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Where's the Power Suits?

Psy Guy

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As a fan of x-com and a concerned future citizen of Mega-Primus i was wondering what ever happen to the awsome power suits. Those bad boys were strong yet agile, expensive yet cost effective, and they look so COOL :) . Any theories on what ever happened to them?
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It was decided that power suits would make repelling attack easy, therefore all prototypes

were destroyed and scientists that worked on them pumped full of an M4000 magazine... :hmmm:


Luckily none of the 2084 firearms are very lethal, so most scientists survived to draw

plans for the XCOM blue armour. :)

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Dang I'm here too late to voice my opinion as DHawk beat me to it! What about the sonic pulsers? Did they contain Zrbite? Come to think of it... What is Zrbite and where the heck did it come from... Presumably if it all came fromT'Leth then the alien's would have eventually run out of ships... They would then no longer be a threat and we'd never have to nuke T'Leth... Or would we?
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It says it's a mix of gold and alien bio matter, so they probably mined/pillaged some of the gold when their supplies went low, slapped together some ingredients, then tossed it in the deep frier and made stuff out of it.
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more accurately... most plasma/elerium based equipment was abandoned due to elerium shortages...


and then the zrbite based equipment was discarded due to all zrbite becoming inactive due to tleth going boom. (it was all regulated by tleth iirc).


now this dimension / disruptor tech becomes inactive when the dimension gates are destroyed ( i think) why oh why cant they make stuff which keeps working!

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...Yes, but now we have Elerium again. No reason to burn the blueprints just because of a materials shortage, is there?


And since when were all the cities destroyed? Mega-Primus is just an experimental self-contained city, not the only one left.


Doesn't really matter, though. Unless the Plasma technology has been severely decreased in power, Megapol armor is around the level of Power armor, I think.

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I'm afraid the only head-to-toe 'Power Armour' in the game is the Marsec armour, which is sadly the weakest of the bunch. It looks bulky, but provides the defensive strength of a paper wall. Probably has something to do with Marsec developing them as space-suits for mining synthetic elerium in space.


Look at all the exposed bits in the Megapol and X-Com armour. The poor dummy in the ufopaedia has more , for lack of a better word, exposed 'skin' than anything. I seriously wonder HOW the armour blocks any incoming blows.


I bet the megapol armourers must be sniggering behind your back. It's not as if they arm their cops with the megapol armour anyway! :power:



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I was thinking more along the lines of the surface of the mannequin that would be skin if it were an organic being.


Of course, even then, it looks like a rubbery substance that would still rip to shreds if it were to come into contact with a paper knife.


Of course, it looks cool. I suppose that makes up for a lot of it eh? :power:



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Hell the border worlds have encountered conflicts with the original aliens and thats were the E-115 is. X-Com defends the border colonies from the aliens and the aliens have powerful plasma based weapons (and they blasters!!) so they would need military grade armor not some off the shelf pieced armor that megapol and marsec makes (besides marsec took alot of the technology that x-com had so why can't they make better armor and weapons). Also what ever happen to gauss and laser weapons???? The only thing that would explain all the weak weapons is that this X-COM is a more civilian/ private organization style defence force not a "military unit". This resulting in them not being allowed to have the powerful weapons which are considered "military grade" (No HWPs, No Power Suits, No Powerful Plasma Weapons, No Powerful Laser Weapons).


-PSY GUY- :power:

(if my theory is correct then the NRA must run Mega Primus)

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helmets: if there is one piece of armour you don't want to be with out it's the body piece. if their are two its the body piece and the helmet. the reason is thus: locational damage is implemented in apoc. head shots and body shots are the only ones that can do the full damage potential. arm and leg shots can only do 1/3 of the unit's max health.


weak looking bits on x-com armour: the x-com disruptor armour may as well be made of tissue paper, as its not the strength of the material that counts... afaik its based on alien disruptor shield technology. (probably a passive form). which is why its soo light.

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Yes, they need small PDS-like shields to cover the gaps. :power:


Seriously though, you'd think they'd at least build a gorgot or whatever the proper name is for those armoured collars worn by knights that go around your neck to offer some protection from the brainsuckers. It's the least your scientists could do after studying the wretched things.


Perhaps Power Armour from UFO would have been too useful. I mean, all round protection. Look, the brainsuckers wouldn't know what to latch onto, what with the one antennae impaling them all the time.



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My theory: The prohibitive cost of elerium makes it too damn expensive to create an anti-gravity system needed to be able to move around in traditional powered armor. After all, it take a lot of elerium to power a suit of powered armor. The elerium used to power plasma weapons is probably measured in grams or milligrams.
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