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What strange/funny things happened to you?


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:power: (/me pretty new to the boards, bet there was a topic like this before) :laugh:


Post yer weird and funny


Just happened yesterday:


After I (cries) lost in superhuman, thanks to an uberraid of 2 Orgs (first Aliens, because some dumb-arse pilot from some mumbo-jumbo Ufo decided to drop off his alien friends upon a harmless abandoned warehouse- after flying across the whole MegaPrimusCity .... right into my only base)...

After blasting them off - 30min (ingame)later, Psyke was taken over by the aliens, thanks to my great intelligence agencies (and my forgetfulness of looking to the infiltration-o-meter) ^^


ok... I thought that was it... Right? WRONG!

Psyke raided me all the sudden, don't ask me how the hell they decided to come over =) After clicking on accelerated time, they bumped in 5seks later...


The results was a total wreck havoc - Massaker at the Primary Physiclab... :( The coast was clear, sent one Bio-dude ahead - Still alive, brought the Xcom team to them and started escorting...

Suddenly the doors to the right opened up, along with a Psyke dude holding a shiny large "Marsec Nuke'em'high Launcher"...

2 more Psyke buddies showed up, throwing Dim. Vortexmines O_O (darn alientech)


Aside from all the dead scientists - Only two dudes were standing ... One android with like 10hp and three bleedspots and one HybridAgent who somehow didnt receive that much from the explosion...


I said " Ok... no prob - They're all expendable ^^" and tried to rescue the other scientists who were on the side of the base... Too late, they got slaughted after passing the darn Hanger :-D

Ok, I lost ^^



Strange thing happened right after all that mess


New Game -> Superhuman

Start buying all the stuff...

click on acceleration time...............

Xcom BASE 1 under attack...


Darn it! How can it be that 10 SiriusCult dudes pop up in my base, even though were neutral at first - not even a few secs after gamestart... Man, they must hate me like hell =)


Hmpf... darn Superhuman setting ^^





One weird thing that happened, was when I responded to an alarm and when I got there, 3 poppers were right in front of my agent-teams, right at the map entry O_O




More strange stuff happened, but I forgot them...

What funny/annoying/weird thing happened to you?



Groovie :D





One of my dumb Androids threw a boomeroid accidently against something, making it get "keen" on him...

I end up running endlessly away from this little hopping thingie-of-mass-destruction following everywhere...

I was lucky the boomeroid nuked behind something when I ran around a corner... since the android was wearing a poorly protected Elerium suit :D


Groovie :(

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Well I don't really have any strange happenings in Apocalypse... Although I do have a slight one in Ufo.


I just started a game, and I shot down a ship full of sectoids. Every thing was going fine. Then I get a terror mission call, I go there and I see mutons. That was irregular but I didn't make anything out of it. I finish the mission and I keep playing.


It's a couple of days later and I find my self responding to another UFO filled with mutons. It turns out it's just a small scout (The kind with one alien) and I see the alien immediatly. It's a muton with a blaster! On the third mission of the game! "Oh well", I think, must just be a freak coincidence.


I finally end the month after about 10 muton missions and I see France does not like how I'm doing, so I send over a skyranger to check out the area. It is filled with 3 alien bases! So I decide to attack them I wipe them all out (They had mutons in them). And just play the game like normal.


I finally finish the game. And I think over the results, I had a whole game filled with mutons, (Except for a couple of sectoid missions, 1 snakeman mission and a few etherial mssions) and about 25 alien bases. I don't know about you, but I find this quite strange.

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Mutons, at the beginning of the game already O_O?

Normally, I used to see those things after wiping maybe two or three bases (definately more months have past by). When I played, they came very very late to the game.

Especially the fact that france has three bases is more than strange O_O :power::laugh::D


Groovie :D

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I have two experiences to offer, both of which happened a long-long time ago, but because they were rather unique they are worth remembering. Well, probably not the first story...


They both happened in those apartment blocks with the white halls, blue carpets and multi-coloured bedrooms.


First mission was an investigation for really heavy alien activity. I gritted my teeth and made sure everyone was locked and loaded. I was prepared for a really big battle. All my soldiers started at the same spawn location, and this was good, I told myself.


After so much time preparing, I start the mission. There's an apartment right in front of my troops, so I send the fellow with the toxiguns to have a look. Bam, door slides open and there are 5 skeletoids in the room. Well, that's what I counted after I cut them down one at a time. Once the fifth one fell, the mission ended. In no more than a few seconds, the entire mission was over.


You can imagine my exasperation at this. I was expecting a really big, or possibly long and drawn out battle. What are the odds that both sides got spawned right next to each other?


This second story is one of my favourites (some may already know it). I'll not bore you with the nitty gritty details about most of the battle and get right to the point.


Some time during the battle, a female civilian got injured (the one with the yellow dress and hat).


So then one of my soldiers goes into the apartments on a standard room-to-room search. Just as he opens the door into the bathroom, the panicking anthropod spins around to look at him and the injured civilian just so happens to fall dead at that moment (I think she was on the other side of the wall) and she lets off a scream. The timing was incredible! A friend, who was watching the game, and I burst out in a laughing fit.


It looked as if the anthropod had screamed upon my soldier's rude intrusion. What's more, the anthropod was standing right next to a bathtub. The panic symbol was a very nice touch too!


An instant classic...



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Weirdest UFO experience, other then that sectoid taking 9 heavy plasmas, was shooting down a scout in a jungle, land and after a few turns find the about a fourth of the map on fire and I hadn't even fired a shot yet. I traced the burn pattern back to ufo. Apperently it was a dry season in the jungle.

I built my base in France went through 2 months and both months France was un happy with me, so I sent out my skyranger to scout it out and low and behold the aliens had a base on the exact same spot as my base was. As in I zoomed in as far as I could go and their base and my base lined up perfectly.



TFTD finnished Te'Leth with 1 man. I went in with 1 man and came out with one man. All because I hid and fired and ran and fired and made it to the next level pads then aborted.


Also killed 7 outta like your regular port city terror site mission(I think 15 to 24) the rest of the aliens(Gillmen) killed themselves by badly thrown sonic pulsers, and stray shots hitting those barrels so conveniently placed near their buddies


At the end of Feb I was told a alien colony had been found, no big deal it was the first one I had been able to find, so I go and send a triton to it and find out that it's alien base #21


Apoc: Had most of the shots fired from my valkyre hit the UFO(Really Rare)

Play through the game up till the point I can raid their dimension with out saving it and then find out that I have some women with 117 mission and 700+ kills with all the medals and everything.

Had Marsec, Megapol, Diablo, Orison, Psyke, Senso Vision, the Cult, the Aliens, Solomine, Transtellar and Lifetree raid me all in 1 day.

Had a 3 way battle with some crime group. I went in to get the aliens but the crime group hated me and then aliens.

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Yeah, that happened to me that other day I lost the game in Superhuman.

Shot down one Ufo (actually the one which is normally filled with Skels, Anthros and Spitters)...


I immediately did like" AlarmRed Status 50000000 Alert" or so ;D Arming my men with all with Piggynoses ( mesa call them that why :power: - Devastator Cannons)


The Ufo only(!) had three Poppers, 1 spitter , and one panicing Antro with a sucker-launcher O_O



As far as I know, I only used standard weapons like laser and cannons to take down the UFO and not any bigstuff like Dim.Multilaunchers...


Groove :laugh:



You guys got more funny stuff? :-)

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Well, I don't play much apoc, but I did have one raid on sirus, I sent in 4 guys, 3 with dual pistols, one with a autocannon, guard came out and the pistol guys started shooting at him, and he ran into the next room, I had my squad follow him and ran into at least 6-8 guards, needless to say, I got my squad outta that room and behind some cover. but next thing I know, I heard several explosions, and after a minute of silence, I sent a guy back over to peek through the door, all of them but one had blown themselves up, don't ask me how, or what they did, I'm guessing, they threw grenades at my guys before they went through the door, and then tried to run and follow them through, but ran through their own grenades, or the last guy shot them all with explosive ammo.


funny ufo story, well, maybe not funny telling it, but it was funny to watch, you know that floater that always hides up in the second story of the barn building, well, in an effort to take care of it, I threw a few grenades up in there through windows, and make shift windows I made with my laser rifle. I also shot a couple of rockets into the lower floor to clear it out and ended up destorying it. well, as I moved my men up into better positions, I saw the floater up where it's supposed to be, standing on the one remaining tile of the top floor. every other part of the building had been destoryed. except for one other tile of the roof.(yes, I overdo it with grenades a little, but it makes pretty explosions)

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Who said Floaters were dumb :D


Groovito :power:


(Edit, since mesa last poster ^^)


Just happened in Apoc:

I had full accelerated time on and remembered to check the Alien Infiltration status and noticed that EvoNets graph shot skyhigh upwards, almost over the 50% bar.


I remembered also that the aliens dropped off their dudes at the vicinity, during the last UFO skirmish.


"Oki, no prob"

Armed all Agents to the teeth, even with HeavyLaunchers, since I was sure I would have to put up with hordes of Poppers again...


When I got there to Evo's , a Skeletoid showed up -

All my agents burned the c r a p out of the dude... ^_^


"Alle Feinde wurden besiegt - Entweder tot oder betäubt. Sie siegen" (mesa plays german version ^^)

In other words "All hostile units are defeated or unconcious. You win"



After accelerated time, the Evo-Infil graph suddenly sunk like an anchor :laugh:


Pretty weird how one alien can take over a whole Org =)


Groovie :D

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ok he's my story I was trying to nuke a TOS with a retribution missle from pretty much halfway acroos the city. So it misses and hit a elevated road (a highway) and take out a long stretch of road but it hti directly a Megapol car so they turn imeditly hostile with the goverment (Stray wepons fire) and transteller so i'm raided by these three orgs a couple of hours later.
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One weird thing that I find ... erm weird (which keeps happening):




I got all my agents together, then all the sudden you hear that *bloopidoop* sound and an "Arrggggh".

One of my agents got a Sucker on his head... At first, I say "Aw man, now he's gonna get Zombie'ed and nuke all my men away with the Heavylauncher in his hands..."

(note that the Sucker'ed Agent is a newly hired rookie)


Somehow, it took years until the other agents started shooting (which was more than way too late).

Sucker falls off...

The rookie resisted the Suckage :power:


What's so weird about it?

As soon as he got that Sucker off, one more Sucker jumped on his head (came from a Skeletoid flying high above me, didn't see the dude at first) and he resisted...





Groovie :laugh:

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um hey im new here but ive been playing apocalypse off and on over the past few years and the weird thing that happened to me was when i raided Marsec once (I was bored and wanted to see what would happen) I got a device that kinda looks like a mind bender but when equipped it boosts your psidefense up to 100! The object was never in the ufopaidia... but after i aquired it, it was there. So out of curiousity are there any more such phantom objects? i looked in the games directory and there are some more pictures of weapons and equipment that you cant buy or research in the game... anyway thats about it for me....
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its called a mind shield it was supposed to be in the game with a lot of other features but was discarded due to time restrictions. Sometime when you raid cyberweb, lifetree, marsec and other companys these come up
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you can still edit some of them into the game using the midnight editor but still it would have been awesome if they could have fully completed the game. It would make our version of x-com apoc look like a demo
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  • 2 weeks later...

In Apocalypse I was on a UFO recovery mission against one of the larger alien vessels.


The aliens did their thing and my guys dutifully did theirs and then there was a lull while we awaited the appearance of the expected Skeletoids. They failed to turn up and so I sent a couple of guys in search of them. It was a long search (reminiscent of the sometimes frustrating ones in the classic game) but the Skels were located eventually, all comatose, all neatly lined up in a cell down a narrow passageway, high in the ufo's interior. I can't recall their exact number but there were at least five of them and the mission ended as soon as my guy dispatched them all.


Is this how the aliens while away their travel time? Kipping!?



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hey i have a new strange thing. :power: in apocalypse i was recovering a ufo (cant remember name but one the smaller ones) in real time i was about to enter the ufo when i heard an explosion and multiple ones after that. before i even entered the ufo i completed the mission, could aliens get any stupider :laugh:
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