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Arizona Rangers


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Welcome folks. Let me tell you a story about four brave Rangers, that will be patrolling Arizona Desert after nuclear holocaust. No one knows, why it happened or who started it. It all ended in massive destruction of our civilization. Our heroes begin their story in Rangers Citadel somewhere in Arizona. They are fresh recruits and soon they will have to past a trial, that may change their lives and the people of Arizona forever.


Ranger number 1, a quiet fellow, nobody knows where he came from, all we know he is good with rifles.




Ranger number 2, a lady that prefers the solitude of longer range. But even when it comes to close range, she can put bullet in you head, faster than you can fart.




Ranger number 3, a Mexican guy that is stronger than your average men. He loves guns, preferably big ones.




The last one, is a teenage girl, that just barely hit her 20'ties. She may be frail and week, but her brain is razor sharp, and she always gets what she wants.






This here part is dedicated to point some differences between Wasteland and Fallout. If you are familiar with them, you can skip ahead. Both games made by the same person - Brian Fargo. Most people compare Wasteland to Fallout, but little know that Fallout was born from Wasteland. The similar yet different Character creation is divided into 2 parts. C.L.A.S.S.I.C vs S.P.E.C.I.A.L.

Mosty of you are probably familiar with SPECIAL, which stands for Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, Luck. While Classic stands for Coordination, Luck, Awareness, Strength, Speed, Intelligence, Charisma.


Coordination is a skill that mainly focuses on how many Action Points you have. Every 2 points you get 1 Action Point. Also 1 point adds 1% to your range accuracy.


Luck in general increases your chance to score a critical hit. It also can roll you +1AP for a turn during combat, and during level up it can score you more HP.


Awareness improves your combat initiative, gives small bonus to evasion, and view range.


Strength is the main stat that contributes to how tough your character is, how much he can carry, and it may improve you AP.


Speed improves your combat initiative, dodge and combat speed. What is combat speed? It allows you to travel further using the same amount of TUs. For example if a character with 1 speed, uses 1TU to travel 1 tile, a character with Speed 10 will for example travel 3 tiles.


Intelligence - this stat is dedicated how many skill points you will get per level and it may improve your AP.


Charisma, improves your learning capabilities. Any action (except fighting) performed gets a small bonus in XP. It also improves the radius of Leadership skill.


Now for the skills themselves. Fallout had simple solution, you had small guns, that represented any pistol, smg, rifles, big guns for rocket launchers and heavy machine guns and energy weapons. Here skills are divided into more classes. Like you saw, there is special skill for rifles, sniping, shotguns, pistols etc. Since in Fallout you had 1 person who was jack of all trades, here you need to create specialized characters, that will make a certain role.




Our story begins, with our 4 heroes attending the funeral of Ace, a ranger that has recently fallen in the line of duty (Ace was a hero, from previous game). General Vargas (another character from previous game) briefs us, that Ace was on a critical mission and died in strange circumstances. Lately the Rangers were receiving strange radio broadcasts about some Mathias fellow and a death to the rangers. Ace's mission was to plant a repeater units in local radio antennas, in order to triangulate the location of that signal. We need to go to the last known location where Ace was killed, find out what has happened and retrieve those repeaters.




If we complete the mission and plant the repeater units, we will be accepted into the Desert Rangers and allowed inside the Rangers Citadel. But before our brave 4, will move out, there are few interesting person to meet.


The first person on their way is Grenadier Major Nur Giebitz. He makes sure no one will enter the Citadel unauthorized. However he is sympathetic to our case and gives us his unique flintlock pistol called Mississippi Mule, that fires 12 gauge rounds. It's only drawback is wide spread, so even in defensive mode, you need to be careful for friendly fire.


The second person we meet is Corporal Solveig Sefors. She acts as a trader for the recruits. We could buy some armour, bullets and other stuff if we need to, but for now we are too poor to buy anything. She also tells us something about the major persons in the Citadel.


The last person we meet before heading out is Angela Deth (another person from previous game). She was hit hard by Ace's death and from what we can gather I think they were lovers. After brief introduction to the situation and explaining a bit what happened in the past, she asks us if she could accompany us, so she could find out what has happened to Ace. General Vargas prohibited her to make investigation on her own, so she states, that if needed, she just tries to help us in the ways of being Desert Ranger. We of course accept her offer, who wouldn't want a veteran (level 14) on your side. Angela is versatile in assault rifles and is excellent shot. She also has few useful skills.


After the conversation the team moves towards the location General Vargas ordered. During the travel, the team was attacked by some raiders. And as the rookie luck goes, it went bad at the start, because our weapons liked to jam constantly.




But eventually through small, luck and skill, the raiders we eating dirt.


Few hours later, the team arrives at the designated location. Right at the beginning, a big pool of blood is seen and a blood trail follows the path ahead. This must be Ace's blood, so we follow down the path towards the radio tower.There we find another group of bandits, but this one was more talkative. In order to freely pass, they demand 15 scrap (local currency) from us. Seeing as they are surely new to this, our talking head makes a counter offer.




Their leader isn't the brightest of them all, and they have happily run off. He also gave us a location of some mysterious shrine. The team stops at the radio tower, where they have spotted that it was tinkered with. Probably by ace. Sabrina has noticed that, Ace while mounting the repeater onto the tower, was forcibly dragged down, so whe finished the job, and the tower speaker chirps out a series of spasmodic beeps. Soon we catch another radio signal. In the message, we have heard something about Matthias' law and the death of Desert Rangers. Near the tower, we find a part of journal that must have belonged to Ace. It says he was accompanied by a booze dealer from Rail Nomads Camp. Further ahead, there was a patch of oil trail, which seemed kind of odd. Following the path, we find a bigger pool of oil and some kind of synthetic leg. The trail of oil followed to a nearby cave.


Inside the cave, the team found Ace's killer. He was dead too. Nearby there were repeater units, and more of Ace's log. But it was guarded by some huge toad, that needed to be taken care of.




When we took the care of the toad, and took the repeater units, the central command told us, that we need to take those units and mount them on another radio towers in nearby places called Ag Center and Highpool. Ag Center is research lab dedicated on food growth, while Highpool lies under a big reservoir of water. But before we leave this location, there is one small thing to take care of. West of the cave there is another group of bandits. We need to take care of them. After small preparations, we've bated them into a trap.




After clearing out this place, the team gathers and moves out.

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Hate to break it to ya, but Alarm Disarming skill is useless. Also, having one character with 2 gun skills isn't helpful. You'll be happy your character had one much less two. If you don't have someone with a safecracking/picklocking skill you're screwed, plain and simple.
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The orders are now clear. Go to Ag Center and Highpool and attach repeater units there. But as we all know something as simply as that must be a trap. So before we do that, our Rangers head back to the Citadel and buy Shoddy Radiation Suits from Corporal Solveig Sefors. It doesn't give much of a protection against radiation clouds, but it's all we need for now. The walk will take a while and there is a risk of encountering tougher enemies, with which we don't stand a chance. But with high risks come high rewards.


The travel to the Rail Nomads Camp was fortunately without any incidents. Upon arrival we receive global broadcast from a local woman, that her son has gone missing. Following the road up ahead, a young girl comes up, and begs us to help her friend from drowning. This probably must the boy, that went missing.




We swiftly rush to help. The boy was not far away in the strange lake. We pass the bridge made out of transport carts. There he was barely keeping afloat. We've noticed two totem poles standing on the edge of the lake. Swiftly measuring, their height and how far the boy is, Angela, kicks hard on the one further down. The totem pole lands over the lake and the boy climbs onto it and moves to the shore.




He briefs us with some information what is going on here and why he was in the lake in the first place. It looks like there was some kind of feud between two tribes that lived here, and now there is a war between them. The Atchisons were forced out and are brutally hunted by the Topekans - the tribe that is currently ruling the camp. We've also learned that Jessie - the girl we've encountered at the beginning and Ralphy are sort of in love and Jessie is of course from the other tribe. Now doesn't it look familiar to a different story we all know? It probably won't end too good for them probably. But we will see. After the conversation Ralphy runs to his mother.


We also continued towards the camp, but we have stopped near the entrance and spoke to Jessie in the kids playground. But before we went further Sabrina has noticed strange markings over the small bicycle. Upon closer inspection, she uncovered a bomb. What a cruel place to put a bomb. Without hesitation, she disarmed it.


The Rangers then have followed to the Ralphies home and talked to his mother. She thanked us for saving her son, but she also asked her if we can "recruit" him. With the war between two tribes, they are having food problems, and she says that Ralphy eats a lot. We of course agree to her plea.


But our job is not here done, there is someone else we want to hire. Exiting the camp, Ralphy and Jessie had a little talk after which se runs off, before she would be spotted. Following the road to the north east, there is a hobo camp, and there is special hobo that we seek - Scotchmo. After his wife died, he became depressed and he dumped all his sorrows into Snake Squeezens - a local alcohol that makes you forget of your problems (temporarily as usual). He is a cheerful fellow and knows how to fight. He asks us if he can join, which we agree.


We now have two people that we want, and there is one more thing. To the north of the hobo camp there is a decomposed corpse. Angela recognizes this corps as Hell Razor (another Ranger from the previous game). There is also his journal that says something about Darwin Village. But for now we need to take care of that repeater units.




Our job is done here for now, so we will be heading towards the Citadel to restock with more ammo. Also we will be visiting few hidden stashes, that I secretly now of. They contain some useful things, nothing special but it will help us in upcoming mission. We are again lucky and nothing interrupted our journey.


Upon resupplying in the Citadel we march on towards our next objective - the Ag Center. However during our travel we receive two emergency broadcasts at the same time coming from both Highpool and Ag Center. It looks like Highpool has been attacked by local raiders, but Ag Center says something about mutated creatures, bugs and plants. A might suspicious situation and it looks like we are the only ones close enough to assist. The Ag Center is closer and their emergency sounds more critical than Highpools (not that the second is something nice).


When the team has arrived, there they saw a strange creature, screaming in pain and exploding.




Looks like they weren't kidding. The nature seriously mutated here. There were maggots and flies enormously big. We had to fight through some of them and reached the lab itself. There we've met Katy Lawson, a head scientist and Matt - ex-Ranger and main chief of the compound. At first Katy was not nice, and expected that we will arrive instantly after the emergency broadcasts. Eh some people...

She explained a fair detail of what is going on here and looks like we need to solve it, before we can even use the repeater unit.




As usual, things can't be easy. We've scouted the little surroundings and met Doctor Rose, who is one of the best scientists here. She also explained few things and ask if she can accompany us. We will need use of her, and she takes Ralphies place.

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Upon receiving information from not so friendly Kathy Lawson, we head towards the eastern part of this floor. Doctor Rose uses the codes to open the door. Inside we carefully navigate through exploding pods and reach a group of people surrounded by monsters.




We swiftly intercept and begin to clear the room. Dr Rose, thinks she knows better how to fight and charges in. Bloody women, why they don't learn when to fall in line... (Every NPC that joins your merry band has a chance to "go rogue" higher leadership reduces the chance but right now we don't have it that high).




I wouldn't mind her charging like that, but the pod creatures explode on death doing ~20 damage, and she is not a frontline soldier who should get hit. Also she has a short range pistol so this adds up.


After we rescue the civilians from this room, we hunt for the pods and return 10 pieces back to Kathy Lawson.




When she received the package, she finally calm down and allowed us to use the repeater on the radio tower. When we have moved to the west side, we were informed that Julio is being attacked by Giant (Killer) Rabbits. The rabbits are clearly a reference to the Killer Rabbit from The Holy Grail, since they have huge teeth and can leap for a mile.




Julio wasn't pleased that we have killed his rabbits, even if it meant saving his life. But what can you do, we let this man to his own sorrows. As we have approached the tower, it appears that the vegetation made is unusable for now. We will have to undo, what has been done here.


We've returned to Kathy and she discovered how to cure infected persons. At least those who haven't mutated yet.




So our destination will be that mushroom caves below the complex. When we were closing towards the ladder, we have received again a message from Highpool. They are being hit hard and won't be able to survive without help.




It's sad to here it, but unfortunately we can only do one emergency at time. Once we are on the lower floor, we are informed that computer that controls the doors towards different wings has been fried and we can access one corridor at a time - unless there is a skillful hacker on our side. But we have such a hacker - Dr. Rose, while being a botanist, she knows how to stroke that keyboard pretty well. She manages to open all the corridors. We move inside the mushroom cave. There we had to fight few monsters. With little effort we have reached Skinner, who oversees the caves. He is glad to see us, but also points out, that we were a little too late. He explains that he had to watch his wife die, due to infestation, and that his son, now mutant roams somewhere here.




He also gave us some information about the merchant that was with Ace. When we were about to leave, he asked us, if we can escort him back to the upper floor. We of course agreed, and since the path was already cleared, we moved out and also picked the grabbed the fungicide.


When Kathy received the fungicide, she has quickly made a serum, that she have used on Matt. Now we must weaken the vines that are all over the place so we can have access, the fertilizer reservoir, where we can pour the antidote.

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After giving Kathy the fungicide, we move back to the lower floor and clear out the rest of the mushrooms cave - and of course salvage any chest we can. Then we proceed to the western part. Both east and west corridor are filled with poisonous gas. We have to active all of the ventilation to make it breathable. But of course the mechanism is at the end, and there are few obstacles on the way. Fortunately the damage from the gas is minimal. When we have cleared the gas from the western corridor, we've also visited few rooms clearing more enemies.


Upon reaching the West Fields, we get orders from Kathy to fix a generator, preferably without blowing it up.




In the fields we've met also a fellow named Honeydew Lewis - I've learned that is Yogscast reference. He obviously enjoys killing those rabbits.




Also in the corner we have found Sue. He needed a doctor touch, because he was hit in the head by giant fly. He wasn't that bad as people pointed. However during conversation we revealed that he was feeding pigeons with mutated seed, because he was too anxious and wanted to speed up the delivery of the food. That means there are 3 infected farms out there and we will have to fix his mistake.




In the fields there was a small group of rabbits to take care of. After that, we've found the pump generator, and have used Flow Regulator that we have found in nearby shed. This has fixed the problems on the west side. Now we could proceed to the east side.


The east corridor, had more vents to be activated, and a small puzzle had to be solved.




Once we have reached the far end of the corridor, we've received message, that Highpool has been wiped out from the map.




After the poisonous gas was cleared we've proceeded to the Eastern fields.

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In the far end of the eastern field there is irrigation pump. We need to close the valve.




However before I've proceeded there I've moved back to the main central. I thought that I was given the antidote, and there was certain Rachel, that was obviously infected. Of course Kathy will give me the antidote AFTER I will complete those tasks on the fields. That is rather unfortunate and Rachel transformed as we have watched.


Back in the fields we threaded carefully blowing any pods that were in way. In the middle of the fields, we have heard a cry for help. It looks like Ryan Kornilof - Doctor Larsen assistant was trapped between few monsters. After we rescued him, he asked us about Rachel. Poor fellow, but we had to tell him the grim news.




We continued to move further towards the irrigation pump room, carving our way, killing monsters and killer rabbits. We even saved few cows from slaughter. Upon reaching the room, we've noticed a body that died from a gunshot, not from monster attack. Inside we saw Doctor Larsen "wounded" and surrounded by monsters. After we have cleared the room, we've made the good ol' Doctor confess.




Some people are just simply broken. He was dealt fast, and we have closed the valve. Now all we have to do is return to Kathy (and loot other stuff that is now accessible).

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Our job at Ag Center is almost done. Now the biggest of vines will crumble and we have access to some areas previously unreachable. Back in the underground there was one more room to clear from the monsters.




At the main area, we've finally attached the repeater unit and have received another transmission from the Mathias fellow.




We've returned to Kathy and she gave us the antidote, now we have to dump it into fertilizer container and we are good to go. She also gave us few spare ones, so we can now also take care of those 3 infected farms. Also Ryan had to be calmed down. The death of Rachel depressed him much. But with few words of truth, he pulled together and now will provide us with healing powers for free.




Before we head out towards the Highpool there are few enemies in front of the Center itself.


Once we have reached the Highpool, we saw only death and destruction. Wild animals already begun to feast on the corpses and there are few bandits roaming the town. Maybe someone survived the slaughter?



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We roam, through the devastated Highpool. Only death and destruction. There are few raiders roaming about, so we kill them. There is one house that we can enter too. It looks like we have found the leader of Highpool and the leader of the raiders in some kind of argument.


When we have dealt with the raiders leader, we had a little chat with Sean Bergin. Ungrateful fellow and not very nice. We've learned a thing and two about the past between Highpool and the Desert Rangers. I'm betting that this was some kind of misunderstanding, but most people are blind to the truth.




There is nothing we can do, so we go to the radio tower, or what's left of it. Near the tower we find 3 guys named Pole Axe, Pry Bar and Dump Star. Again this is a reference to something, but I don't remember to what - and I'm poor at references.




The tower is busted good. HQ gives as alternative destination - Damonta. A town deep to the east. The problem is a high radiation cloud. We need better radiation suits, and there is one merchant, who might provide us some. We need to go to the prison area - old Rangers HQ, now infested with Red Scorpion Militia, who are thugs, with just "polite" name.




After cleaning the rest of Highpool from monsters, we move back to the Citadel.

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We are back in Citadel. And as most RPG's, reaching that "city" means lots of NPC's to talk. And this game is no exception. From the start we get a brief introduction to other team that is out there in the wastes - team alpha.




Next we meet another group - this one is so called special ops team. I'm betting that it will be we who will save their buts some day.




Our next chit-chat goes to General Vargas. He congratulates us on our mission well done, though, he wished we wouldn't have to make such difficult choices on initiation process. We've handed him the pages from Ace's logbook and told him about the demise of Hell Razor. He pointed us to a small village - Darwin Village - where they have fought Finster. The place should be abandoned, but game rules say, it probably will not.




Next we have met, the communication expert - Sergeant Wade Woodson. He has shared his knowledge about those repeater units.




In citadel's kitchen area, we have met Corporal Evan Hawco. We can get some bonus from him (scrap or XP) if we recruit other people in the wastes.




Next in line is Lieutenant Min Lian Tan - also known as 'TNT'. He sells all kinds of explosives, from simple dynamite to powerful LAWs and RPG7s. He is also in a need of piles of poo - because they contain ammonium nitrate. Well we have collected few pieces of poo back in the Ag Center.




Next, we've met Corporal Flintlock Egglestion. He supervises the museum.




Another person to meet is Doctor Erik Tidemann. The poor fellow has lung cancer. There is sure a lot of talk about that Darwin Village, if it said to be abandoned.




Next person to meet is Sergeant Gilbert Sagarra. Old veteran, that now handles the maps. He is not very friendly.




He also mentioned about a tour, so we take one.




I knew something fishy was about that situation.




Also take a close look, in the museum there is a live Nuke - all it needs is to press a button. But seriously don't do it.


Last section to visit is of course the store, where we can spend all that nice scrap we have.




There is also base genius Captain Ethil Mercaptain, who can give us some "free" items. Well we have to earn the right for free item, but it's always better to get that shiny armour for free, rather than pay for it.




After spending a lot of time in base, we rearm and travel to the Rail Nomads Camp, we will have lots of work to do here. We first start by helping that guy, who stepped on the landmine, who we ignored on our first visit.




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Right so we are back again in Rail Nomads Camp, but before we proceed with solving the feud problem, there are few places to explore. First the library. And a cookie to the first person who finds Fallout reference




Following further down the road, we meet the Engineer, who explains few things about the feud, how the chief of Topekans had an accident, and it was all Atchiknsons.




Next we went to a local bar - there we have found Samuel, the merchant that was accompanying Ace. We forced information from him about Ace's death. Angela was very pissed at him for not helping Ace, and she shot him on the spot.




In the local store, we get a task to get stolen supply creates.




There is also a guy, who runs Arcade. The last thing people want in post apocalyptic world is to play games - even if they are 8 bit. He asks us to find CD-i.




And also there is a local junkie, that makes the Serket. He wants his mushrooms located somewhere in the area.




Exploring further ahead, we found Scotchmos booze hiding hole. After that we have moved towards another part of the map, there we will be fighting some animals and finding lot's of mines.

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We continue to explore the rest of the first areas in the Rail Nomads Camp. There is also another Radio Tower, that would require fixing if by chance, you would fail to save both Ag Center and Highpool. Yes it is an option to not save both of those locations. Also you can find here a mysterious person called Provost. He is so mysterious that there were many many debates on who he is and what his purpose is. He is armed with small revolver, okish armour, but low health. I believe there is no bonus if you keep him alive. But if you intend to want him to survive - a tip - save and load after every battle. Such NPCs get healed after loading. He has also high initiative and the AI is extremely stupid here so he can run blindly towards the group of deadly enemies.




We also retrieve the mushrooms for the dealer. We of course give it to him for reward and then we finally meet the big boss of the Topekans.




He tells us everything what is happening and of course warn us, that we shouldn't interfere with their internal affairs. But he would be happy if we would take care of those Rail Thieves problem. After finishing the conversation Dr Rose had a rather nice opinion of the situation, to which I agree. But some people are just to stubborn.


The Topekans also worship John Henry


Anyway, since we have nothing else to do in this area, we move out towards the other camp. There we will have to fight the Rail Thieves, which will not be easy. The first group is straight to the left from the area entrance. And also there is the missing shipment we need to grab.



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Or watch on youtube all the others.





In today's episode we, make both tribes kiss and make up. And it didn't took us some crazy running after God knows what junk. Having cleared the Rail Thieves, we proceeded to the Atchisons camp. There we have found Casey - the mad bomber. After short debate and a shocking news, that he would almost killed his own daughter, he agreed to start talking about peace.




We then returned back to Kekahbah and gave him the good news. However as stubborn he is, he wants Casey to make a sacrifice. He needs to cut his arm.




At first Casey wasn't all that happy about it, but he came to conclusion, that if the war must end, he will accept it. The two tribes meet near the gates. Casey cut's his arm, Kekahbah brings the golden spike and now they live happy and united again.




We've also returned the stolen cargo to the shopkeeper. He thanked us and gave a huge discount on the merchandise. Fulfilling our task here, the Rangers have returned to the Citadel. Next stop will be the prison area.

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lol, I just hope Strategy Core can handle silencers posts. Because where he is and where he has to go....phew....


Seriously though, this game has a bunch of choices, what you think is the initial right choice turns out not so good.


Just a heads up silencer, when you get to Rodia, pay the bullets, otherwise you'll miss out on a LOT of storyline.



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By the way, there are duplicated images in the post where you go confront Doctor Larson, you posted the image where you question his assistant twice. It would not be a problem if the lets player I watch did not manage to make Larson confess and I really would like to know why we did what he did.
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Thanks - fixed the duplicates. If you watch the associated video I'm putting every episode, Dr. Larsen just wanted to destroy the Desert Rangers. There is nothing more to it. Don't know how he could destroy whole Rangers, but there you go.


And that is why I don't watch Metal Canyon play Wasteland 2, if he would try to learn a thing or two about a game first....

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We have arrived at Rangers Citadel, we will re-arm and will head towards the prison area. But on the way we will finish some unfinished business. That is clear all those infected places thanks to Sue from Ag Center, and kill the Wrecking Crew.


While, we are here, we give the missing piece of Ace's logbook to General Vargas. There is mention about some places and he tells us to go to Sagarra.




We do so. Sergeant Sagarra was quite surprised, when he saw this. The logbook contained locations like Santa Fe or Mount Lee. He asks to come back to him later, while he does some research. Fair enough.


Once we have rearmed, we move out. On the way I've visited all those special shrines that out there. There are mysterious shrine hidden on the world map - they give few XP bonus and on some locations there are some standard shrines that give +1 skill point. Of course you can visit it only once, so it's best to come once you have your team set.


So the infected places - the first place is infected village - there are still humans, that we can save.




Next is infected farm, where only cows survived - sort of.




The last one is infected pump station. Where we witness the transformation of last inhabitant.




And our last stop before prison is the Wreckers hiding hole. Surprisingly there were only few of them.




At this point we were a little over powered for those places, but better come here overpowered than needlessly struggle at normal level and waste resources.



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It's not really a spoiler guys. Silencer has done a great job of his play-through, and if he's anything like me, he likes this game and will want to play it to the max, that being said it's only inevitable he comes to that town. I think it's actually scripted... Besides, he's a LONG way off from there. I just wanted silencer not to make the initial mistake I did was all (I had to reload about 4 hours worth of gameplay). I mean if you want to skip over a large story line/quests that's up to you. So I'll just shut up and won't comment or give anymore of my advice.



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Don't worry NoX, I'm not making blind playthroughs, so I mostly know what I am doing.





So we are in the prison area called Happy Valley. It doesn't look that happy as it sounds. The first person we meet is Fred Darvis. He informs us, that after Rangers have moved to the Citadel, this place just fell apart thanks to the Red Scorpions. He also tells a bit strange tale, that looks very familiar to Dune, but maybe I'm wrong here. He also needs some help with the cart, so we give him a small push.




To the east, there is an old family. They need well to be fixed. Since we also would like to have fresh water we fix the well and get a small reward. A Famas rifle is not that great for a reward right now, but money is money.




A bit to the north we found Tim Messer. He gave up with his life, after RSM came and killed his wife, all because he couldn't pay a tax for being not productive. So as you can see, RSM is more like todays governments - tax you for everything including tax for taxation.




To the west we have met William Brown. He explains a few things about Farmer Auwaerter. That he is running some kind of pre US civil war plantation, except that slaves aren't only coloured black. He want's us to bring back his pigs, because they were "taken" from him, because he couldn't afford a tax or didn't have a permit. You get the idea.




Deeper inside the valley, we met Chris VanOverbake. He tells us evertyhing up to date about the RSM and about taxation. He then proceeded to tax us for carrying weapons. This couldn't end well for him though.




Scouting more, we find strange slave pen, and by the looks of it, everyone was touched by it. Even Chisel admitted, that what he sees here is just plain evil.




Strangely there were no guards nor the "owner". We of course free the slaves and learn that a man called Pitbull is responsible for this. One of the slaves wanted to make revenge, so we lied to her that Pitbull is dead. Of course we will meet him at some point.


Although our goal here is to meet Red the trader, for now we move more closer to the prison itself through hidden cave. Although it is a secret path, the cave had some nasty guards inside.

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So we are entering the dangerous grounds of the prison area. Right after we exit the cave, there is a fierce battle waiting for us. Barely surviving, we move forward to find another "checkpoint". After that checkpoint our inventory is almost full, so I've returned to the citadel to sell stuff and heal.


After our return we arrive at the farm. I though that we will not be welcomed by this point, so I've used the back entrance. I was a little surprised that nobody wanted to kill us. We met the owner:




And met a worker, who claims that this farm was taken from him and demands that we kill the leader of the RSM. The problem is the entrance to the main compound is guarded by big turrets that will kills us on sight. Well tough luck. But we came here for the pigs.




Once we have set the pigs lose, all hell broke lose. Good thing there was good defensible position.





And of course I forgot to tell you about one particular secret. Since we are in Arizona, there is one particular place - there were some news lately about this place. Of course those who did watch that video know about it but:




Right million E.T Cartridges cache - shame that you can't make fortune from them :D Well million is a bit of exaggeration but you get the idea.

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Our job in the prison area is almost done. The pigs have returned to the Farmer as he said.




There was also this annoying woman, who constantly populated the radio with gibberish. If she wants to be killed, then so be it. Cold hearted, but there is no other solution to her problem unfortunately.




As soon as we have killed her, her son moved out of hiding. We had to persuade him, that it was the right thing to do. Funny if we wouldn't manage to persuade him, the husband would return. Very strange situation is here. Near our current position was entrance to the mines. This is alternative way towards Reds location. We could enter the main gate, but without knowing the proper password, we would have to bring much high explosives to deal with the turrets, but all we had to do is kill few wild animals.


The goat hill which we've learned previously has few goats that constantly scream and one of them uses the famous Wilhelm Scream.


We finally met Red. He was quite surprised to see us. He told us, the he doesn't have those rad suits, but a certain Ranger that is hold up in Citadel's brig has some. We thank him for this information and head out back to the Citadel.




On our way we are going to visit one more place and we have also received information that some robots were spotted in the area of the first radio tower.


The other place that we will visit is L'Upe mine (or something called like that). They have a problem that some miners are trapped inside and we must use old tunnels filled with lots of Honey Badgers and rescue them.




The battle was hard at the end, but we have managed. As a part of reward we could get another person to our team. He sepcializes in bladed weapons, but we don't need him. He will be useful for that merit bonus at the Citadel.



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