O I C M R LMG. Crap. (Dies)




NKF, here's something for you from Redux 0.7.4 :)



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I have sectoid engineer and navigators, all lesser ranks are sold.


@NKF, damn I'll need a cipher to decode this ;)





With Mr. Duck and Kazaak wounded, we need two more replacements to join the fight and I forgot that Matri died so we have 3 new faces with one being cloned later.






On 15th of February we have a urgent call that Aliens have kidnapped a ship. Nooooo, not this terror. Although it is a terror call, I don't think it counts as terror mission, for terror mission count? Or I might be wrong. Anyway, I'm pretty sure we are screwed. The only positive fact is that it will be a day mission. The second positive is that this is not two part mission. Otherwise you would hear in a news about a very mysterious and brutal death in Portugal.




Ok, it looks like this is a trawler, which I don't know if I should feel lucky or what. From TFTD I prefer trawler because it's easy to navigate and there are not so many hiding holes. Since this is not TFTD, I really don't trust this map and we will wait the first turn in Skyranger. Hopefully the smoke will keep us safe. Some movement was observed in front of the Skyranger which probably means I did the right choice.




OK next turn, SV your up. Go see what's there.




Oopps looks like there is an alien below the Skyranger and you are dead now. Now Nook exists and spots a green looking insect thing to the west and also notices, that SV was murdered by a cyberdisc. Well bloody great, that's two aliens spawned on LZ and the one that currently will probably spill doom. Since he was carrying sniper rifle Nook tried to go behind the wasp thing and shoot it in the back, but spotted a floater above the Skyranger. You can start crying now.


Sunflash took care of the waspite, but the floater was very evasive. However the bigger threat was still that cyberdisc. I've moved my rocketeers as far as I can, because they have the only real firepower to down it. They've also found a floater hanging over the barrels to the east. Bloody great we are literally surrounded by aliens.



It looks like the aliens were playing with us. Since nobody has died this turn, maybe there is still hope. The cyberdisc didn't move at all, which is good. Little Dwarf Girl fired a Heavy Rocket at the cyberdisc. As expected it survived, but the explosion destroyed other things and it looks like she got two floaters, a reaper and something else. Also the explosion was so brutal that the reapers corpse multiplied. Probaroo made a second shot, and this threat was finally over. Maybe we can now safely move inside the ship.




The team slowly moved towards the wall to the south, but they didn't make any large progress as the aliens were constantly coming from every possible hole. At one point we had a waspite under the Skyranger. I've order Probaroo to blast it with missile, but Probaroo really must have some anti-Nook agenda. Instead if firing at the alien, he hit the wheels of Skyranger, killing Nook, and severly wounding Zombie. Little Dwarf Girl also missed the alien, but she was nice enough to kill a sectoid in the end. Good thing we have a medi-kit so Zombie for now will live.




Although we were covered in smoke, aliens have some cheat view distance. They saw Hatty before he could spot the shooter and now Hatty is dead. After few more dead aliens the team manages to push deeper inside the ship. They also found a headcrab alien thing.





The team split into 3 smaller squads. One that took the middle of the lower rooms, one that took the upper deck, and one that was scouting other corridors. Inside the rooms on the lowest floor. Ivan spots a sectoid. The sectiod has a very good position, so Ivan waits untill there will be a good moment to strike. Meanwhile the team that took the upper deck spots three more Cyberdiscs. Like the first one was not enough. Meridian does the dirty work of providing visual. Let's hope that Probaroo won't fail this time.




After few turns the team on the lower deck finally decides to push forward. The sectoid moved a bit too far, but in the end it was dead. On the lower deck there was one more sectoid to deal with.


Meanwhile at the team on the upper deck, they've managed to kill 2 Cyberdiscs, but the third one killed Meridian. The problem was they were running out of rockets. Since Probaroo was a bad boy, now he will scout, but he is also terrible at that, and the cyberdisc hits Little Dwarf Girl. Thankfully she lives. Otherwise I would be very sad. Due to the wound she misses the Cyberdisc, and although Probaroo hits it, it's still lives and both of them don't have rockets. I don't know why, but the Cyberdisc didn't go for the kill. Without rockets I was pretty sure that this cyberdisc will be the end of us, but then Bill Nye came out, and through magic of science and AP rounds, he kills it and saves the day.



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So it was only the first level? That's good I suppose, it keeps the missions short, sharp and sweet.


NKF, here's something for you from Redux 0.7.4 smile.png


It's alive! Mhm hmm, hmm. Mwa ha ha ha! *cough, cough*


Okay so it doesn't really do too much apart from providing an open-backed door-less Triton style transport with a roof hatch. It is great eye candy. wink.png



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Our first dangerous mission behind us. If it wasn't so brutal alien spawn points, we probably had less deaths.


On 21st of February, radars detect a Large UFO over Egypt. This must be the true True Terror Ship. Our Interceptors manage to down it somewhere on the northern borders of Afghanistan, or maybe it's on the southern borders of Uzbekistan? Well you probably get the idea of the places in that region. Anyway I hope that another terror mission was delayed. But that doesn't mean we will skip this UFO. Oh no, gear up and move out. Some of you lucky fellows will get new Alloy Vests, but don't count on it to save your life.




The UFO crash landed on some poor fellows farm. It probably scared all the goats, and the guy is probably chasing after them, so no fear of civilians in the area. The LZ looks clear, and we will make sure that the aliens won't have a jump with deploying lots of smoke.




Unfortunately it didn't help much, because there was one floater on the building to the north, and one exited from the barn to the SW. Zombie again had the pleasure of tasting hot plasma to the face. Mr. Nook and Sunflash said Hello too and blasted both floaters with explosive rounds. There was heard a lot of farm doors opening. While moving forward Sunflash spots a Reaper. There was more anger inside him, so he went mad with the launcher.




The team divided into 3 parts. One part went north keeping close to the border of the map. the second one is going west keeping close to the south part, while the third one keeps an eye on the middle ground. And rightfully so, because a cybermite wanted to sneak in and munch their faces.




On the northern site, Bill Nye spotted a reaper. Reapers are very weak to the explosive ammunition. Soup Carrier served him one and it died outright. On the west part, Nook also spots a Reaper and doesn't want to feel worse, he also kills it with one explosive round. The aliens kept coming. Looks like we had a good spots for observation, because there were no shots at us, and yet we are kicking their asses. Probably by saying that things will change 180 once we enter UFO. We still haven't found Cyberdiscs, let's hope they are not present.


On turn 6 Merridian spots another Reaper, he makes a auto shot at it but misses, because he had to turn he also spots a sectoid. He changes target at the sectoid. And either through his competence or luck, he hits the sectoid, then next round hits the reaper and kills a floater behind it. How awesome can you get?




The aliens begin to panic as their comrades are getting killed. We are closing to get inside the UFO. And by saying that, a floater exits the UFO, and misses Meridian by that much. And like I said, once we begun to breach the UFO, there were a lot of nasty traps waiting. First one to fall was Soup Carrier. His face was munched by the cybermite.




The second person was Mr. Nook. Killed by waspite leader. And in the meantime Dark Angel decides to blow himself up, after he killed a floater.




The third victim of operation breach that UFO was of course SV. Like Zombie and Nook, his armour did jack squat. But at least we have captured a medic and a leader. Although I would prefer a scientist.




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We have more wounded that needs a replacement. I don't know why forgot about him, but finally he can die many deaths by things he created.




On 23rd of February radars detect a very small UFO over Russia, and few hours later another one over India. The first one got destroyed over Europe, while the second I think over Turkey. On 24th of February we have a small UFO over Mongolia. However we lose it over South America. If aliens have plans for South America, I don't think we will be able to stop them. Luckily the Skyranger manages to catch the UFO somewhere in the Chile/Argentina borders. It will be night so I'm guessing our brave scouts will die fast.




It's a jungle map, so it will be hard to push through. Lucky for you we landed in NE corner. Ok Nook, tell us how deadly is out there. Looks more or less safe. Zombie manages to spot a sectoid SW from the LZ and I've managed to deliver a perfect grenade. Now LZ is more secure. Move out and stay frosty.




Our next victim is a floater located further SW from the position of that sectoid. And the killer was Dark Angel. On next turn a sectoid decided to take a look.




We found the UFO directly south of current location. Hatty moved fist, he spotted a sectoid on the way and blew him up. Next went Soup Carrier and he noticed a floater. He also had perfect shot. Deeper inside the jungle there was another sectoid. He made a shot but thankfully it hit a bush. Mr. Duck had a chance to kill it. Too bad he also had to blow up our flare.


The final alien was found very deep in SW corner. Sunflash made a good example of him. Mission over and no deaths, I'm sure someone will appreciate this right?



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Hey, we had our first casualty-less mission. I hope Nook and SV were happy for once wink.png


On 25th of February we get another landed small UFO. Hard for me too guess it in which country but, Central Europe should suffice. It's unfortunately night mission, but since there were no losses in previous mission, we can go straight to it.




They UFO has landed in some farm land. We are at northern border. SV moves out throws flare and see nothing. But let's wait and see what may kill him. I'm afraid I have bad news, we are now in deep shit. We are facing new kind of enemy. The kind of enemy only a sick mind could create. Chaps, meet Phaser Androids. They are almost indestructible. By almost I mean, they can only die by fire, acid and of all reasons smoke (because of the "bug" in the version this part was recorded they were vulnerable to stun damage). If you were thinking what twisted madness lurked Hobbes mind, now you see.




Of course Nooks luck didn't help him and even with two prod attempts the droid stands. Oh and their weapon is fucking plasma cannon that does explosive damage. Fucking great. So right now everyone initiate operation bumrush. Did not expect them that fast and don't have incendiary ammunition in stores. Before we've managed to deal with the first one we've already lost Mr. Nook, Mr. Duck, and I have wondered into wrong place. Next Android was on the second floor of the barn to the west. Well good luck to anyone who will go there. And it looks like Ivan got lucky.




Because it's night this mission is pretty much suicidal. A perfect sacrifice for X-COM gods. Thankfully those Androids are sticking to the shadows. At least we can try and surprise them in close range. Very close range. The UFO was directly in the SE corner. So without a choice our lambs go there in hope of surviving. Next Android was spotted in small shed close to the UFO. Probaroo went there and stunned it with one strike. But there might be next one, so I don't expect Prabaroo to live long.




As I thought, there are in fact 2 more Androids waiting to slaughter us. Well what do you know, they didn't feel like it but on the other hands, on this turn our sticks where not working right. Except for Probaroo, who dodged a shot and stunned the Android. but there is also the second one. Will there be double kill ?




Well you lucky sods, the Android didn't know what to do. Lucky Soup Carriers stick worked this time. However Ivan spotted another one in the corner. Well I guess someone this time will be fucked. And it looks like luck smiled to Soup Carrier once more. He got hit, but the damage only made him faint. Good thing we have medi-kit . However there was one more alien somewhere.




And Ivan found one in the barn West of the UFO. He was pretty damn lucky to avoid that shot. The Android went closer, and then Ivan jumped out with the stick of stunnines.




Well 3 deaths only I'm surprised that most of you live.



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