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Lt.Havoc last won the day on October 4 2014

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About Lt.Havoc

  • Birthday 12/03/1983

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    Reading, writing, pc gaming

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  1. While we are talking about guns, there are 2 well actually 3 pistols that I think are missing from the game, that are the Whalter P38, standard German sidearm as well as the PP and PPK pistols who where also used by the German forces in WWII. The PPK was often used by the GESTAPO with a silencer, I think those guys would also end up in the hands of Partisan groups.
  2. Nice models, I am glad that there is someone now that can do that. Say would you be able to make a G43/K43 model as well? I always found it strange that both Silent Storm and Sentinels both just had the G41, that was more an experiment and not as refined as the G43/K43. @Blunter: So, we totally ditched the idea of an Alt-WWII "Wired War" scenario that we had been working on previously? Aw man, I really like that idea with the whole Wolfenstein/Indiana Jones inspired World War II or post WWII with all those strange things going on that you have to uncover.
  3. Hmm, interesting change of direction, just wonder what is left of any of the story I have been working on. I am a bit surprised about that. Also, now that photobucket no longer allows hosting of images expect you pay 400 bucks a year, I have to look for a new place to host my images. Any suggestions?
  4. Well, Wolfenstein The New Order sure is a different game, it is good but there is also a lot of things that they changed. I mean, the first one is that Nazis took over the world and you had been in a catatonic state for 14 years and wake up in a world thats baiscally fucked and go to fight the nazi regime. The tone is a lot more serious then in the other game and BJ is more of an anti hero who often laments the fact he cant do anything but killing, how much he hatwes nazis and how much he wishes it would all be over. The problem I have with New Order is the fact that despite the serious tone, there are still really goofy things in it, like all those Alterative World pop culutere refernces in form of Die Käfer and the whole Nazis on the moon thing, not to mention that there is some very odd dialouge at times. (The scene where you are in Berlin and pick up a phone call and the guy on the other line is shouting ata Müller and what an asshole he is and he can fuck off, for example). Old Blood, the stand alone is a love letter to the original Wolfenstein and is chock full of stuff you would expect in a Wolfenstein game, it has all the stuff the original wolfenstein made good. I would give it a try. Also, did you mean the 2009 Wolfenstein game? I dont know what everyone has, but I like it, it was a very puply wired WWII/Alternate WWII game that was very old school in its approach and in its gameplay. I played the shit out of that game. I mean, it had everything the other game had, Nazi super soldiers, Nazi super weapons, Nazi zombies, strange interdimensional alien things that where very lovecraftian, refernces to all those things the Nazis supposeldy did, the whole Thule Geslleschaft etc. No idea why people felt so dissapointed in it, I think if it would be done today, folks would be excited. Ah well. Anyway as for the pposters, let me help you: 1. A poster/ sign - "Bio-Hazard" would be "Biologishe Gefahr" 2. Poster/ label - "Bio-Waste" would be "Biologische Abfälle" 3. Sign - "Danger! High Voltage! Risk of Shock." - "Warnung! Starkstrom. Lebensgefhar!" 4. Sign - "Do Not Enter" - "Betreten Verboten!" 5. Sign - "Lab" or "Laboratory" - Would be "Laboratorium" or "Labor" 6. Sign - "Equipment Storage" - would be "Ausstatungs Lager" oder "Ausrüstungs Lager" 7. Document Title - "Research Manifest" - would be "Forschungs Manifest/ Forschungs Liste" 8. Document Title - "Memo"/ (memorandum) - would be "Memorandum" 9. Sign - "Research Subjects" - would be "Forschungs Objekte" 10. Sign - "Keep Quiet" and "Keep Away" - would be "Ruhe Bitte!" and "Nicht Betreten/Draußen bleiben/Nicht Stören" 11. Sign - "Restricted Area" and "Authorized Personnel Only" - would be "Sperrgebiet" und "Nur für Autoriesiertes Personal"
  5. So, here I was checking out Wolfenstein The New Order and The Old Blood and this thread project comes alive while I am in a mood for alternate WWII scenarios. Glad to see you black Blunter, sorry to hear about all that mess, hope things will improve soon. Great stuff so far.
  6. Ah, I was wondering why Blunter was not posting here, I figured he was just very busy. Well, getting a new computer can be expensive, I just recently got myself a new PC as well, so I know how it is to be without a PC for awhile and trying to get the funds for a new PC.
  7. By the way, there are duplicated images in the post where you go confront Doctor Larson, you posted the image where you question his assistant twice. It would not be a problem if the lets player I watch did not manage to make Larson confess and I really would like to know why we did what he did.
  8. Well, when I used Random Strom with Blunters mod, several of the mercs where messed up as well as certain outfits etc. The newest version of the Blunters mod already adds new encounters to the game anyway so there is no reason to use Random Storm.
  9. As far as I know, Blunters mod does not work with Random Storm, so you should not use that together, as for weapon name fixes, Blunters mod already covers that so thats not needed. Try using Blunters mod by itself without any other mods.
  10. I still wonder why the Arms Dealer is a problem or are you intending to change how you get your weapons? If it bugs you so much, make him a Quarter Master that gives you some of the earlier stuff for free and you have to buy the other weapons off him. As I stated, it would be nice if the weapons selection was a bit bigger even earlier on. Also, any developments on the 3d models front? Anyone here willing to model weapons for this mod (well, rather create a pure weapons mod with new guns) and give the file over to Blunter? I mean, not to long ago someone here posted a question about custom 3d models because he was trying to put an AK rifle into the game.
  11. Ah yes thank you Blunter, totally forgot that I requested this.
  12. Those explosives look great. Cant wait to blow up some stuff!
  13. The last uniform looks like they are supposed to be Gundam Officer uniforms from the bad guys. The Federation I think they are called, I could be wrong.
  14. You cant link images directly from your computer, you need to attach it or use a image host and link it here.
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