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Okim last won the day on September 4 2019

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About Okim

  • Birthday 11/21/1981

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    Russian Federation
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  1. UFO ACM Mod 2020 Link: https://yadi.sk/d/8TYRyPXWsYbQzQ?w=1 New features: 1. Raiders! Raiders are armed with melee weapons, pistols, smgs and shotguns mostly. Those wearing armor are using assault rifles. There are also so called 'leaders' who are using simple sniper rifles, mgs and launchers. Unlike other factions Raiders do not progress over phases. They are a trouble early on due to player being underequipped and understaffed, but provide that much needed source of weaponry to prepare for Cultists arrival. Later on they are the best way to train your new recruits. 2. New powerful scopes! - Rangemaster Scope improves accuracy and range by 25% and reduces recoil by 25% too. Makes your hard hitting shotguns and plasmas much more effective. - Achiles Targetting Unit increases damage dealt by weapon it is installed on by 25%. Makes firearms with accelerator even more deadlier. - both scopes are compatible with majority of weapons, including desert eagle, plasma pistol and almost all shotguns. 3. New ammo types! - .45 explosive ammo (EXPLOSIVE damage). - .44 explosive ammo (EXPLOSIVE damage). - 9x19mm acid ammo (BURN damage). - shotgun flechette pellets (HARD damage, per pellet damage, 12 pellets a shot). Fixes and changes: - plasma missiles were moved to energy factory - warp missiles were moved to hyper energy factory - all airguns were moved from medical factory to basic factory (darts are still being produced at med factory) - poison darts and poison grenades were replaced by acid darts and acid grenades dealing burn damage - added new models for combat scope (red version) and all the ammo boxes - made mp5sd6 a one handed smg to allow ranger-commando soldiers to benefit from carrying two of these weapons - added advanced scopes slot to desert eagle and plasma pistol - brought back a few missions that were removed some very long time ago (protect civilians during mutant, raider and cultist attacks, capture mutant) - mutant beasts and reticulans are grouped together and will always be present side by side - cultists have accomodated reticulan remnants at their bases and figured out how to tame mutants, so expect them having two of these allies as well on some missions - reticulan-only encounters were replaced by raiders Known issues: - Raiders appear with 'local human / cyborg / psionic' name tags. Not sure how to fix this yet, so just make sure you shoot the proper 'local human' on aid missions XD - Attachments and some weapons have shifted images in inventory. Needs some camera adjustments which i have no idea how to do. Yet. - Some texts in old saves might display wrong item names - these are hardcoded into savegames. - Advanced Airgun in old saves is bugged and will display as .50cal ammo box in hand. Carefully remove it from your trooper and rebuild the new airgun.
  2. I hear you. I'm currently reviwing this project and will surely adress the recruits issue that the mod had. Original decision was to make the game much more difficult and your soldiers much more valuable, but recorvering from losses is indeed a bit too harsh even with drone replacements. I've created a discord channel where i'm going to keep the discussion running. If you have smth to suggest/discuss or simply want to keep in touch - here is the linky: https://discord.gg/QYA8H8m
  3. And the first custom avatar for Russians:
  4. Not much. Especially in regards to combat AI. There are some values to adjust how fast AI makes checks on various things and how it reacts, but it all includes mainly collision, general movement and weapon choices. As for the strategic - there are ways to influence some choices by costs and tech requirements. This is not much though and is not really directly linked to AI.
  5. Screenshots from the testing of new models:
  6. Yeah, i`m glad to be back into modding SOTS once again. In those many years since i started and finished the first mod of mine for SOTS - i graduated, married, got two kids one of which is now at school! And still as you said - there is nothing out there that is equal or even close to SOTS. Even Stellaris with its overdosed variety of choices and stuff is not that inspiring as SOTS. As for the mod`s playable version - it will take a while. I`m progressing way too slowly. The pace is around 3 models + textures for them in 2 weeks. And to cover at least DEs for a single faction i need 45 such models (each one is a section). Rough estimates are summer. Around this time i might have 2-3 factions ready. -- == -- I would like to ask for some assistance since there is smth i can`t do myself for this mod. I need voice actors! Since all the factions in the mod are humans and vanilla`s are aliens with unique accents and traditions inspired phrases - i need people to record all of the phrases for each faction. Probably also a person to write these down in a proper way. So, if there are volunteers - please let me know!
  7. Hey all! It was a long while since i posted smth here, so i have no idea if the forums are still alive and community is still interested in modder`s works around here. Anyway, i would like to share a bit of info on my current (and probably the last) grand project - TCM: FC mod for Sword of The Stars. What is TCM: FC? It is a story of humanty`s reincarnation after a devastating interstellar war with... humanity itself. The thing is - in Fragmented Sectors universe humanity never really united under one banner and ended up colonising space not as some SolForce or Terran Hegemony or whatever else single human species, but as multiple independent rivaling factions. The initial colonisation was peaceful and factions managed to grow wide and large, but in the end it all went wrong and a full scale war burned all these factions into pre-warp isolated and abandoned worlds scattered all over the once 'civilized' space. Without connection to their empires, without the supplies so badly needed for growing, without any military forces except for local militia - these worlds barely could survive the hardships of their worlds. Many such worlds never managed to recover, some were raided by marauders, but a few managed to preserve the technologies and traditions of their founding empires. One such lost world which managed to secure what little technology and resources were left after the war comes under player`s control. Eager to crawl out of the ruins back into space your people are ready to follow you under your banner and under whatever fancy name you come up with for your newly reborn empire! In TCM:FC there are no living alien species in proximity to old Earth. The entire sector the game takes place was once the center of humanity civil war. Whatever artifacts and derelicts you find, whatever ancient menaces are lurking the void - they are all products of human empires of old. Factions The mod is centered around old Earth unions that were established when the FTL travel became available. These factions are Russian Stellar Federation, Independent Stars of Americas, United Interstellar Nations, Xin Lao Empire. These four were responsible for the war and are considered to be 'major' factions of old. The other two factions are relatively young and should be seen as children of that apocalypse. They are the Federation of Free Stars and Marauder Clans. RSF. Formed from old Russia and its allies including some of the Soviet Union former states. Isolationists, preffering to be kept alone. RSF are to replace vanilla SOTS Hivers meaning that they will do whatever they want often ignoring others. They do expand agressively, but do that slowly. RSF ships are sturdy, but slow. Very well armed, but focused on frontal assaults and thus can easily be outmaneuvered. ISA. Former USA in its entiriety with Japan and South America nations being either absorbed or allied. Interventive idealists willing to expand their influence. ISA replaces vanilla Humans in the mod, which makes them the fastest to expand and make contact with. They strike fast if they are up to that, but also are adequate in terms of diplomacy. ISA ships are fast, balanced and always carry missiles. Always! UIN. European Union with Australia, African states and Canada merged into. Ruthless traditionalists that judge by strength first and culture next. UIN replaces tarkas with all the inherited diplomacy and strategies. They are hard to make peace if you are weak, but are respective if you can stand for yourself. UIN ships focus on broadside warfare with most of their weapons capable of focus fire at each of the sides. XLE. Chineese and India alliance with many other near by nations absorbed into a vast Empire. XLE are the most peaceful faction of all available often preffering to make peace as soon as possible. XLE replaces vanilla Liir species. This means that they are eager to cooperate more than anyone else. Ships of this faction are swift and deadly. They are bird-like in looks and are being designed to use vertical axis more than traditional horisontal as other factions have. FFS. Federation of Free Stars are a young alliance of several surviving worlds that was formed as a desperate measure to withstand arising Marauders threat in their sector. Being formed from worlds of various factions they decided to leave away all the hostilities of the past and form a new nation rather then preserve traditions of those who have failed before them. FFS are vanilla Morrigi with emphasize on trade over war. They can trade with anyone else they have contact with. FFS ships are very fast and always carry drones. However, they are not very well armed. MAR (Marauders). This 'faction' is more a group of bands and clans rather than anything centralised that can be called a 'faction'. Marauders raid, enslave, kill, raze, steal and defile everything in their way. Peace is rarely an option for them. Marauders are Zuul. It is believed that they were formed from remnants of the border worlds that suffered the worst of the war. Their unique immunity to bioweapons make a good support for this probably being the result of the constant exposure to such hazards during the war. Marauders fly on abominations of whatever salvaged ships and parts they were able to come by. These scrap build vessels are fragile, but fast and deadly. Info sources. The mod has its own page on the official SOTS forums here: http://www.kerberos-...hp?f=16&t=57976 And a gallery of images on my personal Behance account here: https://www.behance....548965/SOTS-TCM I keep slowly progressing with this mod and try to release some updates on the progress in the official thread above. So, be in touch Some screenshots of in-game RSF ships:
  8. Sorry, guys, i`m currently extremely busy with work and family and wont be comming to any way of modding within the next few years. Pretty much i can say that this mod is ceasing it`s development...
  9. Yeah, the bird is dead. I have lost all the data in 2015. So i have nothing to work with except just models and textures. The only hope for this mod to possibly see some progress is if someone still has the achive with the latest version somewhere.
  10. While i`m trying to figure out how to make my S3 editor to work again here is a little extra for you to glare at http://vk.com/album-79492997_207641927 This is a 5-years old project for Warhammer 40k that i`m currently actively reanimating and polishing. It is a stompa for the Armageddon version of WH40k, but with the new rules this tough guy can be used in normal battles. Thanks. Glad to know that S3 is still being popular these days. Regarding modding - i usually prefer doing things alone as this is my hobby - not a way to get some fame/money/whatever. So i`ll decline your offer, but thanks anyway.
  11. Something odd has just happened with my Silent Strom Sentinels. All of a sudden the editor crashes with the 'failed to initialise Direct3D' error. The odd thing is that everything worked fine just a month ago. Have anybody stumbled on something similar? And the game itself is working strange. Glass is not transparent, gun models are misplaced, antialiasing has gone...
  12. I don`t wish to disappoint you, but the mod is far away from being finished. It is just a set of 4 missions out of 18+ plus randoms plus minor missions plus more weapons plus powered armours. I get a feeling that this one may turn into my life-time project
  13. There is a significant difficulty shift where 'normal' provides no bonuses to both sides (unlike in the original one). To be short - normal is difficult in APN. As for head shots and shotguns - it fires 10 pellets at an average accuracy of 10%, so it is normal to get hit by at least 1 pellet at such distance (which is considered short BTW). There is an issue with AI which always tries to hit in the head instead of firing normally, so it is also a normal situation to get hit in the head with the shotgun. This i can`t fix.
  14. Hi, guys. I think that i`m ready to release what i have now. It is a set of 4 missions, weapon conversions, a couple of randoms and some other stuff i was working this year. Link is in the OP.
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