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ElfKaa last won the day on October 20 2016

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  1. ElfKaa

    UFO Extender

    Hello everyone, if someone of you is still interested to the old original UFO game Extender, I attached again new moded 1.34.5 with option to disable Silacoid Resistance mod Tycho add without possibility to disable to the original 1.34 version of the patcher.dll. You can now add the line: Silacoid Res=0 into Bug Fix section into the .ini configuration file to disable this Silacoid resistancy modification. eLK patcher.zip
  2. ElfKaa

    UFO Extender

    As I remember this "modification" Tycho add because of that it is told somewhere and it should follow the description of Silacoid race. I also dislike this patch and I tried to remove it also.. But as Tycho did not uploaded source, it is more harder to modify it in binary..
  3. ElfKaa

    UFO Extender

    Hi ArivaldH. If you have constant base defense missions crashes try to disable the equipment screen before the base defense mission start by putting 0 into the "Defence Missions=0" option into bug fix section. Maybe it will help.. I don't believe that this equipment screen option added recently is working at all and in my opinion it may cause problems in the defense mission. You then have to use my modded 1.34.4m that has this option to disable it and revert back to original behavior. The original 1.34.4 don't include this option!
  4. ElfKaa

    UFO Extender

    The main problem of the extender versions is that Tycho often not just released fixed version by the next release, but add some new patches into his next release, but usually again with some new bugs So there is no version that is simply fixed previous version. It seems to me the latest 1.31.9 is then the most complex fixed, but still not perfect stable and without new patches that is included in the 1.32+ A pity that there is no source code offered by Tycho of the latest extender that will enable someone more skilled then me to continue this work and fix the latest version in the source.
  5. ElfKaa

    UFO Extender

    Hi Echelon117, thank you, with my pleasure! I like that game a lot but I have not much time for playing it more yet.. I just like the game and tries the best to preserve it like it was! But I tested lots of versions and was watching that project for long time, but I prefer 1.31.9 - the only small patch I did into it was the graphics glitches patch of some of the windows.. I may also put here.. It is still not perfect stable - more stable is the 1.34.4 - but 1.34.4 is totally different and have that bugs mentioned - but should be in my opinion most stable.. Even that - the best for playing with the original feeling better use 1.31.9. If it will crash, you can use my battlescape loader for loading the latest crashing mission and play it from beginning again.. With regards Lukas / ElfKaa
  6. ElfKaa

    UFO Extender

    Hi UFO fans, I uploaded modified executable which I am using as a loader for loading the last crashed battlescape. So you will not loose the last game even if it crashed. USE THIS TOOL only for SAVING the last state into normal save game slot! Then exit and load the saved game normally! DON´T USE THIS TOOL for playing the game! It is not created for this! It contains bugs and will not show you the score screen after finishing the battlescape and also can harm your save game. How it works: After start it loads the last mission from the MISSDAT folder. The last battlescape is restarted from beginning and you are able to save it! BUT ALWAYS DO BACKUP before overwriting your working game with this last battlescape. How to use: At first open README1ST.txt!! And read carefully. You will need to copy all the content of the zip into the game directory. Then you need to modify the UFOLastb131.ini as described in the README1ST.txt or you will be using my own setting and may not work for you properly on your computer! lastbattleen.zip
  7. ElfKaa

    UFO Extender

    For the one who is still interested in the 1.34.4 extender I uploaded my latest modded one. There is only a small difference from the previous one - that now you can add "Defence Missions=" 1 or 0 into bug fix section to enable/disable equipment screen before the base defence missions start. If it is 0 then it will not appear and you will not be able to equip your soldiers before the base defence mission start like it was in the original game. (Defence is written with C - but I am not good in english and I seen C and also S - but you should write "Defence Missions=") patcher1344m_defence_missions.zip
  8. ElfKaa

    UFO Extender

    Hi again, after long time not tested UFO game I tried to play with my modded version 13.4.4. I tried to fix the bugs in it but it seems it is really buggy a lot! Here was mentioned the counting of scores from the missions - I played the game from just the beginning on beginner level and I shoot down the UFO and in the battle there survived only one alien. I shoot him in the second turn and nobody was harmed not killed, but I got negative points for loosing one men and yes - I missed one after returning from the mission back to base So - there are so many freak things that may happen while you will play with the latest extender 1.34.4. I can not truly recommend to use it for serious playing if you really wont have that kind of surprises like me .) Maybe in the other way it could be stable later - I don¨t know - but still you have to count with unexpected So definitely better use 1.31.9 if you really like to play serious this game with an extender.. You may notice bugs in it and you can have few crashes also but I am sure that it did not contain this unexpected behavior like you can see while using the latest one!
  9. ElfKaa

    UFO Extender

    ArivaldH: If you have CONSTANT crashes, try to make a backup of the whole game and replace all the extender (patcher) files (exe, ini and dll) with one of the previous version then try to finish the battle. Then try to return the latest patcher back.. Also try 1.31.9 seems the most stable to me.. If this will not help, probably yet there is a problem with the game data files..
  10. ElfKaa

    UFO Extender

    Hi all UFO fans, I read your messages. I am just a fan as you and my modified version is not perfect. The problem is as it was already said - Tycho did a lot of work unfinished and buggy. It seems he left the project and didn´t offer source code. I recommend not to use the later patchers for playing on higher difficulty levels. I only fixed few bugs in the latest binary, with a try to get closer to the original game on beginner level, but I can not fix all the mentioned bugs. So - better use 1.31.x as it can be worse, but in few cases better and you can mod and change what you like in the ini. In my opinion if the project may continue, it needs a programmer that may fix the patcher from the latest source version 1.31.x Patches that were made later can be reapplied and should be better tested before applying new patches and improvements. A pity Tycho changed the strategy to combine patches together.. So you are completely unable to remove not working "fixes". I think it is simply not good and this is what I tried to change in my modded version - but just into compiled binary and not to source.. So I call to anyone who is enough skilled and like this project to help to continue and rework the Tycho´s patches because it seems Tycho is long time uninterested and still off.
  11. ElfKaa

    UFO Extender

    Hi skaw8477, why you are unhappy with the 1.34.4 that I fixed? I think I have already removed that patch that disabled you catching any live aliens.. If you use alternate patches then you may get some freak behavior. I don´t think everything is done well and may contain errors. That is why I removed what could cause problems in my opinion, so you have more stable game. If you prefer modding, better use OpenXCom. It is completely new game made from scratch that looks like the original game and may behave similar to the original but has lot more possibilities. But it is not based on the original code like the extender is. It is new game uses the old graphics. 1. Try my fixed version to make the research. 2. Try the original 1.34.4 version 3. Try to disable alternate research and use my fixed version. Send me the game and I will try it in my setup.
  12. ElfKaa

    UFO Extender

    Alright.. If you will have the same crashes again try to exchange patcher into 1.31.9 or disable the patches in 1.34.4 by putting Apply =0 into Bug Fix section and send me result..
  13. ElfKaa

    UFO Extender

    can you send me the game where the crashes appears?
  14. ElfKaa

    UFO Extender

    You are right, I already implemented fix for base defense crash.. So - my summary is not complete But - yes - I have also the crashes in the Alien base missions - random.. If you have random crashes, try to disable the all the patches temporarily by put Apply=0 into bug fix section.. If it will continue with crashing - I am afraid I will not be able to help..
  15. ElfKaa

    UFO Extender

    I am not sure what is causing this crashes but it seems I didn´t yet implemented the fix for the base defence crash - an error I found in the latest patcher.. The crashes happens to me before the equipment screen.. Celatid clones is the think that I hate at all I don´t know if it does this patch but when I will find that patches I will remove them - or will add an option to be on/off if it will be possible.. Stay tuned I will soon upload new version with the base defence crash fixed.. Maybe it will solve you the ingame (battlescape base) crashes also..
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